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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 625x626, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1654894 No.1654894 [Reply] [Original]

If I don't get a 5,000 dollar profit off my online business selling coffee packs. I am being put out of my home. I can't afford the rent.

I need money at the fastest way imaginable legally. Please fucking help me

>> No.1654898

Sell like crazy you madman. You're already in a defeated mindset. Take a moment to breathe and then come up with a real plan that isn't begging online to thai basket weavers

>> No.1654953


send me a link? I order stuff for our office and might be able to help you out

>> No.1654983

How about giving 500 blowjobs at $10 a pop? This would mean sucking around 72 dicks per day (10 more if you want a day off). That's just over 4 loads in your mouth per hour assuming you want 8 hours of good sleep.

So here's the game plan: figure if you get a solid set of knee pads, you can probably suck down around 5 cum shots per hour even if you're not good at it. At that rate, you're netting an extra $8 per day of work. At the end of that first week, you take your extra money and reinvest into your company; buy some lipstick, maybe some blush or high heels.

Now with your newfound skills and efficiency, you should be able to clear at least 8 or 9 cumshots per hour which would bump up your profit margin by over 75%.

After the first few months you can either scale back the amount of cocks you suck or really ramp it up and maybe retire early.

>> No.1654984

Artecoffee.com, please help me out man. Like please.

>> No.1655080


>> No.1655091

OP has a lifetime supply of coffee

>> No.1655093


>trying to sell coffee on 4chan

>> No.1655127

Fast money with low risk is a myth.

Getting a loan is probably the best advice

>> No.1655138


How are you getting these coffees? Private labeling? Do you just have a shit ton of coffee in your garage?

>> No.1655150

>Click "Shop Now"
>Page refreshes

>Clothes and shoes ads appear

>No Euro

The images are also pretty bad.

I'd never buy anything off this website OP, it just screams scam or ,at best, a shit product.

>> No.1655157

Fuck you dude. Just buy a pack I need cash as fast as possible. No website is perfect

Yeah cause instead of fucking 5000 i have to pay. I want tp pay 8000. Dude shut up

>> No.1655177

a loan op. it's the only choice realistically.

out of curiosity, how much do you pull on an average month?

>> No.1655179

You have a nice website right there

>> No.1655291

No need to be salty, just get the loan so you don't lose your damn house and then try to restructure the debt/declare bankruptcy

Face that you failed your business and try again later, maybe become a barrista or some shit. From the looks of things this seems like a first attempt, and nobody gets things right the first time

>> No.1655316

Put some work into your website and people might actually buy something (well not me, flavoured coffee seems pretty disgusting)
check this out:

>> No.1655386
File: 302 KB, 1403x1911, Screenshot_20161206-142252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to throw it all away.

Merry Christmas faggot.

>> No.1655389

The only answer
How are you still reading this thread if you're following this advice

>> No.1655395

That was nice. Pls gibs money too

>> No.1655422

Dude, I am in the exact same position.

I'm throwing my shop on Flippa tomorrow, have you considered doing so?

>> No.1655432

Kek never mind just read this OP KYS.

>> No.1655737

Fuck you.

1. Your website took literally a minute to load on my phone
2. You need to grammar check your product descriptions

>> No.1655827


Fastest way legally? Borrow. Give yourself more runway, then change your plan.

>but muh interest

Coming from a complete lack mindset. You need to borrow, you will pay for it, suck it up and decide right now that you will do whatever it takes to make this business work from here out. Do tastings, promo, partner with a local cafe for a weekend, whatever. To me it seems like something people need to try for themselves, so promote that shit irl!

Besides, you make this shit work and you make so much money you won't give a fuck about interest. In the meantime manage / lower your personal expenses where possible, learn where every dollar goes so you can work out exactly how much runway you have.

>> No.1655843

>maylasian chimney sweep

>> No.1655859


It's actually a pretty good site. Not many perfect sites out there.

>> No.1655910
File: 25 KB, 280x280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolue fucking madlad

>> No.1655912


theres your problem

>> No.1656032


is this troll or did you actually order that much?

OP confirm?

>> No.1656047

r u fucking retarded you fucking fuck

>> No.1656368

honest to god, kill somebody. Go on the dark web or some shit. Kidnap a girl and sell her. Shit like that.

>> No.1656415

>honest to god, commit the ultimate sin

>> No.1656439



>> No.1656444

Your Internet is shit. How does it feel to be so poor and worthless that you can't even afford good Internet? Took 2 secs here.

>> No.1656448

You should provide samples to bank branches. Whenever you go out wear cool hip apron with coffee ground stains/ coffeee smell. People will be curious and you can say you make hipster tasty coffee. There ya go! Serious about samples to bank branches and even legal offices, you will either get mass orders or a few orders from the fat lady's. I would even buy some for my family members as Christmas gifts but I'm going to Europe for vacation so they can fuck them selves. Oh wait.. slap a red now and now you have Christmas time hipster tasty coffee.

>> No.1656449

just be yourself man

>> No.1656622

You know what the funny thing about all of this is?

When O.P was starting his business, he probably had so many delusions of grandeur about how he was going to make millions selling coffee through his 2008-hipster-selling-necklaces tier website. "It's so easy to make money and get rich" he smugly thought to himself. "Anyone who is poor just needs to stop being a dumbfuck lazy shit and start a business like I am".

Although, unfortunately, as REALITY would have it, after his ego crushing failure at playing the capiltalism game, he finds himself BEGGING FOR HANDOUTS on a tibetian throat-singing board from the same people he once thought he was above.

>> No.1656628

we all get to play that game in life
a story so old it's immortalized in the bible
proverbs 16:18

>> No.1656637
File: 37 KB, 600x423, ChlTlV3W0AAoxxj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're truly and honestly fucked. Do the honorable thing, Anon, and lie down at the nearest active railroad tracks. It'll all be over soon.

>> No.1656756
File: 84 KB, 241x337, Screen Shot 2016-12-07 at 11.11.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our Store
>Picture of an Apple store

Oh jeez just kill yourself OP.

>> No.1656761

And if you look at the map all of those stores are Home Depots

>> No.1656886

go rob a few liquor stores at neighbouring cities, should be quite easy cash, if you have the balls to do it.
If you get lucky, you get your cash, if not, then you've got 5-7 years of prison which will take your mind off the 5 grand and losing your house.

>> No.1656918

Making money on the internet = pure luck

There's no reason OP's website is not making money other than not being lucky. There are shit websites that get more traffic, or people that get famous and then sell shit.

>> No.1656945

Not true.

I passed out on tracks for like 16 hours..

>> No.1657117

red pill

be born rich or kys law

>> No.1657159

ah reality...that notorious ego crusher!

>> No.1657245

Fuck sake have a look at all the fucking keyboard warrior know it all cunts in here. Always negative and think you know everything.

At least the guys having a crack. Please, tell me more about your successful online biz?

>> No.1657251

right better to kys than to try

jolly meme'd lad

>> No.1657290

>You must be 18 years of age or older to post on 4Chan.

>> No.1657336

I'm guessing you tried to start a business, thought your were going to make millions, probably didn't even break even or a single sale.

As a person who was born poor, I now have a successful business which I make $1,000 a month (still bet it's more than you or OP) and my business is growing every day. It is possible, I am a 21 years old, don't have a stratospheric IQ or rich parents, but I have a meaning in my life I am working towards.

>> No.1657388

I dunno, could be one of our resident millionaires and business owners.

.../biz/ does have SOME genuinely successful posters? R-right?

>> No.1657392
File: 861 KB, 1237x614, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you only marketing to white people?

>> No.1657431
File: 473 KB, 798x533, IMG_0447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his stock photos aren't even racially ambiguous

>> No.1657461

Real talk op, rebrand yourself as an alt-right coffee specialist.

Put random pepes and Trump memes instead of stock photos and post yourself on /pol/ and r/the_donald. Make a banner that says all profits will go towards "uncovering the truth about Pizzagate", then make millions.

This is literally easy money, those toothless retards will buy into anything. I think that Hugh Mungo who got yelled at by a a femimist got over hundred thousand. Trump himself made hundreds of millions from donations. You just gotta believe.

>> No.1657608

Why don't you sell unflavored you cuck

>> No.1657631
File: 29 KB, 340x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ does have SOME genuinely successful posters? R-right?

>> No.1657636
File: 44 KB, 373x550, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ahhhh those toothless retards lining my pockets ALL DAMN DAY!"

-alex jones

>> No.1657648
File: 71 KB, 750x1037, IMG_2430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw how's your mom

>> No.1657666

This business gives me about 200 monthly give and take handling my suppliers it takes more with the rebranding.

>> No.1657682

Learn to live within your means rather than renting show-off pads that you can't really afford yet.

>> No.1657701
File: 186 KB, 1317x689, 1476549168253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ does have SOME genuinely successful posters? R-right?

>> No.1657921

this is what failures actually beleive...

>> No.1657933

> $5 shipping for 250kg of product

Fucking bargain right there!

>> No.1657955

Start putting crack in your coffee. Then give out free samples to people, guarantee they'll be back.

>> No.1658110

This is a fucking scam

>> No.1658178

alt right coffee confirmed

>> No.1659439
File: 44 KB, 422x239, lorem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about finishing your page before going online?

>> No.1659592

what is this? Nazi Coffee? Brb getting the domain NaziCoffee.com. Gonna go final solution on your business.

>> No.1659603
File: 57 KB, 626x348, 1433672579001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, yes it's a german coffee page where i get mine from. Would try NaziCoffee tho.

>> No.1659677

>about us
>'Lorem ipsum.....'s everywhere

come on

>> No.1659693
File: 9 KB, 250x238, 1834812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your only solution op

>> No.1659696

Merchant services advance

>> No.1660155

Fuck off, anyone who makes a online shop need to consider their customers

>> No.1660157

The ultimate sin is worshipping someone other than God.

>> No.1660167


i was going to order a bag of coffee for my gf from xmas. figured i'd help you out instead after seeing this post.

but man your flavors are so fucking whack. why all the tacky roasts? no normal ones?

>> No.1660170

Condition: New product
>I should hope so. Who wants used coffee?

>> No.1660248

excuse me sir, you are implying OP could take a load per 12 minutures on average. OP has not sucked enough dicks to achieve that rate.

>> No.1661814


Hope you go bankrupt and end killing yourself, looser.

>> No.1662601

Fans of civet coffee?

>> No.1662610


Sure buddy. And I'm Bill Gates.

>> No.1662657


I kek'd

>> No.1662853
File: 32 KB, 557x612, 1465961823851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ does have SOME genuinely successful posters? R-right?

>> No.1662873

u rly think OP can achieve the clientele required?