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File: 199 KB, 640x960, 123iexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16573584 No.16573584 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best coin in crypto right now.
When adoption picks up in 2020 the price will skyrocket to $30.

Think about it. The world's first decentralized cloud computing marketplace exists RIGHT NOW and almost NO ONE knows about it yet.

>> No.16573601

Not a coin, retard.

>> No.16573618

Please delete, need to accumulate in the next months.

>> No.16573714

Biz won't buy into it anyways, they're a bunch of retards that buy actual scams

>> No.16573739

Imagine buying this shitcoin after its regular version pump at the beginning of its hardcore dump

>> No.16573747

Not an argument.

>> No.16573986
File: 51 KB, 1200x750, 1571986218290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of like bitcoin actually. The network facilitates the trading of a commodity (digital oil) for computations or datasets(instead of a digital money transfer).

Just like how no one knew about BTC back in the day or the impact it would have on the world, RLC will have a similar impact later down the road, because the world WILL become more compute hungry, and in the age of monopolization, greed, data leaks, stolen data, sold data, etc; a decentralized entity will thrive. It will just take a few years for adoption to take place. By then it will be too late for no-RLCoiners.

>> No.16574019

Basically, (((YOU))) can take control of your data and contribute to the decentralization of a WORLD SUPERCOMPUTER. Yes, RLC actually enables a fucking world supercomputer thanks to the zero gas fees and Bag of Tasks implementation with V4. Anyone with a gaming computer can set it up in the off-hours and earn money while they sleep or work. Wait until people begin to learn about it, you will see a world supercomputer so powerful and accessible it will change the world 100x over.

Everyone will have access to a world supercomputer through dApps built on iExec. Most won't even know they are using iExec because middlemen will still exist to a degree (for on-ramping people easier into the system).

The amount of computing power that will exist on the iExec network will be magnitudes stronger than the world's current supercomputers, due to the fact that ANYONE can contribute to it with ANY amount of computers. Farms could literally link up with eachother and share their power in giant packs.

This is just the beginning, we haven't even seen what iExec is truly capable of.

>> No.16574061
File: 59 KB, 720x720, iExecubot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually you might even be able to lend your phone's computing power to the network. Imagine paying off the cost of your PC or phone over the course of a year by lending the computational power of each.

That is the future of tech. The cloud industry will eventually be worth trillions alone. iExec is also involved in insurance, healthcare, and finance, which are trillions.

To wrap things up, if you don't have at least a 10k stack of RLC by now you are SERIOUSLY fucking up here. Just read these words again and realize it's the first time in the universe this has EVER existed: Decentralized computing/data marketplace. It'd be like investing in Ebay or Amazon when either developer released it on the 3rd day, minus the central entity controlling those centralized companies. That's the big difference, once iExec is FULLY decentralized (once the schedulers work in a decentralized manner(EOY 2020 is the timeline for that)) it will be unstoppable.

It also has decentralized oracles, decentralized robotics, and De-AI, but I won't go into that right now.

>> No.16574197


> its like bitcoin
> its digital oil
> magnitude stronger than worlds current stronger supercomputer
> please do the needful

Kill yourself pajeet shill. You don't have even the slightest understanding of computing concepts it seems, just larping with technobabble.

>> No.16574264

>t. Anon doesn't understand the implications of a decentralized BoT supported worker pool
"Pajeet shill" is so cringe at this point, why bother?

>> No.16574333

>0 users

>> No.16574369

team is supposedly releasing news today

>> No.16574377

Yeah and that's the problem with cryptos that supposedly have a use case: when main net is here there should be signs of adoption, and in this case it's clear that adoption is not limited but completely nonexistent.
Only scams that are forever in dev can claim: "this is a x trillion usd market, even if we only get 0.1% when main net is released it will be huuuuuuge".
RLC is shit, no one wants to use it, it's going to 0.

>> No.16574389

This is the greatest inventment in whole crypto, yet no one somehow uses it.

>> No.16574413

>RLC is shit, no one wants to use it, it's going to 0.
I sense low iq in you bro
microsoft intel and ibm wouldnt be wasting time on iexec if this was close to being true

>> No.16574414

>v4 just came out 3 days ago
Why would there be any users if there isn't any dApps worth using yet?
Use your head please.
There are signs of adoption. Stop fudding please. What's the point? What do you get from it?

>> No.16574446

> if there isn't any dApps worth using yet?
Well the API is out for 2 years and there were challenges where iExec literally gave people tens of thousands to develop dapps, yet all where dropped almost instantly after the initial POC. Thats a huge red flag and doesn't bode well for the future if developers find it to be unuseable - or worse - not useful in any way.

>> No.16574447

Iexec mainnet has been out for like 2.5 years you absolutely deluded buttbrain.

>> No.16574460

V3 came out last year though, and it was too expensive to use and didn't have GPU support or Bag of Tasks support. People used it to test stuff but that's about it. As time goes on you'll definitely see dApps that are possible on iExec but not on any other platform.

>> No.16574478

>V3 came out last year though
And at that point iexec's mainnet had already been out a little under two years.

>> No.16574487

V2 and V3 were never ready for adoption. Their version releases are bullshit cause mainnet never meant actual usage. Bad branding. But now with V4 it's a complete product and ready to use.

>> No.16574498

>V1 mainnet is here!
>no wait, V2 is mainnet!
>hold on, V3 is really mainnet this time!
>the previous versions didn't really count, V4 is mainnet for real this time!

>> No.16574513

just hodl for V5 bro, THAT will be the real version with instant adoption of all global corporations and a huge worldwide supercomputer. Of course people aren't using it now, testing it or even on planning on using it, because they haven't released minor feature XYZ. Just do the needful and listen to my technobabble shill and buy my bags sirs

>> No.16574514

This. Thanks for explaining to these brainlets what the deal is with iExec.

>"muh mainnet means adoption MUST happen!" REEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Adoption takes time anon, especially with unknown new technologies like iExec

>> No.16574523

>just hodl for V5 bro, THAT will be the real version with instant adoption
Great satire.

Stop jerking each other off.
iexec themselves said V1, V2, and V3 were ready for adoption, and apparently they were dead wrong.

>> No.16574526

>minor feature
GPU and bag of tasks are pretty fucking huge features if you ask me (or anyone that understands cloud computing).
>testing it
Pretty sure IBM and intel are testing it.
If you think none of these giant companies are aware of or interested in what iExec is doing you are fooling yourself.

>> No.16574533

you haven't addressed >>16574446

>> No.16574535

>pretty fucking huge features
That's what they said about V3

>> No.16574538

See, this is how I know you're a brainlet.
Them saying "it's ready for adoption" means it CAN be used, it's not saying "HURR DURR HERE COMES THE HORDE OF USERS!". Not even LINK gets used and it went to a 1.5b MC.

They're just saying "hey, you guys can make stuff on it now, but it still isn't the complete version of what we want it to be so don't expect usage".

Now we're at the point of "hey guys, we're pretty much done developing the main components of this thing, and we expect way more usage in 2020 and beyond".

>> No.16574540

> Pretty sure IBM and intel are testing it.
Lmao, IBM and Intel Cloud are compute providers where a worker runs, not users. The state of RLC shills..

>> No.16574543

>Them saying "it's ready for adoption" means it CAN be used, it's not saying "HURR DURR HERE COMES THE HORDE OF USERS!".
t. anon iexec shill

>The V3 includes key features for the enterprises to widely adopt the iExec market network
t. iexec themselves

>> No.16574557

>Thats a huge red flag and doesn't bode well for the future if developers find it to be unuseable - or worse - not useful in any way.

anything that can run in a docker can run on iexec
up to v3, iexec was for decentralized blockchain projects only. literally no projects were developed to the point where they need the tech yet
now with V4 they're open to another markets as their work with hyperledger has shown

>not useful in any way.
youre being contrarian just to be noticed

>> No.16574560

>up to v3, iexec was for decentralized blockchain projects only.
t. anon iexec shill

>The V3 includes key features for the enterprises to widely adopt the iExec market network
t. iexec themselves

>> No.16574568

I don't have to address this fudding faggot but I will for fun.
>Well the API is out for 2 years
Already addressed.
>challenges where iExec literally gave people tens of thousands to develop dapps
True, don't know about the amount given though, I remember a few teams getting a couple thousand but nothing over 10k. So literal pennies for the team.

>yet all where dropped almost instantly after the initial POC
They made a bunch of POC dApps that either A) have no real world use demand or B) since no one really knows about iExec how the fuck would they use these niche POC dApps.

> if developers find it to be unuseable
No one has found it to be unusable. It's plenty usable and can be used on the backend if you know what you're doing.

Just because some people made some niche dApps and they didn't "get used" doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. That's like developing the cure for cancer if no one has cancer. Useful things must be made to be used by people that need them.

Also, iExec's initial usecase will be enterprise anyways. Retail will come later.

The timescale on this investment is a long one. You short term swingers will not have the patience anyways.

>> No.16574574

iexec branding is shit I agree but the tech works

V3 needed around $2 in gas per task, now it's $0 with the sidechain

>> No.16574584

You don't know what they're doing in secret fuckwad. Do you not realize you can have dApps that don't exist on the iExec dApp store or??????????????????? They can use the iExec network in secret...

Yes, begin building the framework to use it, however iExec realized that it was both challenging and too expensive to use(because of ETH fees) and have rectified these things. Genesis mining offering their miners to work on the network is a big tell that there will be demand.

>> No.16574585

>iexec branding is shit
Not just the branding, but the way iexec themselves hype and shill their shit.
It's absolutely cringe to the bone and smacks of a get rich quick scheme on the part of the devs.

>> No.16574595

>get rich quick scheme
Gilles has been working on iExec for like 10 years. He's a grid computing master.

>> No.16574597

And apparently he thought he was going to be rich and successful years ago, and is getting increasingly desperate to shill this shit.

>> No.16574598

they fired julien for shitty marketing and v4 was not hyped at all fucktard

>> No.16574606

Pretty sure he's already rich as fuck and has been for a long time. You reek of pajeet.
Yea, v4 was barely hyped and has the best features

>> No.16574607

But right after the V4 release they kept saying how "more news is coming" because they didn't want to "drop all the news all at once like V3".

>> No.16574612

More like 20 years, he's a grid computing pioneer

>> No.16574620

Yeah he's been working in the field forever but from what I understand he's been working on the concept of iExec for almost 10 years or so.
Yeah they are slow dripping news now, thank god. The whale(s) that have been manipulating it for this long need to get fucked by a bigger whale already, or even better yet, the market itself needs to crash down on iExec and realize the potential finally.

>> No.16574621

>Pretty sure he's already rich as fuck and has been for a long time
Then why does he keep trying to milk iexec?
Why not just work hard and produce results in a dignified manner, if money is no real object?

>> No.16574635

>Yeah they are slow dripping news now, thank god.
lmao, the fact that they announced this is just as cringe as the V3 hyping, it's just a different kind of cringe hype.

>> No.16574639

>Then why does he keep trying to milk iexec?
What do you mean by "milk"?
>Why not just work hard and produce results in a dignified manner
They...are? The team is literally 6-12 months ahead of schedule...money is always an object and iExec makes money through other shit related to enterprises using iExec not by holding 65% of the tokens like LINK devs or other scamcoin devs do.

>> No.16574644
File: 1.86 MB, 2912x2088, iexec hype cringe marketing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean by "milk"?
The cringetastic hyping.

You're absolutely deluded.

>> No.16574646

It's not a hype tactic, it's an admission to a fuck-up to their supporters because we started asking them to slow drip us instead because we're fucking sick of the version manipulation by whales.

>> No.16574648

Cause strictly releasing all their roadmap on time isn't "working hard and producing results in a dignified manner". Go kys faggot

>> No.16574658
File: 136 KB, 800x1065, rlc iexec gilles cringe photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a hype tactic,
Yes it is.
If there's one thing iexec does, it's cringe hyping.

See >>16574644
And pic related.

>strictly releasing all their roadmap on time
While highly overhyping it.

>> No.16574666

Seems pretty standard to me. Better than shitposting on twitter about the price of your coin like many scammers out there.
>You're absolutely deluded.

>The team is literally 6-12 months ahead of schedule.

>> No.16574671

>Seems pretty standard to me.
For Chinkscams, yes.

>> No.16574682

Wow you sure have a lot of pics saved on your HDD, did you sell the bottom?
Gilles taking a pic of himself is cringe? OK
>While highly overhyping it.
While being 6-12 months ahead of schedule.

>You: "How dare iExec hype their world first technology to basically nobody on twitter!" "I don't want them to market every way possible!" "I want them to market how I WANT them to!!"

Fucking autist

>> No.16574686

Okkkay dude now it's just obvious

>> No.16574692

So how hyped are you for V5?

>> No.16574694

Dude, he was at a funeral

>> No.16574699

I don't really care about the versions after v4 because adoption should come quite steadily next year anyways.

>> No.16574701

>I don't really care about the versions
iexec sure does lmao

>> No.16574705

Lol. No.

>> No.16574709

Meh, it's just a way to differentiate the features of each big update. Stop crying about it so much and buy the dip.

>> No.16574711

>Gilles taking a pic of himself is cringe?
He’s a middle-aged ass man taking selfies during a speech at an official event. Obviously it’s unbearably cringe.

But as a bagholder you’ll deny reality all day long, so carry on.

>> No.16574714

>it's just a way to differentiate the features of each big update.
No, it's a way to try to unduly hype your shit.

>> No.16574722


>> No.16574724

I'm sure there were tens of cameras out at that moment. Looks like an event where media is encouraged. It might be cringe but who gives a flying fuck autist. Also not a bagholder, I bought under ICO multiple times.

>> No.16574728

Oh shut the fuck up already you fucking matic/link bagholder

>> No.16574729

>I'm sure there were tens of cameras out at that moment.
All the more reason not do take a fucking selfie.

>> No.16574737

Perfect time actually. Not like the cameras were pointed at Gilles.

>> No.16574746

>Not like the cameras were pointed at Gilles
What makes you say that?

Also, the thing with selfies is the act itself produces the lasting proof of what you did.

>> No.16574747

>Imagine fuding over a selfie

>> No.16574748

This is some next-level denial.

>> No.16574756

>imagine laughing at jokes

>> No.16574763

>What makes you say that?
Uh...the fact that he's not at the podium?

This is some next-level faggotry.
>Imagine fudding over a selfie because RLC can't be fudded on a fundamental level

>> No.16574766

>Uh...the fact that he's not at the podium?
Photographers are supposed to take pics of audiences.

>> No.16574769

Hahah okay man whatever you want to think.
Don't buy.

>> No.16574776

>because RLC can't be fudded on a fundamental level
Devs hyping and shilling is pretty fundamental.

Also, the fundamental hype is iexec claiming their shit is ready for adoption since V1, with virtually zero adoption so far at V4 and counting.

>> No.16574780

Even if there were zero photographers, taking a selfie like that is turbocringe.

>> No.16574782

>Devs hyping and shilling is pretty fundamental.


You cannot fud the fundamentals of the technology so you attack the marketing because you don't like it.

Don't buy.

>> No.16574785

Don't buy.

>> No.16574793

When their hype turns off people and makes them look like liars at worst and losers at best, that's bad.

>You cannot fud the fundamentals of the technology
Adoption rates are doing that for me.

>> No.16574807

>When their hype turns off people and makes them look like liars at worst and losers at best, that's bad.
Doubt this is happening at any significant level.
>Adoption rates are doing that for me.
Adoption rates != fundamentals of the technology.
Adoption will exponentially increase at some point in 2020.
Don't buy.

>> No.16574810

>Doubt this is happening at any significant level.
I don't doubt that you doubt that.

>> No.16574817

Hopefully it turns away people like you though.

>> No.16574837

It does and will.

>> No.16574842

Don't buy.

>> No.16574885

Delusional bagholders like you who hold through every version pump and dump are the best, they literally make it possible to make nice profits swingtrading this shitcoin. And because they are usually also insufferable autistic cunts like you, I don't feel bad a bit for their eternal bagholding.

>> No.16574898

I'm up over 10x because I swung v1-3 and then bought the bottom before v4 to hold.

How asshurt are you?

>> No.16574901

How is people making profits off me if I'm holding release pumps? You don't even know how the market works don't you? Kys retard

>> No.16574908

Pajeet tier 2017 shitcoin, how is this crap still around? Get a job, tards

>> No.16574909

So you are admitting that you are trying to fomo people here in to buying your bags. At least you're honest about scamming people.

Cause you don't take profits, making this shit easibly pumpable by PnD groups.

>> No.16574912

>So you are admitting that you are trying to fomo people here in to buying your bags
No, because v1-3 had no value to me but v4 is the complete version and I am too worried about a whale coming through and pumping it, so I'm in for the long haul now. Stay butthurt

>> No.16574919

>I swung all the previous versions which iexec promised would bring mass adoption
>but I'm totally hodling this latest version which iexec promises will bring mass adoption

>> No.16574921

sir. please buy this coin, the dumps are so predictable cos its a piece of shit

>> No.16574922

Literally every RLC swinger knew to swing V1-2, but 3 was a bit more risky. It paid off for me however.

V4-5 will bring adoption. I'll post here when it happens.

>> No.16574929
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, b6xa2ujdr2d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm locking a part of the supply, how is that making other's rich? Nobody takes profits off me if i don't sell you retard. Plus I already bought the ATl long ago, go unironically kys

>> No.16574928

>ignore the previous versions, the latest version is the real deal!
repeat for every version.

>> No.16574934

No, DON'T buy this coin. I really don't want people like (you) to. I want the neets that have actual brains to.

>> No.16574941

>the latest version is the real deal!
It is.

>> No.16574946

>its v4
>its the real version
>its different this time
its over

>> No.16574961

Literally every iExec shill either supposedly bought the ATL or supposedly did a 10x on swingtrading. iExec shills must be literally trading gods. Weird that they telling people to buy and hold now after the top of the regular version PnD... really makes you think, doesn't it..

>> No.16574969

Probably because you post in almost every one of my threads and I post the majority of threads on biz and have been for a few years now. It's not hard to sell an overreaching pump and waiting for the pullback. You sound poor.

It's the bottom. I've been right every time.

>> No.16574974

>my threads
not your personal blog, faggot

the bottom is after every release

>> No.16574981

I'll continue to post RLC threads here as it inevitably skyrockets in 2020. I hope you don't buy now.

>> No.16574988

how much is the minimum amount for staking?

>> No.16574989

dont worry, you and your team of pajeets will be the only bagholders
nobody wants golem2.0

>> No.16574997

30% of the job, so you will want to stake more so you can potentially get larger/more work.

>> No.16575003

>nobody wants golem2.0
Hey at least you realize it's better than golem.

>> No.16575009

lmao, iexec uses Golem.

>> No.16575015

Hey, it's you! The same retard in every RLC thread! Ahhh this place is dead

>> No.16575019

What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.16575020

There's no minimum. But the more you stake the more "competitive" you are in comparisson to other workers that stake less. Staking in RLC is the conviction you're returning correct results. If a worker stakes less than you, it means he's less convinced he'll return a correct result. So it's going to be a competition between workers to get more reputation and more tasks. In theory, a third of the task cost is needed, in reality, workers will stake more to compete against other workers. There'll also be sidechain staking which is still to be discussed.

>> No.16575021

Riiiight. Play it off.

>> No.16575022

Yeah, so basically a ton of RLC will be staked making the RLC in circulation more valuable.

>> No.16575042
File: 49 KB, 608x482, iexec golem twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16575044

if multiple people regularly shit on you in "your" shitcoin threads
maybe its you, bud

>> No.16575046

Why can't this just be a dapp on ethereum?

>> No.16575058

Because then the founders wouldn't millions from the ICO and a huge supply of the premined token

>> No.16575059

Yeah, so what, where's the fud? iExec integrates multiple libraries. Graphene has nothing to do with Golem as a crypto/blockchain, it's a sideproject made by them. It's pretty pathetic and cringe you try to fud something you don't even understand what they're talking about.

>> No.16575066

>Yeah, so what, where's the fud?
Buddy over here >>16575003
said iexec was better than Golem.

>> No.16575069

And it is

>> No.16575072

Yes because iExec can integrate and utilize different technologies.
Kinda like how they could use a link oracle if they wanted to.
>The majority is always right
Clearly it's a handful of retards on here since biz is fucking slow now.
>ETH can't even handle cryptokitties and he thinks it can handle intensive off chain computing

>> No.16575073

Then why is iexec integrating Golem?

>> No.16575075

>Yes because iExec can integrate and utilize different technologies.
Technologies they need, yes.

>> No.16575078

The founders hold a pretty small number compared to the king of shit coins, link.

>> No.16575081

Graphene != Golem
Keep trying

>> No.16575082

Can't you even read? You're too emotinally involved in RLC, don't even try to hide you're swinging this shit cause it's obvious you are. I'm gonna answer you anyway in case you're trully retarded. iExec integrates a library made by Golem. That library is NOT Golem. Do you even logic? Kys fag

>> No.16575087

>i-i-it's a product made by Golem, that means it's not Golem!!!

If it weren't for you iexectards trying to claim "muh iexec is better than Golem" this wouldn't even be a problem at all.
In fact it would be kinda bullish for iexec, showing they can indeed appreciate and work with other projects.
But no, you faggots just have to go all "my dad is stronger than your dad".

>> No.16575097

You are clearly trying too hard

>> No.16575103

... says the tard saying iexec is "better" than a project whose shit iexec literally integrated.

>> No.16575109

iExec's integration of other technologies shows that it's better than most if not all other crypto projects.

>> No.16575113

i would say the best one will be soon Dusk but RLC looks good also, i'll get some also!

>> No.16575118
File: 72 KB, 561x616, 1574802434105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16575124

You are defeated. Move along.

>> No.16575127

> My software has integrated both Windows and Mac support
> Therefore my flappy wings knockoff must be better than both

Just stop typing dude, you're embarrassing yourself so badly

>> No.16575132

Your analogy is bad.

>> No.16575146

your shilling is worse

>> No.16575156

Okay. Don't buy then.

>> No.16575164

>iexec is better than Golem!
t. anon iexec shill

>we are integrating Golem's shit
t. iexec themselves

>> No.16575169

Yes, using any technology they want because that's the power of iExec. Golem gets fucked all day.

>> No.16575174

You should write presidential election victory speeches for Hillary.

>> No.16575179

You should stop swinging RLC

>> No.16575229

Says the self-proclaimed RLC swinger.

>> No.16575237

I told you I stopped after v3. I have a comfy fat stack and im going to sit on it

>> No.16575240

>I told you I stopped after v3.
Because this time it's different and V4 is the one, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

>> No.16575241


>> No.16575249

My bags are heavy as hell and I’m so sure we gonna moon. The Marketcap is low as hell and France will never ever use link as a technology. Comfy as fu..

>> No.16575948

Those with brains can see through the pointless fudding of these deluded link marines. Keep fighting the good fight brother

>> No.16575954

This pajeet scam is like a stain that just wont go away.

>> No.16576061

Holy shit
Why are you nerds arguing?
Let iexec's accomplishments speak for themselves
You act like the team will abandon the project
They're currently a top 100 crypto and that's something to be acknowledged as proof it's a legit project

>> No.16576471

RLC is good, but the best R/R in crypto right now is RSR

>> No.16576755
File: 127 KB, 500x822, 1571705248813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16576855

imagine unironically believing this while polish subhumans are 3 years behind roadmap, and has single usecase. nice try, marek