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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16542368 No.16542368 [Reply] [Original]

are you happy with your life? if not, what's stopping you?

>> No.16542382


extremely happy with my life, but took 28 years to get there.

>> No.16542387
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>are you happy with your life?
>if not, what's stopping you?
My depression and social anxiety caused by years of harrasment and bullying during childhood.

>> No.16542389

>if not, what's stopping you?

From killing myself? Anime, mostly.

>> No.16542587
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No, i am 21 and balding.

>> No.16542598

Warm milk hnnnnnnggghhhhhhhhhh

>> No.16542644

put your faith in a power greater than yourself and believe you have a path in life laid out for you. This will help you eliminate your fears and doubts but you have to truly believe. Only you can tkae the steps to change your life and you need to do it now.

>> No.16542674

happy with my life? nope. what's stopping me? my financial situation

>> No.16542774

This but also videogames

>> No.16542944 [DELETED] 

I'm caught between doing what feels like/ what I really want to do and doing what I know is the smart thing to do.. If that makes sense.
I made a lot of money from crypto (700k) and am in college. I honestly want to drop out to travel the world and (hopefully) start some kind of business after that. But at the same time I know that the smart thing to do is to finish college and get a good job.. Everyone around me tells me to stay in school but I honestly hate it. I know I have it better than a lot of people but I'm still miserable. I'm constantly thinking about what could have been, if I will end up regretting my life choices in 5-10 years etc.

Anyone been in a similar situation?

>> No.16542971

I made a lot of money from crypto (700k) and am in college. I honestly want to drop out to travel the world and (hopefully) start some kind of business after that. But at the same time I know that the smart thing to do is to finish college and get a good job.. Everyone around me tells me to stay in school but I honestly hate it. I know I have it better than a lot of people but I'm still miserable. I'm constantly thinking about what could have been, if I will end up regretting my life choices in 5-10 years etc.

Anyone been in a similar situation?

>> No.16543009

Also I have no social life and mild depression.

>> No.16543022

Anyone telling you to stay in school when you already have 700k is retarded

>> No.16543039

you are stupid as shit. college is not a means for a good career. even trust fund retards go to college, albeit for useless majors like latin.
stay in school, nobody has ever regretted going to university. they only do if they were ruined financially, but that's obviously not the case for you.

>> No.16543168

The thing is that my dream is to start my own business. Doesn't even have to be a very successful business, perhaps just a small shop. I feel like I'm wasting my time (and youth) by being in college.. Especially if I actually end up starting a business and won't have any/ much use for the things I learned in college.
But at the same time I'm scared of the risk/ uncertainty of dropping out and what will happen if I fail at starting my own business..

>> No.16543185

what makes you think you can run a business? product businesses are doomed to fail from the start, and service businesses can only work if you have skills that are valuable to the free market

>> No.16543231

I'm somewhat intelligent, have enough money to start a small business and my major is business management/ finance (not that it's a huge advantage but still). But yes, I realize that it's risky... that's why I'm still in school for now.

>> No.16543284 [DELETED] 

Maybe I have been brainwashed by /biz/. Ever since started browsing this board 3 years ago one of my greatest fears has been to spend the rest of my life as a wagie doing some I don't enjoy.

>> No.16543300

Maybe I have been brainwashed by /biz/. Ever since started browsing this board 3 years ago one of my greatest fears has been to spend the rest of my life as a wagie doing something I don't enjoy.

>> No.16543443


Have you considered real estate? It’s one of the easiest ways to financial freedom and one of the safest/least competitive markets, the main hurdle is getting initial capital for downpayments on properties but you’re loaded.

>> No.16543459

>success, or the lack of it
Suicide by 30 confirmed for me, only have a few years left.

>> No.16543509

What made you the cash? Some shitcoin?

Personally I'd say put $200-$300k in real estate and drop out. Travel for a year or so, do bucket list shit while you're young. Take time to figure out what sort of business you want to start before doing it.

I'd start a neurotech company if I had that money, already have the people and resources to make some really cool shit. Buy wagey has to wage :(

>> No.16543625

Thought about it but I don't have a steady income so banks won't give me loans. At least not for more than one apartment.
Thanks for the reply. I already have most of my money an apartment, some stocks and little bit of crypto. I made most of the gains from BTC and ETH. I was a wagie for 4 years before college and put most of my wagiebux into crypto.
I'm not all that young anymore (25). I probably should drop out but I'm a huge pussy about it..

>> No.16543938

I won't be happy until my father dies and goes to hell for beating me as a kid.

>> No.16543952
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>are you happy with your life? if not, what's stopping you?

happiness isn't a decision

>> No.16544289
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/biz/ has given me a fuming hatred for white collar work but it's the only type of job I'll ever be able to do

>> No.16544472


my ex cheated on me, fucked me over for a bunch of money, gave me chlamydia, and now i'm in my parent's basement again and had to move back to my home town

i have a place for january 1st and i work remotely now so whatever

>> No.16544514


>what's stopping you?
chronic case of manlet

>> No.16544524

unless you are 5'6 or under that's not a valid excuse

>> No.16544528
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>> No.16544763



>> No.16544848

my ex unironically basically looked like this but she was latina, but she attempted suicide by attempting to jump off a 20 floor balcony. When I tried to stop her she started attacking me and biting and scratching so I would let her die

thats why I'm not happy

>> No.16544882

Ok but did she jump?

>> No.16544907

oh no. I prevented her from jumping actually by wrestling her for 2 hours until the cops arrived (hence biting and scratching)

What actually happened was that she went into a "dissociative state" caused by a lifetime of trauma I wasn't aware about

I also video called her sister so she could see what was happening and called her family over. Initially the cops and her family thought I drugged her but when she snapped out of it she admitted everything as I told it. Her family thanked me and I broke up with her for my own safety. They still send me thanks.

That was all 4 months ago, she sent me a message last week saying shes been in therapy and turning things around and still loves me and thinks about me all the time...

but idk, she almost ruined my life and shit, she's also a uni dropout and has a bit of slutty tendencies because of all the attention she gets, but maybe she's changed.. idk..

>> No.16544929
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I won't be happy until the throne is mine.

>> No.16544941

She will attack you in your sleep someday, and if you unthinkingly defend yourself you'll go to prison

>> No.16544951

Happiness comes with more Tezos


>> No.16545006

yeah idk, maybe you're right. getting back with her would either turn out really good or it will be the end of me.

>> No.16545091

beat your meat and then ask yourself if you still want to be with her. every time you doubt the answer to that question, beat your meat then ask it again

>> No.16545129

I'm not happy because I realize life is fucked in terms of wealth. If you work you are wasting your time and happiness in exchange for money, If you don't work you are homeless and have to live in depravity. My viewpoint on life won't change and I'm 20, I stress about what will happen in the next 10 years. Either I'm homeless or have a couple hundred thousand or million from crypto, My future is heading towards two absolutes and I don't know which one it is.

>> No.16545186

Travel as soon as you get out of school. When you are in school, the university and what you expect is that you get good grades, get out of school, get a challenging job you enjoy. Live a balanced life.

What actually happens, is it takes at least 4 jobs to get a really decent job, and full time work consume so much of your life and energy the time not at work is filled with nothing but consoompution. And then, during those 4+ shit jobs to start, your youth vanishes, and you spend 2/3 of your day doing nothing, while pretending the look busy for your manager.

Travel. Don't do it money style. That shit is flacid. Stay in cheap Air BnBs and most bougie. Wander around with a pack for awhile, doing random local projects along the way, ideally with a GF.

Also, buy the stonk market dip, after it has dipped at least 40%. Be good with the money and you can live off interest. Don't blow it on consoompution and a cuckhouse in the burbs like the boomers did. Maintain the principle, ride the interest, never worrry about money again.

>> No.16545194

nope, i have no bf, i will lonely and live with cats

>> No.16545336
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I wont be happy until my networth is 2.5M plus

>> No.16545667
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I don't think it can be as simple as happy/unhappy. I'm satisfied and know that I'm doing better than the vast majority of my peers, but there are areas that I wish I could improve.
> Need to start going to the gym again
> I hate my team at work and am tired of office politics, I just want to make cool shit
> my parents pester me all the time about buying a $1k plane ticket to visit them every year
I think it's the human condition to always want more.

>> No.16545708

Bro that's some real shit right there.
If we aren't broken like she was/is then we made it out alright in this world. Let's try not to fuck it up and let's find whamens worth a damn who aren't fucked up in the head and build a community or something bro.

>> No.16545733

Not sure if happy. Sometimes i get filled with joy then sadness. It's balanced like %50 %50

>> No.16546404

I would actually love to live in a commune with good people far away from civilization

>> No.16546424

Not enough Monero in my life.

>> No.16546425


same. this seems like a fulfilling life and much better than wage slavery and paying taxes

>> No.16546451
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I struggled for years and finally got my finances back in order, have a house, dont have to work much except on things I like, things seemed good. Started dating for the first time in my life 30+. Second girl I date magically gets pregnant and now I'm scared. Her parents are well off and bought her a house recently and are offering to fly in to help with the kid but after years of struggling I thought I was going to get to date around and meet different people but it feels like I got outsmarted.

>> No.16547170

I'm not happy only because I fucked up swing trading UPT. I need it to go lower please I just need another chance.

>> No.16547874

Stupid ticker stop shilling it all over

>> No.16547883

tell her to get an abortion

>> No.16548525

>are you happy with your life?
Slightly unhappy. Could be a lot worse I guess.
>if not, what's stopping you?
Undiagnosed autism / social retardation.

I'm a 30y/o 6/10 with a median wage office job in Europe. I have the means to be quite comfy on my own, but I'll never know the joy of having a family.

>> No.16548845

>marry qt petite blonde pawg
>tfw no fat tit wife