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File: 84 KB, 1067x600, ECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16542215 No.16542215 [Reply] [Original]


I work in the finance sector in a well-known European country. Apparently, the ECB (European Central Bank) is in advanced talks with a public blockchain solution with intent to issue a CBDC. Said solution is already being implemented by various governments (Korea, South Africa, Australia, Afghanistan, and a couple more in early stage discussions). Also being used not only for stablecoins, but for other sectors aswell such as supply chain and healthcare.

Literally, I think this solution is THE 2020 adoption catalyst that makes crypto mainstream again. No LARP surprisingly.

p.s. article related

>> No.16542294

One step closer to their one world government and a slave colony on Mars.

>> No.16542307

whats the public blockchain

>> No.16542321

Join the chat faggot larping OP


>> No.16542327
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>> No.16542334

yeah chemtrails aren't real if you vote republican

>> No.16542365


>> No.16542393

Yes the world government is a real thing that the elite are trying to force onto us. Mars colonies will never exist because you cannot land on Mars, just like you can't land on the moon. Hint: we didn't.

>> No.16542417


>> No.16542445

Fagtom, just like your money will be if you're ever stupid enough to give some to the pajeets.

>> No.16542466

nigger bnanks

>> No.16542475

Have sex

>> No.16542568

Muddafuckers, We are ALL going the get fucking rich bros!! Smoking weed, playing vidya and fucking escortes all day long, FUCK YEAH!! FANTOM!! And all the fucking FUDDERS we will FUCK HARD in their hairy anuses so hard that they scream and bleed and bag for mercy!! WE WILL GET TRILLIONS BROS!!

>> No.16542574

Based high energy Fantie

>> No.16542576

For more info/clarity.

TIPS - TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) - was rolled out by the ECB late last year. While proving to be useful, with several second settlement, it just wasn't enough as there still needed to be an intermediary to handle the funds. Funds can only be added to accounts during working hours. See here for more info for all you foreigners: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/target/tips/html/index.en.html

The main reason why the ECB is discussing with the aforementioned blockchain is because of 1second finality (can be lowered as well - 1second is already live), and also no middleman required. Lagarde/the big guys think the consumer will love the new solution since it lets people control their money, wherever and whenever.

>> No.16542588

You should turn this into a chainlink larp if you want engagement

>> No.16542595

Mirin this larp you absolute piece of shit

>> No.16542619
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>> No.16542638


How did you come to the conclusion Fantom platform will be used?
I don't see any evidence of that anywhere.

>> No.16542701

>expecting these cave dwellers to use blockchain

wtf anon, this is garbage

>> No.16542727

It's all so tiresome

>> No.16542822


>> No.16542850

1 fanty = 1 panty EOy

>> No.16542856

Don’t rule out fantom India

Can’t wait to tell biz about that

>> No.16542911

Sounds like hbar

>> No.16543031

Other countries are not as backward as you think

>> No.16543037

Nice larp pajeet

>> No.16543056

> 15 tps for smart contracts kek
Fantom will do 10k

>> No.16543059

yes eu will definetly follow south africa and afganistan at this pase

>> No.16543067


How do I profit from that? Buy link?

>> No.16543099

Kek, how does it feel being a group thinking retard?

>> No.16543126

hes rich though

>> No.16543156

That's not true, ecb is slow on Blockchain Bitcoin is even an absolute tabu.
T. Ecb employee

>> No.16543167

>a well-known European country

>> No.16543205

>I work in the finance sector in a well-known European country
I.e. cafeteria and washing some toilets there.

>> No.16543221

>intelligent life ever colonizing another planet and not dying on Earth, snuffed out for eternity as if it never existed.
You optimists disgust me.

>> No.16543275

Don't remember hearing anything about India during internal discussions. But another country I'll mention (that hasn't been talked about yet) is Vietnam.

South Korea, Australia, Vietnam, and others are already following suit.

Explain linked article? Kind of contradicts what you said.

>> No.16543289


Answer the question >>16543067

>> No.16543744

There's been a slave colony on Mars for almost half a century.

>> No.16543769

Read the thread you crayon eating fuckup, and you’ll know which coin to buy

>> No.16543790
File: 95 KB, 1200x596, SeeYouOnMars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eddie Bravo knows what's up.

>> No.16543800


>> No.16543817

Hahaha I think everyone in this thread should go take a nice nap. There's really nothing going on in space at the moment and you're all getting very, very tired. Yawwwwn mmmhmm yeah man it's getting toasty in here I could just drift off right now. Everyone close down 4chan and take a little break, it's good for your eyes to rest them for a minute.

>> No.16543851

Lol no

>> No.16543853
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Oh my god. Please give me more! I love this shit. Go Fantom!

>> No.16544293


>> No.16544302


>> No.16544340
File: 8 KB, 250x248, 1573826826004s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit could be so huge for Fantoms momentum. If this happens With everything that is has going for it. . .

>> No.16544389

For anyone doubting, there are hints scattered around everywhere.

>> No.16544412
File: 70 KB, 634x432, elon smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crypto in question is Eggs Elle Ihm.

t. spoon-feeder

>> No.16544427

Drop me another hint anon. I need this. what else do you know if this isn't a larp

>> No.16544502

It’s an elaborate fantom shill you fucking retard

If you’re white and hold fantom join the telegram


>> No.16544621

The first news you will here about a CBDC officially is in January. Q1 for Europe.

>> No.16544684
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>> No.16544700
File: 36 KB, 297x365, 1571861551444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> have sex!!
> schizo!!
> taked your meds!!!!
> oya vey!!!!

>> No.16544730

soooo what does it have to do with link?

>> No.16544740

>car bomb explodes

>> No.16544755

Average IQ in Afghanistan: 84
Lower than African Americans.
Also IQ is so genetic there are now DNA-based IQ tests.

>> No.16544766


>> No.16544911

it wont be on a public blockchain where you will profit from a coin pump you morons.

>> No.16545421

That’s where you’re mistaken

>> No.16545433

That's where FTM comes in dumbass. You can make your own mainnet on it by renting the network. Every central bank can have its stablecoin.

>> No.16545464

the sandmonkeys are on it

>> No.16545531

I see everyone decided to just ignore this

>> No.16545542

Because it's someone larping as an ECB employee. Besides, the ECB just had a change of leadership if you haven't noticed

>> No.16545759

We all know OP is a larp, doesn’t change the fact that lagarde knows about fantom

>> No.16545789

This. How many CBDCs are even out there already working? FTM's one is the only one I can think of and it's already gonna be used by South Africa. If things go well and I believe they will it's a certain candidate for the ECB too.

>> No.16545890

I was surprised as well. I've always thought that only private chains would be utilized by the top corps and govs.

>> No.16545915

Prove to use you arent larping you absolute fucking piece of trash. I bet you’re the same asshole that made the South African digital Rand larp fantom thread

>> No.16545917

Is this link related?

>> No.16545929

Wait a fucking minute all those places are the places that Kevin travelled to this year. Wtf.

>> No.16545960

It’s a fantom shill dumbass, OP is larping

>> No.16546201

Link is partnered with said blockchain I believe. But not directly related no.

>> No.16546211

so this a fantom shill ?

>> No.16546257

Link isn't partnered with Fantom
Idk if it's a larp. He said Vietnam did some digging and found some interesting stuff. Could be fucking huge for Fantom

>> No.16546268

All this larp to shill some fantom shitcoin, fucking niggers itt

>> No.16546272

>Could be fucking huge for Fantom

like a big red dildo on the chart

>> No.16546293

Not intended to shill, moreso educate on what's happening.

Fantom has worked with Link on using Oracles. Not announced.

>> No.16546302

unironically and absolutely based OP

>> No.16546305

Give me one shred of fucking evidence the ecb is in TALKS with fantom

That is such fucking bullshit

>> No.16546355

Lmfao go back.

>> No.16546362

>did some digging and found some interesting stuff

Fuck off

>> No.16546441

Not sure how I would give evidence of internal, confidential discussions. I would advise to wait and see over the next couple of months.

>> No.16546658

Type in Vietnam blockchain tech on google and get the rope ready.
I believe they have they have working with the oracle company but having working together? Just seems unlikely

>> No.16546717

Fantom is working with Oracle, yes (Oracle wanted a high tps/throughput/low latency chain)...

As for Link, I know that Fantom was using their tech for oracles (not the company). Not sure if anything changed recently.

>> No.16546735

>Fantom is working with Oracle, yes (Oracle wanted a high tps/throughput/low latency chain)...

How many times are you gonna repeat that lie?

>> No.16546755

red flag detected
nice low-key bait faggot

>> No.16546811


This one, I can actually share evidence since it was announced sneakily months ago.



>> No.16546839

Fantom is gonna melt faces. It's like IOTA if IOTA was actually good.

>> No.16546892


That was March 2019, things have changed a lot since. Remember mainnet was supposed to be ready in Q3, possibly even Q2. Look where they are now. And Andre has no more credibility.

>> No.16547571

I'm not larping.

>> No.16547711

Time lines changed

Fantom started working with a digital payments company on the south African reserve bank digital payments project

No shit things changed kek

This is the sort of thing you throw all your resources at

>> No.16547714

That's fucking retarded.
A centralized crypto is litterally a doubly shit fiat.
The ultimate shitcoin.
I ain't buing that shit.
Bitcoin is the answer, and the evolution of money (it's better than gold, till Google manages to use their new quantic computer to break the encription on the wallets. Still, i nthe future, with quantum-proof encription, it ll replace gold).

>> No.16547739



>> No.16547767


>> No.16547902

If you’re even thinking about mentioning CoinMetro in this thread, you need to go see a good psychologist and get on some anti psychotic meds

>> No.16547985
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Eat niggers u fagots I'll crush frenchbro skull while he's getting pegged by hillary

>> No.16547993

Fuck me, maybe it is iota

>> No.16548205

then proov it, shouldn’t be That Hard without giving away identity

>> No.16548217

Fuck off deluded maxie.
Your pedo gold is going to $0

>> No.16548339
File: 74 KB, 622x1280, IMG_20191213_122729_240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QUANT is balls deep in this

>> No.16548382

quant is an erc20 token

it cannot provide infrastructure for central banks to issue stable coins

>> No.16548412


>> No.16548623

fool, it connects them.

>> No.16549317

You are an idiot

>> No.16549980

If you can't answer this question, I'll spoonfeed you. Just buy FTM.

>> No.16550789

I am sorry to say, but I have never heard of Quant and it was never mentioned during discussions.

I just looked it up and they claim to give interoperability to central banks and the like? But I've never heard of them.