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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16578610 No.16578610 [Reply] [Original]

(previous thread >>16573423)

“The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.”

– Satoshi Nakamoto

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin. It restores the original Bitcoin protocol, will keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale. Bitcoin SV will maintain the vision set out by Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper in 2008: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.




https://youtu.be/IOlvOiGPPio (The Crypto Blackpill)

https://archive.is/kjuLi (The Satoshi Affair)

https://youtu.be/i95kSYVUJIo (Genesis of a New Century)

https://www.mdpi.com/1999-5903/11/8/170 - (Artificial Intelligence Implementations on the Blockchain. Use Cases and Future Applications)

https://youtu.be/2765PgtHkVk (Daniel Krawisz - I think I figured out nChain's business model)

>> No.16578636
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please stop posting BSV price I bought at $240 and become so demoarlized I dont look at prices anymore. every time you faggots post the BSV price is just another shameful reminder of how retarded I am falling for craigs lies

>> No.16578663

Buy lower next time.

>> No.16578683

So I've been a supporter but havn't had a chance to really dive into some of the apps until today.

I set up money button today, got my paymail address bought (and reserved a few others) and holy shit this stuff works so fast/smooth. Money button alone kills so many competitors.

>> No.16578717
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You fell for the Pajeet scam instead of buying /our coin/. You still have time for redeption

>> No.16578749

>/our coin/

90% chance this retard is talking about a premined shittoken.

>> No.16578831
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BSV is going to $5

>> No.16578849

less than $5

>> No.16578966



>> No.16579100

Just bet on a turtle race with BSV, shit was so seemless, instant tx, micropayment, how can anything compete?

>> No.16579134

I lost so much on that shit. Won alot first but in the end I lost almost $100. just fucking kill me

>> No.16579152

lol, that would be gambling in a nut shell, sorry anon

>> No.16579193


More fucking posturing and delusion. Accept it anons, there's nothing special about BSV, other than marketing.
After all, price matters.

>> No.16579394
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>there's nothing special about BSV

>> No.16579430


Still at 7tps. What else?

>> No.16579498


That was in November 18 when the blocksize as still only 255MB. They're 2GB now and going to be unbounded in February. If you think BSV is 7tps you're massively uninformed.

>> No.16579512
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is it just me, or is it kind of strange that not once did he mention:
1. internet speeds
2. disk write speeds
3. data storage costs

>> No.16579525
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>> No.16579538
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>71.55 Mbps is the global average according to https://www.speedtest.net/global-index

>> No.16579550
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>a standard HDD/SSD can't write a terabyte in ten minutes

>> No.16579564
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you'd need something like this and you'd need one every ten minutes

144 blocks a day x 365 = 52,560 x $209.99 = $11,037,074.40 a year just to run a node

>> No.16579570


There are no 2GB blocks currently in production.
7tps was quoted recently by the nchain team.

>> No.16579576

Creg is a liar


>> No.16579628


>> No.16579726


>> No.16579755

Right, if only you could stripe data accross multiple HDDs, this isn't meant to run on some idiots gaming PC.

All of this is easily implemented in a data center for fucks sake.

>> No.16579781

on my single CPU, HDD, desktop at home.


If only there were scaling solutions already out there, if only there were already many many applications taking in that amount of data per day (every fuckin tech company).

You people are so fucking stupid it's bewildering.

>> No.16579786
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You're wasting your time. The guy doesn't understand running a node. He thinks Bitcoin at scale is something you run off your laptop.

>> No.16579808

What cracks me up is all these low IQ crypto enthusiasts are in the same class as arm chair meta physicists who have giant egos and actually think they are smart, yet have no understanding at all. I now know what it must be like for actual people with PHDs in physics listening to retards drone on about quantum mechanics.

>> No.16579847
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I'm just asking questions

>> No.16579877

>what is moores law
>7 posts by this id

>> No.16579907

Give it to time fren.

>> No.16579924

No, you are just spreading FUD. You can take the effort to go search on HDD read write speeds, but can't do the research to realize there are plenty of established ways to exceed the rates of a single HDD???

That's obviously bullshit, or you are a complete retard. You don't even have to research it, you can exercise common sense by looking at the world around you, observing companies like facebook and twitter.

But go ahead, use the token "I am very smart" logical fallacy defense. The go to defense when you try to establish your keen intellectual prowess in a neckbeard tier argument.

>> No.16579968
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>What Is Moore's Law?

>Moore's Law refers to Moore's perception that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years, though the cost of computers is halved. Moore's Law states that we can expect the speed and capability of our computers to increase every couple of years, and we will pay less for them. Another tenet of Moore's Law asserts that this growth is exponential.


>71.55 × 2
>143.10 × 2
>286.20 × 2
>572.40 × 2
>1144.80 × 2
>2289.60 × 2
>4579.20 × 2
>9158.40 × 2

so about 15 years until the global average catches up

>> No.16579990
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>global average

Does this shit look average to you?

>> No.16580002

I'm sorry you're stupid anon. Do you know regular people have 10gbps internet? You probably don't because you're stupid which means you're probably poor. But it is possible right now to scale to terabyte blocks. Sorry.

>> No.16580012

the discussion is about nodes

>> No.16580019

Also no reason each node needs the full chain locally, can easily be shared cloud storage accessed as needed.

>> No.16580026

the only bitcoin 'nodes' are miners, retard. read the whitepaper.

>> No.16580032

Wtf do you think a node is??? This explains everything, it's a raspberry pi boy

>> No.16580041

It's like talking to a wall. Just keep buying BTC, dude.

>> No.16580076

I know you guys like to blur the lines and just say they're the same thing, but there's a difference

>> No.16580095

How poor are you?

>> No.16580101
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>unironically posting Bitcoin Judas

>> No.16580111

The good news is people who will create utility and value for Bitcoin (no matter what ticker symbol) actually know system architecture, data engineering, pipelines, etc. And the tech choice is obvious. In the end that is all that matters for the future, not a bunch of "hobbiests"

It's like comparing someone who crunches data in Excel with someone who runs Spark clusters with hdfs processing terrabytes of data, and finds the task as trivial.

>> No.16580158
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If you think avg. anything (bandwidth, HDD capacity, etc.) matters for a professionalized distributed ledger where mining nodes are arranged as a small world network, you are not just "asking questions" you are a goddamn retard stuck repeating 2015 blocksize debate talking points

>> No.16580169
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>> No.16580603

Sirs peer game is giving out 0.01 bsv to anyone that logs on their chat via money button. Not sure how long the promo lasts so I’d do it sooner than later. You gotta have an older money button account for it to work btw new ones won’t work to prevent pajeets from making tons of new accounts

>> No.16580720

Price down
>huge blocks
Price down
>some weird apps no one uses
Price down
> 3k follower reddit board
Price down
> major exchanges delisted it and will never list it again
Price down
>shit will hit the fan after fraud goes to jail

>> No.16580733


>> No.16581108


>> No.16581173

what are you trying to say?

>> No.16581210
File: 100 KB, 1907x666, txperday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bch is dead, BSV will absorb them and soon take over BTC

>> No.16581212

Probably that you faggots deserve Minecraft.

>> No.16581279

blockchain minecraft would be pretty dope, 1 world generated, have permadeath, let an economy develop ontop of it, etc.

>> No.16581361

