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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1655313 No.1655313 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say for arguments sake that I am unfathomably wealthy.

Let's also say that my life experiences up until I started making money were comprised of bouncing from one squalid shithole to the next until I had enough and changed myself for the better.

That being said, education is the key to the doorway of success. Proper education grants license to your soul to fly and reach inconceivable heights.

A lot of you chose to study the wrong things in University. Saddled with debts and near minimum wage salaries it's hard to get ahead.

If hell exists, I'm going there. I've done horrible things for the sake of money and in no way, shape or form should anyone ever emulate my path to wealth. It weighs heavy on the mind/body/soul...

SO!!! I'm not trying to buy my way into heaven, if such a place exists. I WOULD however enjoy liberating one person of their debts this holiday season in their entirety.

No strings attached outside of providing me the necessary information to contact your loan agency/bank to settle your outstanding account balance.

Simply tell me why you deserve to be freed of this debt, and I will grant you clemency. A fresh start did me a world of good (financially speaking).

>> No.1655637

I am not in any debt. I got pretty high grades so I got to study for free. I will hopefully become electrical engineer. But I would like to build myself a house. Materials and land are cheap were I live and my relatives built their own houses so I would probably be able to build a decent house with 30k -50k eu. Now the question is am I suitable for your little charity?

>> No.1655682

Not being riddled with about 10k debt left would allow me to put a prefab house on my land wich is essentially a pickers paradise and not even mine yet. Would mean the world to my wife. She's put up with a lot of my shit.

Would give me room to breathe and start my financial education company.

>> No.1655694

I have a friend who followed his dreams of becoming an animator and ended up being absolutely outstanding at art. Problem is he became way too insecure about his work because of massive debt accumulated from schooling and fear of having to use his work to pay it off (massive philosophical art fag)

I worked with him at a really shitty job, but despite the min wage pay and wageslave quality work, he still busted his ass and gave more than 110%.

It is nice to talk about him; he is a really good person.

>> No.1655695

I was in Massage School. It was right before Valentine's Day, and I was almost done with my second semester, and ready to finish my clinicals and take the exam to get certified.

Our final exam was to bring in our significant other and perform a deep tissue on them during Valentine's Day. I was ready to go, I was dating an amazing girl at the time and looking forward to celebrating with her after the massage.
The night before, a cousin of mine came over to my parent's house where I was living, obviously drunk or fucked up, and started an argument with me which culminated in her throwing a coffee cup at me. The police were called, and I, who had done nothing, was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest (lol).
I missed the final, missed finishing my degree, and of course, lost the girl.

Now I owe Nelnet about $4000. Halp pls?

>> No.1655696

>people actually come to a business and finance forum to roleplay

>> No.1656512

I have a story for you if youre interested.

>> No.1656518

fucking KEK

>> No.1656531

>Let's say for arguments sake
Stopped reading there.
Role play should be done over at one of the following:
>>>/trash/ (This is your preferred option)

>> No.1656535

If you pay off my debts I won't qualify for Medicaid anymore. Which means I can't afford my health care and I'll quickly go bankrupt.

I would normally be able to keep my house through the bankruptcy, but now that it's paid off my creditors can sell it to settle my hospital bills.

so now you've made me bankrupt and homeless. Fuck you, OP. Fuck you right in the eye-hole you lousy dick.

>> No.1656545

horrible things are a spook

>> No.1656548
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>be American
>pay debts
>go bankrupt and homeless anyway

>> No.1656549

I am a biology student that went to Drexel University, and end up accruing about 130,000 in debt. I believe that I gained an interesting perspective through what I studied, and what I learned on my own for my true passion: programming. The future of technology is one that is modeled after life, which puts me in a unique position to help craft the world of tomorrow. I'm currently in the startup sphere, and working with colleagues in the direction that I stated above, however I know that personally this debt is holding me back. I can achieve so much if I am able to move forward without this burden. I consider myself a futurist , and will throughout my life work tirelessly to achieve the dreams of the future. Thank you for reading this. Here is my btc address. Any contribution is welcomed.

>> No.1656550

Cuz I just got these sick dubz, op

>> No.1656554

only the grass that stands tallest gets mowed.

>> No.1656566


Well OP I think you might actually want to help me out.

How are you planning on actually doing so?

>> No.1656595

1st year Australian Law student, come from 'disadvantaged background' (poor af) but getting good grades. I'll be in $50,000 debt by the end of my course. Any contribution would be greatly welcome, and may God bless your soul.

Message me?
xr3claimerx (at) gmail (dot) (com)

>> No.1656814

Holy shit, are you me?

>> No.1656819

If you give me money i will spend it on drugs and that's the best reason in this thread

>> No.1657076
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I don't wanna be rid of the debt, I wanna learn from you. Got the time?

>> No.1657083
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