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16550277 No.16550277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>poop once per day
>can set a watch to bowel movements
>can’t shit
>body refuses to shit despite eating tons of food
>shit gets backed up until the moment you get home

Am I the only one? Why does being in unfamiliar territory cause my ass to plug itself up?

>> No.16550287

You are not the only one. Tt has to do with being in a familiar territory, assuming that you spend most of your time in familiar territory.

>> No.16550306

i poop about once every 5 days

sometimes on holidays i can go 7-14 days without poop

just never got into the habit of pooping every day

>inb4 i dont eat right
im 9 stone not 20 stone

>> No.16550314

evolution, shitting is a moment of exposure where a predator could detect the smell or an enemy human could backstab you. precisely for this the human colon can store lots of shit.

that's why stress is known to cause constipation.

>> No.16550315

Fellow weekly pooper. I never understood dailyshitters, what the fuck do they eat, 10lbs or straw a day?

>> No.16550320

Please describe your stool

>> No.16550330

After Thanksgiving I didn't poop the next day for the first time in my life. The next day I pooped and it was literally the size of my arm, my anus felt wrecked, and my toilet was clogged for a day. I just kept flushing no plunger.

>> No.16550343

you should shit at least once every 3 days according to doctors, anything less might be an indication of poor bowel movements

i used to do the same and i can hold it in for a lot of time if necessary, but the unpleasant feeling of being bloated/constipated makes me avoid it

>> No.16550346

Yeah your diet is fucked doesn’t matter if you’re 9 stone. Eat some fruit and veg

>> No.16550351

pretty big (not too wide, long)
starts to get pretty firm at 5+ days tho

its a weird sensation i just never feel the urge to poop until 2 mins before i need to, it just sits invisible in my stomach with no uncomfortableness until it wants out

lil push

then i feel empty

>> No.16550388

fucking disgusting. you do realize you're carrying a weeks worth of shit, waste, and bile in you for days at a time. you are literally a sack of human waste walking around full of shit.

>> No.16550394

you have anal shyness
just delete system 32 on your desktop

>> No.16550402

i like to think im just absorbing nutrients better than most people

i'll let you know in 50 years if it works out

>> No.16550407
File: 54 KB, 600x400, 1568145109212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a shit at work
uh disgusting, i never took a shit at my workplace, i simply clamp my ass cheeks and wait for the evening once i can go home.
And even at home i act like you do but at work, i often wait 3/4am to take a silent shit. I'm a lucky guy tho, with the time i learned to retain my shit longer and longer. Also i decided to skip breakfast and take very light meal (no desert, no entree) to generate less shit. Now i take a shit in average once a week. My personal best is 9 days without shitting. Tho i must be careful because they are enormous and super compressed so it's often a 3 step poop action. First i shit but try to not shit it all (1), then i flush. After i finish to take my shit(2), flush again, and finally wipe my ass (3) and do the final flush. If i do 1 & 2 or 2 & 3 at the same time, its the toilet clog guaranteed 100%.
I don't think poop-normies can even encompass the size of 1 weeks' deuce. Usually it's the lenght of my arm.
Also no homo but retaining compressed shit like this transform them in giant pooldo (dildo in poop) and it end up pressing the prostate after the 5th day, and it's legit better than hetero-sex. I never had anything up my ass but i can understand why the faggots would like it. Also i never admitted it to my gfs, i wonder if they would become jealous of my shits so i don't take the risk.

You will maybe think i'm a weirdo but i'm not. Just try to hold back your shit, you not only save water, get pleasure but you also save a shitload of TIME. Let say taking a shit is 5mn loss everytime, and that you shit everyday : 5x7 : 35mn weekly vs 5mn for me.
30mn per week, 2 hours per month, 1 day per year, you save a full month of your life after 30 years! It's enormous!
Please tell me i'm not the only one doing dis frens.

>> No.16550426

I think you just need to eat more fruits and vegetables, fren.

>> No.16550441

no. this has been tested over generations. its called colon cancer. you don't absorb most materials that make up natural foods due to the fiber content, cartilage, HDLvsLDL, etc. every time you eat or for that matter drink water you produce nitrates, waste, and broken down cells that you should be getting rid of. even if you eat pure sugar you still need to get rid of the byproducts from your liver and your kidneys to. also your entire digestive system is essentially 1 large tube so if you have shit that caked up in your pipe you must smell awful

>> No.16550452

Look into coffee and salt enemas, will take 5-10 of them to really benefit you but after the 1st 3 you see some crazy shit in toilet bowl that was just hanging in your intestines

>> No.16550497

>i like to think im just absorbing nutrients better than most people
Me too, this is my cope.

I’ve been this way since I was a kid. I have never shitted every day, or even every 2 days. Always around 3-5 days between shits.

>> No.16550504

And I drink coffee or tea every day too, so I don’t know what the fuck is going on and I don’t care much. I feel fine and never have any discomfort or weird issue.

>> No.16550517

yo frenchbro if you are still here. how come you so rich?

>> No.16550535


that doesn't change the fact that its fucking terrible for you. you probably had a bad diet or bad day routine as a kid too

>> No.16550538

Unironically a bad sign anon. Low frequency pooping is a huge risk factor for colon cancer.

>> No.16550599

I'm poor bro

>> No.16550645

no for real, did you invest so early did you inherit so much or what?

>> No.16550656

3 days a shit is far too long. You should have 3 good sized shits a day for peak health.

>> No.16550672

Yeah, when traveling usually either I can't shit or I can't stop shitting. No in between.

>> No.16550689

>you should shit at least once every 3 days according to doctors, anything less might be an indication of poor bowel movements
Source that claim you absolute faggot

>> No.16550842

>not shitting every day
eat vegetables and drink water. Coffee has a laxative effect as well

>> No.16550860

>once a day

lmao I shit three times a day

>> No.16550911

>American: the post

>> No.16550994

Please be female

>> No.16551011

This was literally me until I started drinking coffee and eating lots of fiber

>> No.16551017

More fiber

>> No.16551038

you have a shy anus anon, there's no fixing it sorry

>> No.16551460

i drink 1-2 coffees a day

fibre im probably below average (2 fruit or veggies a day)

>> No.16551498

I poop 5-8 times a day. My anus bleeds from wiping.
I also eat 5 times a day.

>> No.16551540
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>can't poop with clothes on
>when I poop in a public place I get all naked in the cubicle
>hang my clothes on the door handle
>put toilet paper over the seat in multiple layers
>then sit down and get rid of my shoes and socks
>place my bare feet on several layers of toilet paper
>sometimes during shitting I wrap myself up with toilet paper into a mummy

>> No.16551734

top kek. Thank God I'm not you

>> No.16551930

Sounds about right, but shoes and socks stay on! You are in a dirty public toilet ffs!

>> No.16552268
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a literal human shitbag

>> No.16552296

>fibre im probably below average (2 fruit or veggies a day)
Fiber should mostly come from complex carbs like oatmeal, whole grain bread, brown rice, quinoa, etc.

>> No.16552343


Relax your colon, op. You know how to do that.

>> No.16552364
File: 207 KB, 1238x1312, 1575734554660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ shitting threads are always so comfy

>> No.16552374

How to profit from weekly shitters

>> No.16552420


The Chad sanitary weekly pooper vs. filthy day-shitting virgin.

>> No.16552470

Daily shitter here. How much do you weigh? 230 lbs here

>> No.16552479

Rich or poor, we all have anxiety and poop issues. These threads are good bonding time.

>> No.16552513

what if you throat fucked her and came in her throat and she giggled and it shot out her nose and she licked it off the floor haha, that would be crazy

>> No.16552784

how can one man be so based?

>> No.16552865

>Business & Poops

>> No.16552894

Better than discussing shitcoin #89313 for the millionth time

>> No.16553198


>> No.16553470

i hope that fat retard in the pic is dead by now

>> No.16553479

it's the opposite, weekly virgin pooper vs chad daily shitter

>> No.16553685

Only 185 lbs 10% bf here. Also daily shitter. Get in at least 30 grams of fiber a day.

>> No.16553721
File: 170 KB, 1200x769, 1566773889172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao I shit three times a day

>> No.16553749

I only shit once every couple days, sometimes three. Just how much are you fat fuckers eating?

>> No.16553767

I got friends that are like that. can't shit for days on holidays. Myself however, can shit anywhere any time. Holes in the ground, long drops anywhere. I enjoy decimating public toilets. It brings me great pleasure.

>> No.16553775

i'm afraid to get girlfriend because im afraid to go poop if she's near

also wtf this is /biz/ why you are talking this shit here

>> No.16553795

>Take fiber supplements 3-5 times daily
>Poop reliably every morning after my coffee
>Poops are always firm and come out quickly
>First wipe always comes up clean

Would recommend.

>> No.16553803

>wtf this is /biz/ why you are talking this shit here
I don't understand the question.

>> No.16553861

You're going to get an impacted colon.

>> No.16554254


This is literally the personification of health

t. physician

>> No.16554666

eat fiber you fuckin neanderthal

>> No.16554691

that's why I don't hold my shit, I know if retain poop for more than 3 days is gonna hurt like a motherfucker

>> No.16554709
File: 22 KB, 580x900, sit-vs-squat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth getting one of those stepstools that let you squatshit into a regular toilet? I'm interested in more complete bowel evacuations.

>> No.16554922


What kind of supplements are you using?

>> No.16554993

I’ve heard nothing but good things about them. Looking into getting one for myself