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16558012 No.16558012 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Ver is based

>> No.16558154

He's done more for crypto than everyone else combined.
One of the most based guys in our lifetime.

>> No.16558169

Andresen and Hearn did more for crypto in the early days

>> No.16558174

Vitalik is more based tho

>> No.16558181

Satoshi Nakamoto is based. Who TF are these faggots? Do you guys even trade?

>> No.16558200

satoshi is based af but faketoshi is cringe and gay

>> No.16558205
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Them too
Satoshi may just be one of the greatest people to live in the past few hundred years unironically
Who is more based
Who had more vision and better execution

>> No.16558212

Visiting this board made me realize how cringe the word "based" is. I can only imagine a sweaty 18 year old neckbeard saying it with a onions voice.

>> No.16558215

Daniel Dabek is not based at all, is a scammer

>> No.16558230

Yeah I know I say it ironically believe me but what's a better word to use then
"Based" is cringe

>> No.16558259

yep. he sure is based

>> No.16558303
File: 213 KB, 2048x1342, bch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ver got on board the bcash scam to keep up his drug habit. How is that based?

>> No.16558337
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>> No.16559278

Notice how unlike corekek posts predicting price (including by Adam Back, CEO of blockstream) he's leaving this video instead of deleting it and taking full responsibility.
Not to mention nothing he said in this video was a lie. This was way before the exchange got bust (but you wouldn't know cause you're a 2017 newfaggot). Unlike those by kikestream faggots

>> No.16559296

he hasn't done shit aside from making money and then losing a shitload of money

>> No.16559385
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>> No.16559438
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All the seething corecucks in this thread

>Roger Vermin!!!!
>500$ fees keeps my chain safe!!!!

>> No.16559457

Muh lightening, muh store of value.

Imagine selling out to big finance; the very reason for bitcoin to begin with..

>> No.16559531


>> No.16560069

He literally created the space.
Every crypto service you're using today is built with his money.
You wouldn't know because you're a 2017 newfag retard who listens to reddit