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File: 51 KB, 582x768, 1575730863993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16555785 No.16555785 [Reply] [Original]

You guys realize people will pay you to drink if you stream it right?

>> No.16555799

How do you even live when you look like that?

>> No.16555804

Is that all from cactus cooler?

>> No.16555814

Beer belly is real.

>> No.16555878

Not long

>> No.16555880

Blade is going to die on stream

>> No.16555881

Being skinny fat must be hell, atleast being normally fat means you’ve got your parts filled out, being like that is just awful

>> No.16555893
File: 97 KB, 1200x1200, qo1MnJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer bellies aren't that liquid.

>> No.16555980


>> No.16555994
File: 438 KB, 3024x4032, 1575744328298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ONLYUSEmeBLADE, makes his entire income from drinking streams.

>> No.16555996


>> No.16556007


>> No.16556027

Last time I saw him his legs had some nasty gaping sores how is he still alive

>> No.16556040

Thats ascites. His liver is failing.

>> No.16556168

someone pls post pics of his holes poked legs, it looks like some krokodil junky in terminal stage

>> No.16556190
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>> No.16556196
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>> No.16556215

this man is a walking corpse
what a time to be alive

>> No.16556232
File: 171 KB, 369x369, bbEHpMqp_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks fake as hell

>> No.16556279
File: 158 KB, 600x604, onlylosemelegs-leg-holes-progress (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16556308

seriously wtf can do this to your body? Alcohol and lack of hygiene aint enough to destroy your body this badly. He must take others prods

>> No.16556327

untreated diabetes.

>> No.16556333

Alcoholics are extremely malnourished. This causes wounds to have a hard time healing.

>> No.16556343
File: 55 KB, 743x454, onlyusemeblade-shitting-himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has diabetes and binge drinks Jager with Redbull, and Vodka with Gatorade day in and day out. He pisses and shits himself almost daily as well from it too. If you watch 1 of his streams, hes constantly pounding sugar and alcohol until he passes out. His diet is nothing but fast food and he gets 0 exercise outside of waking about drunk streaming.

He's done blow on stream a few times.

>> No.16556374

And people watch this shit? Absolutely disgusting

>> No.16556482

Sounds based and bro tier

Where can I subscribe

>> No.16556495

imagine look like this

>> No.16556501

He’s streaming now
> https://youtu.be/wceaB_npOCM

>> No.16556518


He was apart of a network of RL streamers called CX Network. There was some of the funniest shit I ever seen in my life on some of their streams but overall they are a bunch of degenerates. I never understood the appeal for blade though, he is not even entertaining.

>> No.16556522

It’s kinda boring though, since he’s just in a shitty motel around leeches getting drunk. Dude has been in Vegas for 2 weeks and is banned from several streets and casinos already

>> No.16556539

Doesn't look like the guy in the OP

>> No.16556551

It’s him 100%. He always wears a hat and his hair is grown out now sans the giant bald spot.

>> No.16556564

Someone donate and tell him to buy chainlink. I'm too Jewish to spend the $2 but one of you goys should

>> No.16556589

>500k subs
>1200 people watching him sleep

Dude is more set than 99% of the people on this board lmao

>> No.16556610
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, C1A24A74-4AB0-46D6-857C-351FCE36B446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He used to be pretty popular back in the day. Was the first CoD streamer to do knives only and went pretty viral at the time. Most of his subs are from that era but he pulls 1k+ viewers pretty much constantly and will make a decent amount in donations.

Despite all that he’s broke as shit. Legit used to give all his money away to this fat land whale who cucked him. Literally a paypig simp. The rest goes to lottery tickets, booze and a sound system in his 2006 Cadillac shitbox. Whale pictured

>> No.16556642

Sounds like you're coping anon

>> No.16556650

Seeing shit like this gives me anxiety. Any kinda illness, people slowly dying etc...

>> No.16556662

Coping? Just filling you in on the lore. I’ve sadly been in the Cx community for too long. But all that is facts and anyone who’s watched for a while can easily confirm. He’s hella broke and has been homeless for almost a year.

>> No.16556702


Everything he is saying is true. I've also been paying attention to this community for awhile for some strange reason. Funny enough one of the donations from one of these streams brought me to biz and is why I bought chainlink when it was 30c. Never heard of biz before in my life.

>> No.16556720

There were a ton of buy bitcoin donations in the community for years too. Remember 1 guy donated Ice Poseidon like $5k in $200 donos spamming “buy bitcoin” no more than a month before it’s ATH.

>> No.16556732

This is the first non-guilt induced sympathy I've felt in years... this poor dude... drinking is shit even when it's good... genuinely wish I could help this guy

>> No.16556733
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1547348565195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whale pictured
she looks fucking hot tho

>> No.16556747

She shit herself live on stream in an RV the night this photo was taken

>> No.16556762

Haha I remember that. Rip the golden days of content

>> No.16556791

if it makes you feel better he's a sex offender and abuses animals.

>> No.16556803

Shes fucking disgusting dude.
That RV trip was some of the last decent content we’ve had in a bit. The BoneCucks trip was ok and the Chris Hansen saga we got out of it was pretty fucking hilarious but short lived. She literally shit that whole RV bathroom though. It was everywhere

Did you see the clip of her when Blade visited and got a hotel? He was live and she went off camera to get fucked by her bf right in front of blade lol

>> No.16556820

That's not a whale tho

>> No.16556830

>Did you see the clip of her when Blade visited and got a hotel? He was live and she went off camera to get fucked by her bf right in front of blade lol

any vids?

>> No.16556844

Bro, she’s much bigger than she seems. We’ve watched this pig live for a while now. She’s a blimp.

>> No.16556864
File: 95 KB, 620x453, 1542664273804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-do you have a link by any chance fren? What's her name?

>Shes fucking disgusting dude.
i need more content to be sure but from the pic alone she's a 9/10

>> No.16556865
File: 58 KB, 720x547, nzazH3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's YouTube so of course he can't show anything. He ended stream in this clip too lol.

Also pic related is for the dude who is calling cope. Blade is a simp.

>> No.16556868

You can get paid for having crippling alcoholism as long as you livestream it?

>> No.16556872

she looks like a perfect slam pig in that picture and I'd be dumping loads in that whore every night if I could. but that is a VERY flattering pic of her trust me. she's gross, I just joined the thread btw so I'm not that guy or two you were originally talking to

>> No.16556882

god thats so hot. I want to cuck some beta so bad.

>> No.16556889
File: 32 KB, 669x627, 1561412652134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what to feel anymore, anon

>> No.16556900

He's not lying

>> No.16556903

not necessarily, it has to be entertaining pretty much. you can't just drink and be boring. these type of peoples content comes from doing shit like instigating fights, being subtly racist or blatantly to randoms on the street, acting like idiots in public, etc. just being a degenerate at all times no matter where they are as long as its entertaining for the viewer to watch, it's like watching a train crash

>> No.16556912
File: 30 KB, 710x577, 1507929880443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek, you can feel he's seething so hard deep down. His face is conveying bitterness, sadness and contained rage of a cuck in it's purest form.
>"han yes fuck"

>> No.16556925

>"I didnt like his faggot love."
absolutely based

>> No.16556934

can someone understand what is the thot rambling while getting fucked around 21 sec?

>> No.16556936

Here. Even stamped it for you where shes in a tank top. Prepare for disappointment. Click through the shit if you want, shes just in a tshirt and hoodie until the timestamp.


>> No.16556945

i don't think he's a simp or cuck, he has no real friends because they all cut him out of his life and even his fake friends don't like him. he just hangs on to this roasty because she's most likely the only perspn he talks to or did in the past about real shit so he got attached. he has nobody else and I wouldn't doubt he thinks about suicide daily. he's clearly depressed and has given up on life. this is clearly the one person he truly cares about for some weird reason so he just sits there and follows her like a stray animal.

>> No.16556946

absolute chad

>> No.16556947
File: 294 KB, 720x683, 1557506668682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok that was disappointing, she's a 3/10 finally. Crazy how the screenshot posted previously looked like a totally different girl.

>> No.16556948

shes a disgusting fat pig, but id plow

>> No.16556962

holy shit thats content. The donators talk MAD shit. This is great

>> No.16556975

i wont pity him tho, he clearly look like a fat dumb piece of shit person.

>> No.16556983

theyre live now


>> No.16556995

She has some decent angles. I was caught off guard too with the pics he posted until she came on stream lol.

Donations make the streams most of the time lol. The stream earlier was nothing but nigger donations. The best parts are when theyre out in public and the donation speaker is blasting all kinds of offensive shit and music. Its the best shit just to unwind and laugh your ass off watching. There's so much crazy shit I could link over the years you could watch for hours on end.

>> No.16556997

For anyone that wants to watch, go to YouTube to view it instead of here. The chat is a must.

>> No.16557025

dude 10 minutes of watching and Blade groped that nasty slut and now they just got kicked out of their hotel because the chat is harrassing the hotels phone lines. This is amazing

>> No.16557028

wat. Why the fuck would he go to Vegas then. Hes fucked if he gets arrested

>> No.16557047

Welcome, brother. Cx isn't what it used to be, but degeneracy like this is still fucking entertaining.

If you want to join the discussion and check out clips, here's the community

For a list of Cx streamers that are online

>> No.16557048

what does Cx mean?

>> No.16557070

its just a emoticon, but it was what the Ice Poseidon community was/is called.

>> No.16557098
File: 9 KB, 320x320, 1575543536341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16557116

He was living in LA. Like 4 dudes in a 2 bedroom apartment but he hates his roommates and vice versa plus the cost of living was too much. He’s staying with this old dude that’s leeching off him down in Vegas and they’re apparently getting a house there in a few weeks.

He’s been there 2 weeks and is already banned off a whole street and some casino property.
> https://neatclip.com/clip/q34qozge6

>> No.16557119

4 dudes in a 1 bedroom*

>> No.16557145

Pls link your fav bits. Used to watch the cx grew religiously from the beginning early RS days when he even still lived in Florida. Stopped when the FBI shit happened in LA. I remember someone in the streamer house pulled up the chainlink logo on his screen. I was laughing so fucking hard.

>> No.16557160

If he makes some money why doesn't he at least get some insulin or SOME treatment?

>> No.16557170

That FBI raid fucked everything basically. It hasn’t been the same since. Ice can barely pull 1k viewers now and he streams on Mixer. Blade is pretty much the new Ice. Bjorn is still super popular. Burger is 50 viewer Andy.

LINK’s logo was on Jacob’s PC I think as well as their IT guy they had in the mansion. Think his name was Wesley or something. I know Ice and Sam we’re into crypto and I know LINK and BTC were talked about a lot in donos and by a few of them too.

>> No.16557175

what was the FBI raid all about?

>> No.16557590

im going to start a "smoking crack" stream

"Here we are trying desperately to scrounge together 60 bucks between 5 people"

"Here we are going to our dealer Ray Jay."

"Oh no the crew is arguing over who gets to smoke first and who owes who money from the last crack session! This is just like jersey shore!"

>> No.16557656

wtf is this garbage thread?

>> No.16557775
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 1557335310606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait didn't this guy make knife videos in Call of duty like a decade ago?