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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16542041 No.16542041 [Reply] [Original]

>wanting to make it so you can bang thots and play vidya all day
>not wanting to make it so you can start your own world changing enterprises
>not learning the skills to do so now while waiting to make it

>> No.16542048

>wanting to change the world


>> No.16542086

theres a higher chance of you dying next week than you changing the world

>> No.16542090
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But my own enterprise would be my own porn company where I am the only actor, producer, sctiptwriter and cameraman.

>> No.16542094

go fuck yourself, asshole

>> No.16542105
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>not wanting to make it so you can be totally secure
>not wanting to make it so hard that even a nuclear war can't stop your operations

>> No.16542137

seething normie

>> No.16542147

Yea I used to think like this when I was younger desu.. But it's really fucking hard to start a successful business. I have plenty of money so capital is not the problem.
If you are smart/enough enough start your own "world changing enterprise" (you're most likely not) then money shouldn't be a big issue. Just pitch your idea to investors or start small and scale.

>> No.16542154

smart/ skilled enough*

>> No.16542159

How is it cringe?

Can you explain?

>> No.16542174

if you don't get it on your own by now i'm sorry for you

everyone in this world is only out for himself

>> No.16542270

That is a non argument.

>everyone in this world is only out for himself

Yeah, and? What does it have to do with coming up with new inventions that are useful to people?

>> No.16542280

why do you care about "the people"? are you after fame?

>> No.16542332

fame and money for sure

creating useful products that normie masses actually use and like means you will get profits and exposure

you forgetting which board you are on

this isn't /r9k/, it's fucking /biz/, so how is it cringe that on /biz/ a person wants to create a business LMAO