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16513311 No.16513311 [Reply] [Original]

Canada is fucked. Where should I move to bro's?

>> No.16513326

If you're white, USA. Welcome home, white man.

If you're not, gb2africa

>> No.16513325

dont come to the states commie

>> No.16513340

If you think that's bad, look up average household debt and how many Canadians declared bankruptcy last month (~100k, up 10% month before).

>> No.16513341

u have free healthcare. you literally don't even need to do anything to survive.

>> No.16513342

Alberta was mostly counting on the oil biz reaming lucrative with China which now found other sources or what's the deal there?

>> No.16513352

Imagine thinking USA isn’t Africa

>> No.16513359

What about all the female roughnecks?

>> No.16513363

only old women benefit from free healthcare. guys need jobs, everyone I know is fleeing to the states.

>> No.16513371

Justin decided it's too bad for the environment to sell oil to China. So he stopped the pipeline and started taxing carbon emissions instead.

>> No.16513390
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>Welcome home, white man.

>> No.16513391

>13% of population

Nah it’s literally the new Brazil

>> No.16513475
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>> No.16513491

This. We have money for every immigrant roastie to have as many kids in the hospital as Mohammad can impregnate her with, but I know friends with rotten teeth in their mouth for years now cause they can't afford to get em pulled.

>> No.16513496


>> No.16513521

Alberta is especially fucked but yeah not like Toronto is any better. Don’t know about Vancouver exactly but it’s probably not worse than Toronto.
It’s actually fucked here the animosity is heightened between Canadians and first and second gen immigrants. Just a complete divide. This can only go on for so long man. Not looking good. Plus diversity hiring and house prices? Lots of people I know would rather live in Ottawa.

>> No.16514093

A den of vipers and pedophile satanists

>> No.16514128
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>tfw living in northern ontario working remotely with 100k cad cash liquid and a gun to shoot deer for food

>> No.16514173

that's central ontario

>> No.16514187


sorry bud politically it's north ontario, i'm beyond the muskokas

>> No.16514188

> but I know friends with rotten teeth in their mouth for years now cause they can't afford to get em pulled
is this not free in Canada because it's not considered a "necessary" procedure?

>> No.16514207


>> No.16514287

Do you know how shit free healthcare is? People wait months for basic shit or they just decide that despite the fact you have paid into the system for decades your treatment is too expensive and your old so fuck you mohammed's ninth inbred child is getting higher priority.

>> No.16514374

correct. dental =/= covered healthcare.

opiate painkillers to deal with tooth pains = covered healthcare.

welcome to Leafistan.

>> No.16514443

we had a good run my fellow whiteys!

>> No.16514657

>live in canada
>blood leaking out my mouth
>Here just take some PPI'S and mediatate

>absolute state of canadian health care

>> No.16514692

Dude, weed. Unironically though.

>> No.16514694

I come from another socialist country the plebs like to use as legitimization for socialism and i have to agree. Free healthcare is shit.
It is however shitty in the US as well, but that is just because of the monetary system and how medicine etc is expensive due to patents.
Socialists will stop at nothing to gain access to your funds however so technicalities like these doesn't matter to them.

>> No.16514706
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>> No.16514799

>only old women benefit from free healthcare

Redpilled. I've seen up close and personal how bad the healthcare system is here. It's a fucking nightmare.

>> No.16514819

>It’s actually fucked here the animosity is heightened between Canadians and first and second gen immigrants.

Then why does so much race mixing occur in Toronto? And why do all Whites in Toronto seem so full of themselves? Unironically, not looking to start shit here. They seem so fucking smug.

>> No.16514833
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Unemployed Albertan checking in!

>> No.16514837

You kind of answered your own question: their smugness comes from their tolerance of the people they imported who hate them. It’s circular.

>> No.16514846

bunch of lazy socialists

>> No.16514886

It's strange to me what has happened to this country. I went to Toronto back in 2008 and genuinely considered moving there one day. This country has gone to shit since 2015. This self hatred attitude going on in the Western world is fucking annoying.

>> No.16514903

That's what you get for letting Jews run amok.

>> No.16514929

who needs hold when you have the most important asset of all. Millions of shitskin migrants

>> No.16514965

unemployment was 25% in the great depression lul. cucknada

>> No.16515007

It’s pretty amazing how we haven’t really diversified our economy since then either. Hewers of wood and drawers of water we were and still remain.

>> No.16515563

How else are they going to pay for the real estate if not with fentanyl money that your friendly neighbourhood bank laundered for you

>> No.16515901

Lots of feeble minds who have no clue what they are talking about in this thread.
Canada is doing a lot better than America. We just reelected Trudeau as he's a proven leader who has done a far superior job than his predecessor Harper. We don't have a country where there's clear division I'm clearly pointing to Trump. China has heavily invested in our country so we're not gonna collapse any time soon. There's plenty of work up here in the great white north, it's just that millenials and gen-x kids are lazy bums who're afraid of hard work.

>> No.16516214

Look at the demography dumbass
USA is the best country right now

>> No.16516306

Its laughable that people that fucking live in Alberta are completely oblivious to the rampant degenerate spending of these so called conservatives. This province bleeds money like no other even when oil was fucking booming and now Trudeau comes in and makes it even worse lol

>> No.16516366

do all the women work S-ing D?

>> No.16516504

Tell us some public sector horror stories, anon. I need a kick in the ass to finally leave this country.

>> No.16516527

No, I don't want any fucking Canadians coming to the US. They'll just vote democrat, and import all of their problems here.

>> No.16516534

90 year old lady got cancer screening. We caught it early. Completely operable, good chance of beating it. Nope, too expensive, was given a suicide pamphlet instead.

>> No.16516550
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Are you fucked in the head? Where are you from?! You have no idea of what's going on in this shithole of a nation!
In Alberta:
>mass protests by truck drivers
>half the populace in my home city has FUCK TRUDEAU stickers in their back windows
>we are singing the old canadian anthem. We literally sing A DIFFERENT ANTHEM
>WEXIT party has officially registered as a provincial political party
>media desperate to keep calls for western secession quiet
>husky energy laid off 600 worker
>repsol lays off 30% of canadian staff
>Canadian companies relocating to USA
It's a fucking mess. It's worse than I've ever seen.

>> No.16516578

Canada is a fucking shithole, one of the most dystopiean countries around and the citizenry are cucks, I want to move to Portugal.

>> No.16516591

The fire rises

>> No.16516656
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Ironically... the U.S Zero gold as well. You see disguised as a "safety protocol" (To keep presidents such as trump from selling the gold to finance his wall) Nixon transferred all ownership of the gold reserves to the Federal Reserve Inc. And we all know just how "federal" the federal reserve really is, with its shareholders and 6% yearly dividend. last gold audit Sept. 23, 1974, Lmao Cucked.

>> No.16516689

Yeah like those Canadian maple syrup cartels. Crazy motherfuckers run up all apologizing and shit.

>> No.16516847

Take some personal responsibility and learn a new skill while you're on the dole, instead of finding ways of blaming others. While you're at it, tell your leaders to diversify the economy

>> No.16517153

>Move from dystopian state to police state
Why would anyone do that?
In North America