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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16538237 No.16538237 [Reply] [Original]

are there any quality forums about making money and business? im kind of tired of /biz/ degeneracy and useless faggotry shitposting. looking for a place with intelligence and maturity with real world advice not just random shitcoin shilling. anyone know of such a place?

>> No.16538245

have sex

>> No.16538247


>> No.16538255

>have sex
Pol have Jews and Antifa deliberately shitting up their board, so where do you idiots come from and why?

>> No.16538269

All markets except maybe forex, are shit right now. theres really not much else to do here plus the fact that a board about ANYTHING business related is suddenly sfw reddit esque really hurt this place.

>> No.16538270


>> No.16538279

We are all professionals here faggot so STFU

>> No.16538289

I just went all in again after reading this: >>16534803

>> No.16538298
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eth couldn't even handle crypto kitties and you think you're gonna put the entire derivatives market on link

>> No.16538301

for you

>> No.16538342

Are you a teenage girl?

>> No.16538345

Attend any activities at your local synagogue

>> No.16538362

I miss the old /biz/ stock advice, salary negotiations, resume advice, vanguard portfolios and career advice.

This crypto garbage seriously has to stop. People are getting hurt. Not only that but literally 99.99% of this shit is a scam and a huge bubble waiting to burst. Just look at the recent bitcoin crash down to 9000 case in point.

I'm currently in uni finishing up my studies to become an accountant. I want to know ways to make it in the corporate world. I want to have meaningful conversations like how to negotiate salary raises with your bosses.

I know this might come to a shock to alot of you guys but someone has to say it. Cryptocurrency is just a massive speculation with absolutely 0 fucking value to this world.you can not right now name one single crypto that brings real value to this world and helps improve it.

This is a speculators game. And who ever is the first to sell off will win. You guys are in a fucking ticking time bomb waiting to explode and you don't even realize it.

Besides women want men with stable careers and goals. Not a bunch of Internet funny money degenerate gamblers. Good luck starting a family with any woman and telling her you traded Internet meme coins. Seriously guys wake the fuck up.

If any of you had any sense at all you would sell 100% of your cryptos and invest in Amazon / real estate. Something that will never go away and always rise in value.

I hope we can go back to the old ways of biz. I want to know some good stocks I can expect to put my yearly bonuses into. Not this crypto trash vaporware scam garbage.

>> No.16538365

that's why they started sharting

>> No.16538377

Your life choices make me vomit in my mouth a little.
Crypto is a battle for human rights. Battle of our age.
Sorry you don't get it.

>> No.16538378

jobs that used to exist before BitCoin

>> No.16538466

seriously, too much crypto bs

>> No.16538474

i just want a place to learn about investing and running businesses. most people on biz are weed smoking 18 year old college faggots. i want people to learn from, im sure there are forums for this shit since they exist for every hobby and busness im just hoping some older more savvy biz trolls might point me in the right direction

like for example, how can i make money off brexit? surely there are some good opportunities coming up with that

professional NEETs living off your moms tendies?

exactly. i remember using biz during grad school back in like 2010 for legit advice and brainstorming. cryptokiddies ruined the board

>> No.16538482

>Besides women want men with stable careers and goals.
All. Women are whores, especially OPs mum

>> No.16538639

These posters are Indian shills getting angry we aren't discussing their precious Bitcoin Sucker Version or other scam of the month their are pushing.

>> No.16538710

KYS nigger. Buy bsv

>> No.16538725
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That said they may not let you in if you are a retard or you can't donate or pay for a seedbox.

You fuck up there and you are banned.

>> No.16538737
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Also i am giving you this info because your meme about the btc phoenix pepe is based and redpilled , most degenerate retards here won't be admitted into tv anyway.

>> No.16538764

Everyone is insulting you but this is the genuine truth, Cryptocurrency shit has ruined this board. Every post is about cryptocurrency and the boards name is called /biz/ for business. Buying and selling Crypto is not a fucking business.

>> No.16538787

This board was made to get crypto of /g/

>> No.16538797

This guy knows , this entire board was for containment , most of the first posts are about dogecoin.

>> No.16538970
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How's that site like? Can I get an invite? I;m stupid but not retarded. I just want fewer shills and thread sliding.

>> No.16539056
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it's based and redpilled, it's a torrent tracker for business here is a review


Here is the thing private torrent trackers want you to seed and mantain a good ratio however at the vault you have a problem.

1_Lot's of people have money there so they have seedboxes seeding.

2_Others simply buy the ratio donating with crypto.

So seeding there is very hard and you may need to donate monthly to keep being a member there.
Also the forum is as worthy as the tracker itself if not more.

>Can I get an invite?

No, it's pretty exclusive to prevent faggots leaking information there , there is really good stuff there about business so they don't want retards leaking content and uploading it elsewhere for good reason.

So no you can't register and no you can't get an invite , however if you go to their irc channel you may ask for an invite , they will ask some questions in a kind of interview and if you don't answer "how can i make money by fucking a prostitute" odds are they let you in.

After that mantaining your account will cost you some bucks per month either in a seedbox or donating but it's worth it.

>> No.16539141

>it's a torrent tracker for business
can you explain what this means?
t. brainlet

>> No.16539163
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I have been in trackers where I need to maintain a certain ratio but have abandoned that scene for almost a decade now. I did not now about buying your ratio.
I figured the only way to getting an invite is through their irc. I wouldn't shitpost but being a yuropoor would raise some flags I suppose. Thanks for the effortpost tho

>> No.16539305

Cope and cringe-pilled

>> No.16539397

Torrents are for downloading stuff in a p2p way a private tracker is where you get torrent files but only members of the tracker can download them and seed them , if you are not an user even if you get the torrent file to download a certain course or something you won't get shit since the other peers won't share data with you.

Private trackers also keep track of your ratio so you upload as much as you download to prevent parasites from stealing without uploading again.

Yes probably from the irc you could get an invite.

> I wouldn't shitpost but being a yuropoor would raise some flags I suppose.

Not at all it's an international tracker as long as you are not a parasite it does not matter were are you from.
As for donating to keep the ratio it's costly there like 100 euros will only give you 150gb.

However they do collective purchases of courses and things like that that cost even more , you can get stuff that cost a shitton of money there for pretty little since they buy as a group and then anyone can download, of course to download you need to keep your ratio and that means donating so it's a pretty good system as long as newfags don't steal stuff and uploading it in other places which is why they will control who is allowed to enter.

>> No.16539562
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>As for donating to keep the ratio it's costly there like 100 euros will only give you 150gb.
Yea that's where my ilk would be unwelcome. I'd rather use my old laptop as a seedbox. Other than that the site sounds pretty based, especially that collective buying thing. I'll give the irc interview a try once I'm in a better headspace

>> No.16539564
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> random shitcoin shilling

ah sheeeit..now's my chance

>> No.16539580

I would wait until the weekends , odds are you have more people there and someone willing and with better humor to interview you kek.

And regarding the laptop as seedbox , bad idea , this tracker has only seeders , it's even hard to leech there i had a seedbox for a year and basically seeded 150gb kek.

However you can find 10gb of stuff that cost 1000 usd or things like that, and it's better to donate and download than buying it directly.

But the forum is the most based related to business and can be considered separated from the tracker in that discussions are pretty open about a lot of things.

>> No.16539587

Thanks for explaining!

>> No.16539612

>Cryptocurrency is just a massive speculation with absolutely 0 fucking value to this world.you can not right now name one single crypto that brings real value to this world and helps improve it.

It allows anyone to do international payments even with capital controls and bypassing things like western union that rape people on fees.

>> No.16539618

No problem if you want to join tv i would advise first to learn about torrents in other private trackers tv is actually pretty strict in what regards to torrents.

>> No.16539626

2+2 is alright. Tougher to browse threads and there’s namefags but closest thing relative.

>> No.16539636
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>Crypto is a battle for human rights. Battle of our age.

Based and satoshipilled

>> No.16539981

until the gov of your country decides to step down on it, that is

>> No.16540024

The gov of my country already did that and we don't give a fuck.
Hell they doing that increased the spread and made arbitrage more worthy and localbitcoin volume increased massively.

>> No.16540078

literally hundreds of millions moved in btc for 5$.
>no real value

>> No.16540088
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ethfinance on reddit

>> No.16540357

This but unironically

>> No.16540429
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>And regarding the laptop as seedbox , bad idea , this tracker has only seeders , it's even hard to leech there i had a seedbox for a year and basically seeded 150gb kek.

However you can find 10gb of stuff that cost 1000 usd or things like that, and it's better to donate and download than buying it directly.
Yea I'll go though /ptg/ threads when I get the time. I remember you can make a seedbox from a pi but I could be wrong.
Yea back in the days when I was in forums (i know it's fora don't worry) there were some very based ones but I gave up in pursuit of normiehood. Also, what's up with your spacing bro?

>> No.16540471

/biz/ didn't exist in 2010.

>> No.16540497

>battle for our rights
lel like that ever stop the NSA or PATRIOT
we are goyim, anon. No rebellion here. Now go work out, tubby.

>> No.16540520

Fuck off euro/aus poster

>> No.16540721

Here's legit advice about negotiating: Ask your professors. More than likely they spent a lot of time in upper management and were on the other side of that negotiating when hiring someone. A few professors I've had have even given above in class.

For instance: if you're under 26 and still on your parents insurance, negotiate higher pay for less benefits. Then obviously do not let your pay drop when you need the benefits. Betting on yourself but that's not terrible thing to do if you're good. Also, leave the company because they'll never give you a raise. Always leave to get a better promotion lol.