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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16585326 No.16585326 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16585332
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>> No.16585346


>> No.16585356

No you

>> No.16585363

So one more dump soon/today?

>> No.16585365
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1561822831547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fail from Mr Shits. BSV is dumping squidward.

>> No.16585368

Who said anything about it pumping

>> No.16585442

Stop with the riddles and tell us to short or long faggot

>> No.16585464

That dump yesterday wasn't even the worst part. Break the wall and it will flood. Yes soon

>> No.16585469

I don't give financial advice or insider info

>> No.16585482

Stop margin trading

>> No.16585500

>dump wasn't the worst part
>I don't give financial advice
>stop margin trading
Take your meds

>> No.16585506

I'm not telling you to buy or sell and margin trading is gambling seek help

>> No.16585630

If you intend to become an attention whore at least provide something in return. Else you'll be forgotten by this board with less impact than favelanon.

>> No.16585683


He is short right now, but long on genesis

>> No.16585839

Willy and Zulu anon seemed like bros who wanted to help out. Your motives seem less clear. What's your game, fren? And without doxing yourself, what's your background?

>> No.16585926

>I don't give financial advice or insider info
then what is the point of these larp threads?

>> No.16585953

it is still fascinating how idiots here on /biz always fall for these larpers

the cheaper and more primitve the bait, the more normans biting

/biz is dead

>> No.16586350
File: 95 KB, 474x711, 1568921985579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He makes failed predictions and otherwise posts bullshit. Poormansasassblaster/10

>> No.16586378

im gonna load up on this shit when if it goes to 50's

>> No.16586441

It will most likely go sub 50 and I'll be loading up as well

>> No.16586773

It might go to $5 if Ari is right.

>> No.16587432

How low will it go?

And what's next?

>> No.16587648

He’s actually just an edgy faggot who thinks he’s a spook

>> No.16587666

>Said it will continue down

Pick one

>> No.16588050

nice trips satan but still whats the point of these threads
you dont give any advice
you dnt give any insider info
you made a call about "november 15" and it turned out the mempool did get flooded at this day. but your post was so cryptic it made no sense beforehand.
then you called BSV to dump,again accurately. but you didnt say why, you didnt say how low, you dont say whats going on behidn the scenes. I dont understand the point of your threads except if you want to get attention, there is nothing actionable you give us. and I say this with all due respect. if you do have insider knowledge we would be happy to hear it but so far your threads have been pointless and have benefitted nobody.

>> No.16588148
File: 25 KB, 384x384, 67498243_150957922764879_1146402076589865785_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what coins do you like mr squidward? are you a linky?

>> No.16588211

This. At first faggot OP was like BSV is mooning and now he's like it's dumping so what man?? Fuck you OP you dirty glow nigger

>> No.16589064

Never said It was mooning, but it will. It's not about price I am always talking about building. BSV it building while others fear, fomo,did and panic about prices

>> No.16589079


>> No.16589110

please Mr. Squids...my famili
when moon?

>> No.16589922

ok but again, what are you trying to accomplish with these threads?

>> No.16590018


Nobody can tell how low it will go, maybe 50, maybe 5. Everything else is going down.

>> No.16590047

The truth

>> No.16590100

Are you Craig Wright?

>> No.16590101

>what are you trying to accomplish
>the truth
ok I guess we wont get much more out of you than lazy one liners and cryptic nonsense. in my book youre just another attention whore, kindly kys please sir

>> No.16590103

I will never give nor have I said I have insider knowledge

>> No.16590115

BSV celebrations soon.

>> No.16590119

My background? Well I'm a squid. We have whales, sharks , fish etc

I'm a squid

>> No.16590125

>I will never give nor have I said I have insider knowledge
you were clearly implying it though
again no point to these threads unless you wanna drop bombs or just attention whore, seems to be more of the latter unfortunately

>> No.16590144

Drop bombs... Well I wouldn't call them bombs as much as a heads-up to make people look for them selves.

I mean in all fairness if you held anything at all at this point when I called blood, you could have leveraged the situation

>> No.16590174


What's the meaning of Genesis to you? Care to clarify?

>> No.16590181

>i dont give financial advise
>i dont have insider knowledge
>i would never tell people to buy or sell
>hurr durr why didnt you use my secret insider intel?
if you have something spit it out or just go kys this is a complete waste of everyones time.

>> No.16590243

I like to drink

>> No.16590251

>I like to drink
Thats bad for you

>> No.16590255

whisky or wine?

>> No.16590300

or milkshake?

>> No.16590312

Hi unwriter

>> No.16590336


Scotch-whiskey or a milkshake sounds pretty good to me

>> No.16590371

I stopped drinking 4 month ago as it impairs me too bad. Do you drink every day? Why do you drink?

>> No.16590382



>> No.16590450

The beginning

>> No.16590545

Are you Calvin?

>> No.16591051

How high will BSV go? Make that prediction both by next week, EOY and in 2 years?

>> No.16591065

OP is a glownigger

>> No.16591086

>i Tip
Nice ID squid fren. Got any tips on where the bottom for BSV is

>> No.16591095

This faggot is a larger or glowing

>> No.16591202


Gensis upgrade