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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16570327 No.16570327 [Reply] [Original]

4 more hours of conscious freedom, wagies

Make sure you get those chores and done and get everything ready for the week


>> No.16570335

This is how you need to look at it retard, it's called the POOP FORMULA. The POOP FORMULA, or PF for short, uses your existing resources (po), current market positions (op), and hypothetical market positions (pp).

If you have 1000$ you can use the variable po / op * pp to compare results to the future. 1000$ (capital) / .40 (current price) * 2.0$ (future predictions) = 5000$ (future gains). The POOP FORMULA works because you just need to compare the mediocre sums in your pockets now, compared to the large sums you can walk away with if you just had the balls to use the POOP FORMULA. A real example of my personal success is that I bought in after the ICO on ED for .06c per LINK. I bought 1000$ worth and have been holding ever since (I did not sell at 4$). 1000$ / .06 * 10$ = 165,000$ if LINK goes to 10$. Obviously LINK is not 10$ right now, but by using the POOP FORMULA, I am able to concur that if I hold I will have lots of monies. The philosophy behind the POOP FORMULA is that you only need to compare how long it would take you to make the profits you are estimating by waging or neetbuxing. 165,000$ for me would take years, a seemingly harsh tax on my life to make such a large sum of money (to me). But with the POOP FORMULA, I realized that I just needed to have the po, op, and pp variables factor into my decisions, because without them I forgot that I'm trying to change my life and I need to have my balls pushed right up to the wall, effectively splitting them because of the pressure that's needed to throw out risk evaluation. Remember, the POOP FORMULA saves the rejected failures in life and brings them to redemption. Use it in all life problems and you can't go wrong.

>> No.16570678
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>Excuse me, garçon? There seems to be a chicken tendy missing from my tendy platter. Please go and fetch me another one as well as your manager. This will be tonight's first complaint against you.

Of course, there WAS the appropriate amount of chicken tendies on my platter, and it was quite delicious. I ate it and now will most likely receive an extra tendy for free as well as my meal being completely complimentary, on the house. Oh wagie... ah ahaha

>> No.16570685
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>> No.16570690

I'm on vacation until after Christmas. You should really plan your shit posting threads better around the holidays. Damn it feels nice to get PAID to sit around and play video games for weeks. Stay poor NEETs.

>> No.16570694


>> No.16571007
