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16553631 No.16553631 [Reply] [Original]

If two miners solve a block at the same time, who wins?

>> No.16553648

the one who broadcasts the correct solution first

>> No.16553663

What if there's an even number of miners, half of them get one solution and the other half the other?

>> No.16553669

The one that propagates and is verified by 51% of the nodes first

>> No.16553724

Statistically extremely unlikely, but the bad block will be orphaned and the longest chain will continue

>> No.16553730


The winner is the one that gets into the longest chain

>> No.16553746

>The winner is the one that gets into the longest chain
No shit retard, he's asking who is the winner that gets to go in that chain?

>> No.16553780

Read whitepaper.

>> No.16553825
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>> No.16554267

If this is a clever way to show all the biz tards who act like they know about bitcoin actually don't know shit, you are doing a great job and I approve. Everyone just parrots the same misconceptions with no actual idea what the whitepaper states.

>> No.16554284

Who the fuck cares about dinosaurcoin? Your village doesn't even have electricity but your gay pow requires more than most countries. Lel.

>> No.16554291


>> No.16554509

In this situation you would have to call blockstream and ask

>> No.16554520


Other miners have to build on their block, just broadcasting it is not enough. Block propagation is half the battle as a miner.

>> No.16554696

Chain split. Half of the miners who got one block will reject the other half's chain.