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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 860x477, python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16547497 No.16547497 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you guys learning python and fleshing out your github to land a comfy ass job in the software industry? I'm making 75k/yr out in the midwest where the real work if only for 4 hours and then i go do GHB in the bathroom and fuck around until the day is done.

>> No.16547500

Bc we already know it

>> No.16547519

because lisp is superior

>> No.16547543

bought "automate the boring things" and took vacation for three weeks to work on it. i hope i can make it to the other side

t. architect

>> No.16547547
File: 8 KB, 225x225, REDPILLED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based af. The author also has that book along with his other shit for free under a creative commons license on his website. Check it out some time!

>> No.16547574 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 810x466, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot link: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/

>> No.16547576

already did, thanks anon. finished "python for kids" a month ago, now comes the next step.
i just wish my day had more hours

>> No.16547923

because I would need a degree to be hired-.ùI don't have
29 yeas old here

>> No.16548089

This, without a degree you're worthless

>> No.16548247

there was this meme here 'just learn coding bro''

>> No.16548335

not true, only if you're a sperg and cant into talking

>> No.16548367

Never understood why you can't just work at home with Jobs like this

>> No.16548377

Because boomers need to see your face

>> No.16548395

because learning JavaScript makes landing a job way easier

>> No.16548398

Check if any if these jobs is asking for a pathetic degree which you learn basically nothing

>> No.16548430

Based as fuck OP

>> No.16548476

I did.
Then I automated my data entry job. Now I can't find a 'real' job because all you hooligans filled them.
It's really hard until it becomes really, really easy. I found the best 'hands on' approach to learning was to troll Reddit.

>> No.16548487

Because I sat confortably with my BIS bag, the only blockchain in python. Thanks for your participation

>> No.16548734

>Check if any if these jobs is asking for a pathetic degree which you learn basically nothing
but it's not specifically asked but the recruiter expect himself you have a CS degree.
A CS degree boy will be preferred to you

>> No.16548859

Give me a good python course anon.

>> No.16548902

if i deleted your emacs config, would you die?

>> No.16549033

>Check if any if these jobs is asking for a pathetic degree which you learn basically nothing
but it's not specifically asked but the recruiter expect himself you have a CS degree.
A CS degree boy will be preferred to you

>> No.16549056
File: 10 KB, 218x232, image857493854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you made any dapps on fleta? I hear it can be good money in making dapps and you can work from home

>> No.16549399

It would be painful

>> No.16549829

You can, look for very small start-up type boomer-free companies. ~100k remote programming work is truly the NEET+ life

>> No.16549917

I got C#, Java, Html, CSS and javascript courses for the next 2 years. Will the market like me =) ?