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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16585120 No.16585120 [Reply] [Original]

why is quality of google products going so downhill? they now have constant problems with majority of their products. Is it because of young and incompetent generation replacing old work force?

>> No.16585137

Forced equality and inclusiveness. The negatives of such hiring practices are slowly outweighing the positives. We will soon see a shift from SJW virtue signalling in the mainstream. Since the "opressed minorities" are fucking useless at almost everything.

>> No.16585642

naw, they'll just double-down like they always do and implode. The important thing is to find the company that will replace them and invest early for ez gains.

>> No.16585650

Nice subtle Link FUD ;)

>> No.16585662

Imo, corporations will look to hire less diverse, while importing more diverse into the western world. Less diverse is good for a work force. However, low iq non whites make great consumers. Ever realize how all chinks/jeets are total hype beasts?

>> No.16585676

please hire and give visa sirs. i am best programer in mumbai

>> No.16585873

Um it's greed -> cheapness.
Is anything less shitty now compared to 10 years ago? Are cars/Tesla the only economic innovation these humans can put out?

>> No.16586475

"Google products?" I use their search engine. What would I actually buy from them?

yes I know they make phones and shit but it's their search engine that is useful not all the other shit that some other company already has and probably made better than Google's version (Apple, Amazon, etc)...

>> No.16586505

>it's their search engine that is useful
>"...it's their search engine that is useful.."
oh anon, you do realize they not only censor their search engine, but take bribes from companies to make sure their name comes to the top when certain keywords are typed in... right?

>> No.16586757

Because that's the Silicon valley business model.
>huge losses so the product have amazing cost benefit for consumers.
>Acquire market share
>increase prices or decrease service quality
>Go broke

>> No.16586814

This post came just at the right time. The keyboard of my android phone stopped working today. Not a physical keyboard, it's a software bug that killed the touch keyboard. It almost makes me want to buy an iphone.

>> No.16586870

>grow fast and break things
So now everything is broken. Good job, Silicon Valley

>> No.16586882

Pajeets and women are replacing all the white men. Sad. Many such cases

>> No.16587004

Ever realize how stupid you sound?

>> No.16587056

He made a good point. And what's your counter-argument? "herrr u r stoopeed"

From a 3rd person's perspective you're the retard.

>> No.16587236

Google has like $80bn in cash reserves. Their advertising department makes 2.8bn profit, quarterly. They are not going broke anytime soon.

The real danger is in their lobbying arm. Pretty soon their symbiosis with big government will force you to use their products. Any veil of good customer service goes out the window then, and they become like British Railways. Technically private, but realistically state managed.

That said my brother runs a large company that relies on broad large advertising system s to succeed. He tells me Google customer service is far far far prefer able to the old system. Not even close really.

>> No.16587259


You realize how ignorant you sound?

>> No.16587411
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Aim higher

>> No.16587427

kek, Google is fucking done and they know it. Why do you think the former CEO are literally resigning and gtfo of the country

Next year they are getting FUCKED with anti-trust

>> No.16587535

It's a good time to diversify out of their positions for the large shareholders including Page and Brin.

Google is without a question a monopoly and they have abused their competitive position to push their globalist agenda. Too much of a risk of the company being broken up. I doubt Alphabet with exist as it does today in 20 years.

>> No.16587657

It's not so much it went downhill that some laggards are catching up on utilities (Microsoft mostly) and some startups are disrupting them in others since server costs are increasingly dirt cheap.

They still have Search and Youtube which are completely unchallenged but they failed hard on trying to get into social medias and are failing hard on subscription services too.
Google Drive/Doc and the Play Store was their real last big hit.

>> No.16587785

Diversity is apparently more important than functional products.

>> No.16587793

Imagine being this retard

>> No.16588041

they sure do love buying fucking trash I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, have you seen what chinks EAT for fucks sake? the amount of chemicals in their food causes serious birth defects it's why china is full of chinlets and they all look so fucked up seriously!!

>> No.16588056

>20 years

they are done within 2, and the gov is 100% going after their advertising gravy train. Google has pretty much pissed off everyone

>> No.16588328

I know.
And I don't believe Google, Facebook or Twitter will disappear anytime soon.
But I want every one that abuse that fancy pump and dump to be burn to the ground along with the chinks and arab money they got

>> No.16588350

DuckDuckGo for the win, other search engines are censored and highly controlled BS

>> No.16588399

White privilege is obviously to blame
Google will increase diversity until all of its problems cease

>> No.16588543

idk about you but i have to complete at least 2 sets of capchas to post - meaning a dozen challenges, i know half of this board is advertising but the other half i can request a biz board on dprk chan xyz is anyone interested?

>> No.16588593
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