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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16520141 No.16520141 [Reply] [Original]

"Imagine not buying @Kleros_io under a penny and being patient. One year of accumulation phase. Zero bag-holders to chew through. Vitalik approved. $ETH ecosystem backed. Just grab some, join the community. Stake for more Ethereum, and relax for a hot bit while things unfold."

True, doe.


>> No.16520168

kek, max keiser is shilling this shit now? anon, when max keiser is on your team, you need to reevaluate your logic

>> No.16520251

Not yet, but he will. PNK is only beginning the rounds. Load up the chart, zoom out, and realize this is what being lucky enough to have a year to accumulate looks like.

>> No.16520429

Can this moon already i've held for 8 months and bought twice but FFFFFFF, c'mon, Vitalik.

>> No.16520521

Kleros is the most comfortable hold ever. I'm being very patient and stacking as much as I can under a penny.

>> No.16520522

Literally dumbest project on eth to this day comfido level

Wich means it will pump prob lol

>> No.16520531

Well, keiser is the one jew I trust. If we listened to him when Bitcoin was 1$ nobody would need moonshots

>> No.16520539
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yes, so dumb.

>> No.16520586

Buy some MAX then. You can own his own coin!
I do like his wife, but really, the dude is a pump and dump artist from way back.

>> No.16520601

Do you have any idea how much shit vitalik liked as a concept and how it ended?
Also using TCR on Kleros brings nothing to token hodlers, token is meme to incentevise "blockchain courts" where token holders arbitrage in disputes do you understand how fucking retarded that is?

Yes its small mcap gem and you have bags but man all kleros shills are "vitalik mentioned it 3 times this year" how desperate are you?

>> No.16520616

yes Kleros one of the few tokens with several dapps built around it very much comfido level sir

>> No.16520640

MAX was a bad idea from the beginning. Wasn’t it on a bow defunct exchange? Novaexchange or something?

>> No.16520642
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Now tell that with straight face

Pls shill Me but Ill buy shiton of Your bags if you can scramble anything but "vitalik metioned it" and "it never pumped"

>> No.16520671

it's arbitration on blockchain that solves issues with no enforcement needed beyond money. let that sink in.

>> No.16520715

Do you realise NOONE in they right mind will put they faith in hands of shitcoin token holders and LAW is final settlement layer

>judge senteces you to return funds or jail
>dont think so your honor KLEROS BAGHODLERS disagree

>> No.16520736

can i get a run down on keiser? i used to pay attention back in my end the fed days.

>> No.16520805

You clearly don't understand how escrow works. Also, not every situation has a law for it or a way to dispute it so Kleros will be useful in decentralized finance where regular courts have no jurisdiction.

>> No.16520915

>Good evening gentlemen, we are going to start cross-examinations today.
>(In background) FUCK NIGGER
>Order Order in the blockchain court cease these distrupti-
>Our enterprise clients need you to cease these vulgar outbursts immediately or you-
>uhh someone please get him out of here how do we even do that? Oh, we can’t because it’s a fucking blockchain, a courtroom on a blockchain?

>> No.16520924

Lmao I would 100% watch that shit LIVE

>> No.16520972
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>in decentralized finance where regular courts have no jurisdiction
You acually have no idea how real world works lol
Basicly this

>> No.16521058
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Cmon does anyone of shills got anything more grounded in reality than
>in decentralized finance where regular courts have no jurisdiction

Whole point of "decentralized finance" is its on smartcontracts wich are inmutable, decentralised and irreversible so arbitrage usecase is close to none
Whitepaper talks about real world usecases btw not defi ones (obv) so does anyone of you think CORTS ON BLOCKCHAIN are good idea?

>> No.16521103

Retard detected.

>> No.16521321


imagine being so dumb you can't see the end-game in this.

>> No.16521375

Read this mongolore


Some of the best minds in international arbitration are on board with this and they're shilling it on their own.

>> No.16521439

same shit, just way more speed pilled. dude is off his rocker but believes he's the most based white blackman that ever lived.

>> No.16521455

Keiser shilling this will be even more potent than the McAfee Verge shill in Q1-2. Screencap this.

>> No.16521495

Kleros is already being used. Granted, nothing serious has been tried on it, but the process has been shown to work. That alone puts it better above the majority of crypto projects. I don't know how high kleros can go. But considering what it has already accomplished, it's current price is an incredible value.

>> No.16521546

this. not to mention one full year of accumulation with zero bagholders.

don't buy? don't care. but have fun watching this unironically 50x by 2021.

>> No.16521611
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You're right anon. Kleros is not really courts on blockchain but arbitration. If this internet money meme is ever gonna get off the ground, (((merchants))) looking to sell on it need some sort of trust based transaction.

Now, they could just do EXACTLY the same thing in normal courts but good luck getting Normie Jill and James to understand what tf they were doing.

Also, this is all about cryptoeconomics incentivizing cunts to vote 'coherently' i.e, correctly.

The 'Courts' moniker is a misnomer IMO.

T.PNK and ETH whale.

>> No.16521683 [DELETED] 

It runs on smart contracts your brainer. Stay poor.

>> No.16521693 [DELETED] 

Says the idiot that's too stupid to understand how escrow is implemented into smart contracts.

>> No.16522058

*Sips* yeah that's the good shill right there

Literally imagine missing out on novel shit that's literally shilled by thought leaders and still flying under the radar because you were only spending your time researching "muh mainnet" China coins