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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16570609 No.16570609 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16570613

yup, i cringed. also kys

>> No.16570625

you're absolutely right anon, let me just buy into the shitcoin pump&dump coin of /biz/
oh fucking wait, it's still dumping from $4, guess i'll wait until $0.17

>> No.16570631

>Ok google show me the price of bitcoin in usd
>the supposed lynchpin of the 4th industrial revolution is a two dollar stable coin that does this

>> No.16570633

who cares? use cmc you fucking nerds.

>> No.16570658

so what do we do when this undergraduate-level project of price feeds is still the only tangible thing Chainlink has by the end of 2020?

>> No.16570663

fucking cringe

>> No.16570672

The only function chainlink has.
Quoting BTC/USD

>> No.16570778
File: 63 KB, 604x380, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good to see ETH maxis are talking about Chainlink. But take notice.

"interfacing with non-blockchain components"

This statement is hugely underestimated. This is why Chainlink dwarfs every other project in crypto. WEB 3.0 is here.

>> No.16570812

even if it just did that, the fact that it does it automatically is worth a lot given how fucking slothful people are about googling

>> No.16570821

I just started following @antiprosynth, this is pretty weird. He's aggressively bullish on ethereum, it's really hard for me– someone that's all in on chainlink and is all but convinced it's link that's actually going to make ethereum usable and interesting– to understand how someone could be in his shoes but seemingly not excited about chainlink at all. Like, I really can't understand what rough model of the future he conceives of where eth takes off without being able to trustlessly interact with offchain data.

>> No.16570832

But in the end it's the same fucking api call that google does or that I could do myself.

>> No.16570842

Because there are multiple oracle options and eth2 makes link obsolete

>> No.16570849

But that you won't because you're a lazy sack of shit but perhaps more pertinently, "UserGooglesBTCPrice" isn't a fuckin' function that is understood by any smart contract

>> No.16570858

Why are you surprised when Vitalik has the same attitude? It has to be deliberate. They understand how important oracles are and deliberately downplay or dismiss Chainlink. I don't think "why" matters though. They're snakes who want you to stay poor.

>> No.16570867

>eth2 makes link obsolete
>there are multiple oracle options
Please, list them. There won't be a single one that hasn't bended the knee already or isn't completely full of shit.

>> No.16570915
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>> No.16570917


Gibberish and tryhard technobabble

>> No.16570943

Chainlink is shit and I really don't have to tell you this. I fell for the meme is a meme in 2017 but no more. Enjoy paying your neet bux to Creg and N Chain who don't give a fuck about your Chuck-e-Cheese tokens.

>> No.16570952


>> No.16570965

old news there bucko

>> No.16570966
File: 53 KB, 925x842, 1561913986968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I also love is the fact that ETH can't scale and will never scale. ETH 2.0 is a technical nightmare. I hope Mr Sergers pulls the entire project over to BSV before another cryptokitties incident.

>> No.16571032

narrow use case and not decentralized, just because they plan on using it doesn't mean it's a good idea

>> No.16571044

You realize you’re posting a thread that references a week old tweet right?

>> No.16571141
File: 226 KB, 512x849, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 7.22.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, check out this thread: https://twitter.com/antiprosynth/status/1145820719391092736.. He fucking knows.

>> No.16571180

Hi Fin

>> No.16571206

he's fudding his own bags
christ, these people really want to keep the price low so they can accumulate more

>> No.16571225

eth2 has little to do with the oracle problem and, astonishingly, there are no other worthwhile oracle options aside from chainlink

>> No.16571433
File: 41 KB, 645x729, 1221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16571527

They don't WANT legacy systems connected. They wanted to replace legacy systems because they are edgy teenage communism pilled

>> No.16571539

Yeah chainlink has been poised to be the standard for awhile now and ETH cucks are seething. I do think ETH2 has a solution for on chain randomness though, which does steal a use case from chainlink, if only one of many

>> No.16571541

I think that's probably true to an extent, especially in the case of Vitalik, but some of them have to see the writing on the wall.

>> No.16571547

He thought they were kidding when they said it's a jason parser

>> No.16571649

Why Vitalik who has a >150 IQ and all these ETH maximalists and most ETH developers are either too retarted do understand or too retarded to talk about link, which would make their fucking network (ETH) more useful and adopted. What should eth accomplish without smart cobtracts which need oracles? Fuckibg crypto kitties??

The whole space is fucking pathetic, I am glad Sergey at least follows money/adoption.

>> No.16571680

But this data is already onchain. No link needed


>> No.16571701

Its not onchain fren.

>> No.16571714

If link isn't putting data onchain then wtf is doing?

>> No.16571780

chainlink is all about conencting legacy systems to the chain. ETH is about being the new system, so those old legacy systems are "enemies" to ETH. chainlink is making it super easy for these legacy systems to connect to blockchain tech. yes it makes ETH more useful but at the same time it goes against their view.

>> No.16571785

>already on chain
>Chainlink is putting it on chain

>> No.16571794

You’re not wrong but their “view” is absurd. It demands that the old guard just disappear overnight or somehow leap onto their platform spontaneously.

>> No.16571817

Commies are fucking retarded, so probably not

>> No.16572040

I'm saying that Preev is already putting data onchain. Price data doesn't magically appear onchain.

>> No.16572041


Oh damn, he definitely knows.

>> No.16572048


>> No.16572054


I don't see him fudding. Hes being facetious. basically stating that if Google thinks there is an Oracle problem then there is an oracle problem.

>> No.16572065
File: 322 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20191110_153121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone dump chain link and buy all in on tezos.
About to break 2$

>> No.16572079


In Crypto Chainlink is about connecting legacy systems to the chain.

But what the twitter guy was discussing is that Chainlink can be used for unrelated blockchain purposes. This makes Chainlinks usage and pupose enormous

He stating that because Chainlink both an important layer in crypto AND outside of crypto this leads to the idea that a true world utility layer for connnecting all things is huge. Much bigger then people are expecting.

>> No.16572083

Ah yes, buy all in, very good sirs

>> No.16572102


>> No.16572133

He’s FUDing here. >>16570778

>> No.16572213

Well they are talking about the flipping. lame but maybe he doesn't think Chainlink would be a reason for Ethereum to surpass bitcoin. Hes a hardcore ETH head. He probably thinks ETH can do it alone.

>> No.16572234

Sure, from my perspective it is or seems like FUD though. I agree with Chase. We’d been talking about how by and large the ethereum bigwigs are mute about Chainlink or poo poo it’s importance.

>> No.16572235
File: 151 KB, 531x678, 1568969970212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally begging to get any genuine use

>> No.16572543


But not in this thread. Hes clearly being facetious with this other poster. Weird, yeah, he acknowledges the oracle problem. Acknowledges that its a big enough concern for google as well.

>> No.16573160


>> No.16573269

>not fully grasping the implications