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16544555 No.16544555 [Reply] [Original]

Hello swinglinkers,
Last chance to buy will be at 1.50,
I hope this clears things up!
Best Regards,
Local Link Marine

>> No.16544560

Nah the ponzi is over sorry bro

>> No.16545384

Why are you still talking about this proven scam? Proof:
>1+ year test net
>5 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.16545528

this reply is bullish for link

>> No.16545538

Every tkme you post this it makes me think the linkers May be onto something

>> No.16545539
File: 1.40 MB, 508x432, weakestlinkie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16545579


He takes time out of his day every single day to spam it multiple times. We live in his head rent free.

>> No.16545629
File: 50 KB, 800x759, 79441780_3120195001327448_5702497515635474432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I declare by the power vested in my first post trips that this thread is a pee pee poo poo doodlydoo thread. ready? for? this?????

>> No.16546350

no link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan? Thank you for confirming there's literally not a single dapp using Chainlink oracles in production and that Chainlink is a scam.

imagine spamming a confirmed scam daily.

>> No.16546353

Premined shittoken