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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16517210 No.16517210 [Reply] [Original]

For reasons I cannot go into I soon need to relocate country. I currently reside in the UK and have been here since I was 5 years old. Some quick facts:

>25 y/o
>$60k annual income
>job is entirely remote
>friends, family, etc all reside in the UK
>only speak English
>long-term gf who might come with me or might not
>have some extended family in Belarus
>have work connections to the US, Germany, South Korea and Indonesia (one or two contacts per country, they'd probably help me relocate)
>I'm tall and white
>no savings, around $3k deposit on apartment
>$7k debt which I planned to have paid off early next year (and will barring any extreme expenses)

Basically /biz/, if you could live anywhere in the world (with a $60k salary), where would it be?

>> No.16517212

Is that Linetrap?

>> No.16517213


>> No.16517256
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>> No.16517285
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>> No.16517327

This chick looks exactly like my ex. I want to get her pregnant so bad

>> No.16517369

Obviously you should check a place out before you commit to moving there.

Go to the US, find someplace demographically safe and affordable.

>> No.16517378

>Obviously you should check a place out before you commit to moving there.
that's the issue. I don't have the time to do so. I've never lived anywhere else, only short visits (few weeks at a time), which was nowhere near enough to get a good enough feel for things.
>Go to the US, find someplace demographically safe and affordable.
That's what I thought, although healthcare would fuck me it seems like. Not sure I could easily get a greencard either since I'm technically self-employed.

Thought about just falling for the Japan meme

>> No.16517452

If I were you I would move to italy. Florence or maybe Rome or Naples. Best food, cheap living cost.
60k a year you live like a king and people are used to english speakers. If you are up for an adventour you could move to ischia or procida.
Healthcare is free and cheap to afford better and private care.

>> No.16517453

When you say relocate, you mean to just visit for awhile..or is this a permanent thing?

>> No.16517490

around a year at least I reckon

>> No.16517494

I think that's a really good idea. I have a friend or two in Italy and I liked all my holidays there. Have you lived there before?

>> No.16517774

Now that's out of the way, lets go into some of the reasons you couldn't go into, as to why it's such a big hurry.

>> No.16517787
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>this guy looks exactly like my ex gf
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.16517812

it's not exactly a hurry, but I need to move in the next few months.

>> No.16518269

Lived in rome for a couple of years
Really nice but chaotic. But if you work from home maybe a nice apartment in San Lorenzo or Rione Monti would suit you perfectly.
Would love to go back to be honest.
Living in Zürich now.

>> No.16518400

>San Lorenzo or Rione Monti
very based, thank you friend.
how's zurich? a girl whose family own a hotel chain there keeps inviting me over. maybe if my gf decides to stay in the uk i should consider it, but probably not worth the cost just to sit around in my apartment

>> No.16518412
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Avoid Rome at all costs, either go to Tuscany or the countryside in Veneto or Lombardy where the quality of life is excellent

>> No.16518482

60k a year is chunky, could do well with that

My advice would be a med country, good weather, good food and your income would stretch very far there. Greece comes to mind as well, especially Crete if you don't mind living on an island.

>> No.16518863

>Extended family in belarus
>60k remotely
Jeez anon, i would at least check it out, maybe something vibes well there, you could live like a king.
Hide your wealth tho.

>> No.16519054
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>reasons I cannot go into
tell now

>> No.16519089

is extradition important?

>> No.16519122

if extradition is in question (especially to us) it is utterly retarted to stay in the west. go to russia.

>> No.16519155

no, this is not a concern or my options would be extremely limited (to the point where it's probably not even relevant to ask, just pull a mcafee)

>> No.16519157

Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Croacia, Slovenia
Anything else is a meme

>> No.16519161

redpill me on slovenia

>> No.16519169

the problem is that seeing extended family could open up a can of worms that might be tedious to deal with, especially with that side of the family being aware of my wealth.

>> No.16519191
File: 268 KB, 1024x682, inside-ljubljana-ljubljana-panorama-janez-kotar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Croacia, they are much more med than people think. Part slav, part med, a good mixture,you get kinda like central europeans but without the arrogance.

>> No.16519335

Nigga come to Argentina, nobody gives a fuck about papers here, and If you can work remote and you win in dollars you are gonna live like a king. 60K dollars a year is a fuckton here. Also, Buenos Aires is a nice city, especially the rich parts.
Also this country have

>> No.16519423

expected more linetrap pics itt desu

>> No.16519464

Anon, I...

>> No.16519486

Tell us what you did you boring faggot

>> No.16519509


Come to the US this place is bomb as fuck. What skills do you have?

>> No.16519570

I'm curious with remote work do you pay income tax for the country you're in, or for the country your company is in?

If self-employed, don't you have to maintain a UK business address at least ?

>> No.16519628

in the UK, if you live in another country and work remotely you don't actually pay any tax, at least if it's not in the EU. it depends on the countries. personally i currently pay tax in the UK even though i'm employed by a North American company since I live here, but if I move to South Korea for example, I pay 0 tax.

>If self-employed, don't you have to maintain a UK business address at least ?
no, you don't have to be a licensed business or have a trading address to be self-employed.

>> No.16519703

How do they pay you? ACH? SEPA? Payal?
Would you have to open a new bank account in South Korea for deposits and wouldn't the Koreans then come chasing you for gibs?
As an American obviously I'm fucked because of FATCA law where they will hunt me down and take their % on top of whatever local tax I have to pay.

>> No.16519714

SEPA. You notify the Korean tax office that you're a UK national living there but not employed by a Korean company, nor a company that trades in Korea, and they make you tax exempt. I don't know if this is isolated to UK x South Korea or what, but I've been advised on this by an accountant and haven't done any further research.

>FATCA law
yeah, sucks to be an american lol

>> No.16519777

>find someplace demographically safe and affordable
The only places that fulfill both requirements will be some backwoods shit like Billings or Omaha. All the interesting places to live at will for sure not be safe, and some won't be affordable (California)

>healthcare would fuck me
>Thought about just falling for the Japan meme
Only do this if your remote job is outside of Japan. Japan is great to live in, but working there is some of the most depressing wagecuck shit in the entire world

>> No.16519791

>live like a king
>in a country larping as if it's in the USSR
yea, king of the potato farm

>> No.16519816

anon theres something you should know

>> No.16519826

>Only do this if your remote job is outside of Japan. Japan is great to live in, but working there is some of the most depressing wagecuck shit in the entire world
yeah, i'm lucky with that. think i could get a nice place a bit outside of tokyo as well. probably only gonna consider japan if my gf doesn't come with me, though.

>> No.16519830

any other parts of France besides Paris that I should avoid?

>> No.16520117

I'd recommend Minsk or Kiev. Cost of living is very low, while former soviet block these are european cities, and 10/10 hot chicks all around.

If you can work remotely and get paid in pounds, you'll live like a king.

>> No.16520138

as a britbong: netherlands

>> No.16520161

Lived in Germany and SKorea as a US Militaryfag. There are nearly 300k burgers and their families stationed there so plenty of English speaking communities and services in both. Korea was more difficult because of the alphabet and honestly less interesting.
I would go to Garmisch. You can get a nice flat for 500€ per month and be right in the Alps.
I also have family there and you can save a lot of money through 1 year but if you don't speak Russian it's probably going to be stressful.
I think you would have fun there and also save money.

What about Hong Kong or Singapore? Do Brits even need a visa to live there?

>> No.16521086

then you may aswell move to texas