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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 11 KB, 545x277, maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16514322 No.16514322 [Reply] [Original]

See this tweet for details: https://twitter.com/deaneigenmann/status/1204157369413976064?s=21

I have created and deployed a contract to execute this attack here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x69076e44a9c70a67d5b79d95795aba299083c275

1. Send you MKR to the above attack pool contract.

2. This transfer triggers an automatic 1:1 exchange for an ERC20 token representing how many MKR you have contributed. DO NOT LOSE THESE.

3. Wait until the contract surpasses the leading executive vote which has 128k votes. It will then auto execute and you will be able to redeem the seized collateral for your ERC20 token in step 2.

There are 2.2M ETH and 1.6M BAT locked in Maker smart contracts. When this attack is successful you will be able to redeem ~18 ETH, and ~13 BAT per MKR you contribute. If the attack fails to reach the 128k threshold, then you can redeem your full amount of MKR with the ERC20 you received in step 2. I've already contributed 8000 of my personal MKR to get us started.

Who's with me? Let's burn this centralized shitcoin to the ground

>> No.16514391

Nice scam attempt. Do NOT send this guy your precious ETH

>> No.16514442


>> No.16514451

Not a scam. I published the contract code. You can look on etherscan for yourself.

>> No.16514453

Fuck off Rajeesh

>> No.16514488

>pragma solidity ^0.4.13;

LOLOLOLOL this contract is over 2 years old

>> No.16514501
File: 176 KB, 623x565, 1575511536075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so i send MKR to you and in return you give me a shiny ERC promising you will pay me back """When""" the governance attack occurs? wow great one OP.

>> No.16514514

If you wage cucks would look at the code you would clearly see that I do not have the authority to do this.

>> No.16514528

Explain to me like I'm a retard
Are you the same anon from the other DAO thing where you had to wait for them to vote

>> No.16514547

I've got 200 eth to send how many will I get?

>> No.16514551
File: 99 KB, 660x718, 1575856301528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre right, im about to liquidate all my vaults and send them to your address because you said so

>> No.16514590

You're probably thinking of DigixDAO which is a chink scam. This is a governance attack on MakerDAO which casts my attack spell to seize all collateral locked in vaults/CDPs.

0. This attack is for MKR holders only.

For fucks sake, read the OP. It has nothing to do with you contributing ETH.

>> No.16514615

Whats to stop some eth whale just btfoing you

>> No.16514720

That address has transactions dating back over 700 days ago, you didn't just deploy it

>> No.16514753


>> No.16514775


>> No.16514840



>> No.16514859
