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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1658854 No.1658854 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know who started this NEETS > Wagecucks meme but being a NEET fucking sucks. I can only assume those NEETS who are able to live the comfy life are trust fund babbies. I just wish I had a fucking job so that I could spend my time more productively. Even though I technically have endless free time virtually all of it is spent shitposting onm 4chan, playing video games and watching TV, movies and anime. Reading anything or learning something new takes too much effort for my brain to handle because my attention span is like 5 seconds. I wish I could break out of this vicious cycle and just get a job but my work history is like 0 with no useful skills or experience.

>> No.1658855

>inb4 try /r9k/

>> No.1658859

you could uh, channel your NEET energies into something more productive like trading or shilling cryptocoins and RH penny stocks.. Thats what i do

mad gainz from the comfort of the NEET basement

>> No.1658863

wtf is stopping u from getting a shitty minimum wage job

>> No.1658887

>wtf is stopping u from getting a shitty minimum wage job

a shitty minimum wage job is whats stopping me from getting a shitty minimum wage job

>> No.1658928

>"I want a job but I don't want to work"

See? That's your problem.

>> No.1658935

Why not make games?


>> No.1658975

some autist on /r9k/

but yeah, being a NEET sucks, life is short and they are hurting themselves, they should at least get help with whatever mental illness has left them like that

>> No.1658995

Youre living the dream fampai, you just dont realize it yet

>> No.1659003
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Neet life is best life. Wagecucks will tell you that being a slave is the best kind of life you could hope for.

If you work for someone, you give them some of the value of your production. Nothing more than a slave. sad.

>> No.1659043

Just some advice from an oldfag. The general rule is never do what /b/ or on a grander scale what 4chan tells you, so why are you listening now? The advice from most people is the advice of someone who is in their teens to late twenties. At some point your parents are going to kick you out or die. The entire plan of just dying/killing yourself generally won't happen since you would have done it long ago. Your family basically hates you at this point for being a leach so no one will take you in. The kinds of investments discussed on this board are not the kind that can sustain you indefinitely or are so small in scale they won't sustain any kind of standard of living, much less internet connection to fill your pointless hours of the day and be able to do your investments properly. In the end, you only have a few years to build SOME kind of foundation. There needs to be some kind of work history, even if it is at the bottom of the food chain just to show that you are capable of handling even basic work. The older you get the less likely you will be bale to get such a job, much less hold it, since you never gained the social skills in the first place to handle any kind of real work environment. Your life training did not end the moment you got out of school and eventually the time will come when you will have no one to hold you up and if you have not readied yourself you will be left in the dust.

>> No.1659087

t.cuckoo mc wagecuck

>> No.1659176

>The kinds of investments discussed on this board are not the kind that can sustain you indefinitely or are so small in scale they won't sustain any kind of standard of living

You clearly haven't heard about Waves.

>> No.1659188

...Annnnd this is the future section 8 cuck. Booted from neet some and to fucking lazy to apply itself to a job so that it can get a better job and provide for itself.
Thanks for taking my paycheck faggot. Either now or in the future.


>> No.1659189

Unless u work a side gig and transfer over.

Fucking fake ass disabled cunt.

>> No.1659211

My attention span was also shit when I went NEET. I don't know the exact science behind it but something about sitting in a computer chair on your computer just rots your brain and you can't do shit but waste time and distract yourself. It's actually easier to make use of your time when you have some type of job that keeps you active. What helped me was instead of getting a slave labor job I started waking up early and fixing my shitty NEET sleep schedule, I would jog every day at 7am and I got a gym membership and starting lifting 4x a week. I also started eating healthy and made more of an effort to get out and do stuff with friends. All of this combined fixed my ADHD attention span problem of being a NEET and I could focus my energy more on studying. If you can't find the energy to make the initial changes I would reccomend trying nofap, taking Adderall, or just getting a job.

>> No.1659223

im currently in the vicious cycle aswell, but im slowly breaking out. looking for a job right now, started lifting weights and waking up earlier, and i started studying so i can apply to university next year

>> No.1659244

What vicious cycle? There is no cycle. Just get a fucking job.

>> No.1659661

Basically this. The comfy NEET dream can be achieved with the right mindset and actions. Your brain will turn into mut when you wake up at 4pm, sit infront of the PC all day and go to bed at 3am. Wake up at normal hourse, I recommend 7 or 8 am. Get hobbys which don't involve a screen or at least aren't just dumb consuming. Woodwork, electronics, writing, drawing, model planes... literally everything. Do some kind of physical activity; jogging, lifting or even just going for 60 minute walks. Get fresh air. Eat decent stuff and high protein (oat meal for breakfast, eggs, chicken...). A good nutrition can keep away this foggy brain and everything feeling muddy and hard to do. Weird feeling.

t. used to be a NEET for one year after high school

>> No.1659793

Basically this.
And nofap... There's no scientific evidence behind it (yet) but if you're a porn addict and you can stop, you'll have tons of energy to restart your life.

>> No.1659795

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.