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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16541922 No.16541922 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell do I hire a good nutritional coach that's not bullshit to help me create a meal plan? There's so much disinformation out there, eat carnivore, eat vegan, eat fat, don't eat fat. How the hell I'm I suppose to know what to eat?

>> No.16541939

Stop being retarded. Just eat a wide variety of foods that haven't been processed to hell and you'll be good.

>> No.16541985
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>Stop being retarded
how the hell is this advice? kys
I actually want to better my life and not be a NEET, but my biggest hold up is my health. I'm in my 20s and shouldn't be this sick, but i am due to stress, poor diet, incompetent doctors, and probably, vaccines, pesticides, fluoride. I would even pay to fix my problems, if I knew where to look, so I'm not trying to be a welfare bum asking something for free. Why don't you take this and shove it up your ass.

>> No.16542013


No, nutritionists suck. Most diets agree on what is healthy. If you have many health problems you might have intolerances, start with a low-carb paleo diet and work from there.

>> No.16542042

if you're too fucking stupid to eat a balanced diet and count calories you're a lost cause anyway

>> No.16542050


Offset the fluoride with nascent iodine, that should take care of a lot of bullshit.

>> No.16542056

Nutrition is quite easy to get if you use cientific research. Hell /fit/ is unironically a great place to start.

>> No.16542058
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ok, this site is full of retarded people, im leaving

>> No.16542064

This is what I do for a living but no way I'm giving out my info on here.

>> No.16542131

Set your maintenance calories. To gain weight eat 500kcal more, to lose weight eat 500kcal less. Try it for 4 weeks and then adjust.
Eat 60% carbs, 15% protein and 25% fats. avoid processed food and go for complex carbs. Don't drink your calories.

>> No.16542135

I'll throw you a bone though. What are your goals? No, matter what they are you should know that 99% of 'eating right' is portion control. All the other stuff comes after that. Use a TDEE calculator (the one on symmetricstrength is pretty decent and it's free). That will give you a good indication of where to start. Personally I dont like to count calories but it's useful for noobs because they have no idea what and how much they are eating.

>> No.16542169

i would say it depends on how much time/money you have. If you get a good and he saves you a lot of research time + you follow his/hers meal plan i'd say its well worth it. You can learn everything but you prolly rather pay for some services.

>> No.16542195

Read the sticky

>> No.16542204

Also this is mostly correct. Except that people make the mistake of going into a big deficit too fast. It works better to ease into in. Hell most people eat too much so they should start by eating 'just' their maintenance calories. After doing that for a week or two, go into a 100 kcal deficit, when that isnt a problem for a few weeks go into a 200 kcal deficit etc. People fail at losing weight (btw same idea goes for gaining weight) because they jump into the deep end and quit. It's like weight training, you dont start by lifting your end goal, you work towards it (start light, add more). Works better.

>> No.16542223

>he can't do 4/3/2/1 from the get-go

Lmao everybody laugh at this loser

>> No.16543370
File: 14 KB, 620x309, nf-vertical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go here https://nutritionfacts.org
and read the transcripts or watch the videos.

You seriously won't get better advice than that anywhere. Its evidence based science.

>> No.16543702

tell me your exact problem and I will help you
no troll, I am serious

>> No.16543714

>Eat 60% carbs, 15% protein and 25% fats
u w0t m8?
carbs are the reason #1 why people fuck up their weight
less carbs, more protons and fat (good source of fat)

>> No.16543719


>> No.16543724

Thank you for your service. One retard less.

>> No.16544091

nutritionist here, i recommend a vegan diet high in s.oy and bugs. make sure you get plenty of carbs and avoid fat. drink juice when you get thirsty for extra vitamins.

>> No.16544131

you don't need a meal plan unironically just lurk fit keep your calories under your TDEE and exercise even once a week and you're fine. even if you don't exercise just stop being a retard about food. focus on getting most of your calories from protein. i lost the most weight when i was under 100g carbs per day for a few weeks

>> No.16544150

It's easy anon. Eat things that either grew or were born. Stay away from processed bulshit. Less processing in your food the better.

Shop at farmers market if possible, and eat things with probiotics for gut health (full fat Bulgarian yogurt, Kim chi, saurkraut, etc)

Do NOT eat low quality beef or chicken

Make sure you get healthy fats (like avocado and yogurt above)

And portion control! If you eat avocado toast, local eggs, oats and yogurt for breakfast, that will be infinitely better than having 5 bags of cheetos in the morning.

Also try not to eat 3 hours before you sleep.

Lastly, always stay hydrated, but regulate how much water you ingest while you eat, as it affects your stomach acid levels which then affects your digestion.

Ideally, 8 cups of water a day, but only 1 cup with your meal.