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File: 596 KB, 1058x2175, 20191211_170442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16527594 No.16527594 [Reply] [Original]

Linkbro is back.

>> No.16527617

Will you kill yourself when you realize that link is nothing more than overhyped useless vaporware? Second question is will you kill yourself or start selling Tupperware once it crashes? Third Sergey is most likely a virgin.

>> No.16527625
File: 17 KB, 248x250, PegNet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stay tuned

>> No.16527652

>65 dollarydoos
You hebrew bastard. This is outrageous.

>> No.16527653

You are fat and you are poor.

>> No.16527654

Premined shittoken.

>> No.16527661

No, he is top chad
Sorry been out of the loop the past two months. Not sure what this is about

>> No.16527677

Hey linkbro, i’m the guy fucking your girlfriend right now! she left you for an xrp holder too cause she hates link and you

>> No.16527678
File: 26 KB, 394x458, 1474328550965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think scamming people by selling them chink made garbage at inflated prices to cash in on the hype is pretty evil, but I also believe in natural selection and the free market and want the networth of anyone unironically describing themselves as a "x_token marine/army/spartan" etc to go down so good luck

>> No.16527698

For that cheap ass dollar store ass garbage? I guess this shit probably sells like hot cakes considering LINK fags throw all their money at an obvious Cayman Island scam project with a headquarters address that literally over 1000 businesses share.

>> No.16527701
File: 1.62 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20191211_171923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No not fat and not poor but not rich either, just a middle class slave
Most definitely not my Fren, this is good price For a full marine pack. Also giving away some link money boxes to the next 10 orders of a marines pack.
Pic related is the money box, the money boxes you cant buy as i keep them for giveways for now

>> No.16527722

That's $65 AUD, not use by the way
Checked, fair enough. Unfortunately she hates crypto so good luck with that

>> No.16527744


>> No.16527835

I have not had a complaint once about the quality of my products, everyone marine who has purchased seemed to love them

>> No.16527849

This. Based Anon exploiting biztards.

>> No.16527882

This has nothing to do with exploiting anyone. I believe in link and as i have said before i made linkbrothers as a partnership so in the future other marines can get onboard. Also i hope to expand into other things also. This was just a good start and something i enjoyed doing.

>> No.16527888

Props to you. It’s actually not a bad idea. Respect the hustle if nothing else.

>> No.16527893



>> No.16527909

What does believing in LINK have to do with exploiting retards? Stop trying to rationalize your Jewishness and up the samefagging to get more retards to buy.

>> No.16527912

I'll take a the dice for free and I'll shill for you

>> No.16527936

So trying to start something is jewishness, it's like you forget what board you are on Fren. Also not samefagging, all replies are legit
Maybe another time bro. Keep a look out for me next time and we might talk about it. Dont really need shills unless you can do it on Reddit. I dont have an account and even if i make one wont have any karma to post shit.
Checked and thanks anon

>> No.16527938

Why would he give you anything in exchange when he can samefag for free? The absolute state of nulinkers.

>> No.16527965
File: 94 KB, 1024x576, B2EF43DE-EFC6-42AD-8C87-670175AB393E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy molly! Truly a scam filled with scammers.

>> No.16527994
File: 12 KB, 180x280, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the ChainLink meetup in Montreal really happening? I bought my ticket and checked out the venue. It seems like a really cool place, an all-inclusive sauna called Sauna Oasis in downtown. Any other bizbros going?

>> No.16528031

nah mate don't bother then, i don't use reddit either
kek i don't know, worth a shot

>> No.16528043

Peak cringe very well fitting for linkoholics

>> No.16528128

$65 Aus is pretty cheap and welcome back Marine

>> No.16528191
File: 32 KB, 820x500, IMG_20191211_170052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks marine, we are all in this together and going to make it

>> No.16528382

Im not sure but have heard about it. I would like to go though

>> No.16528388


>> No.16528495


>> No.16528647
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20191211_202539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are also the limited edition drawer boxes that ill also give to everyone who get a marines pack. Pic related.
But i only have 10 money boxes to giveway, so first in first served

>> No.16528648

why do you keep talking about this proven scam? Proof:
>1+ year test net
>5 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.16528848

Just ordered to Lithuania. Hope I get one of those boxes linkbro

>> No.16529131

I would be embarrassed to display this China made junk on my book case

>> No.16529155


i want this but i'm not going to give some random guy my address

>> No.16529363

Nice entrepreneurial spirit op.