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16513175 No.16513175 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a discussion about derivatives and why there's such a scramble to connect them to crypto? I found an explanation on Investopedia here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/derivative.asp - I was hoping to get a more dumbed down version of this though to help me and hopefully others wrap our heads around it. Thanks anons

>> No.16513269

Its betting on underlying assets

and underlying asset can be literally anything

Assume you have a piece of paper and you take a pen and write «chainlink is shit» on it.

You now say that the value of this paper goes up or down 100$ every time a goal is scored in a match between Germany vs Brazil in 2022. If germany scores, it goes up, if brazil scores it goes down.

Now you can buy 10 of these papers and watch the game. Germany wins 7-1 and these papers are now worth 600$.

>> No.16513297

Let me give you a real life example

In scandinavia there is an exchange thats called nordnet.

They sell bitcoin derivatives.

Meaning they sell useless pappers with bitcoin writting on them, but value of papers is derived from real bitcoin price on another exchange.

Reaaon derivatives have stupid names like «xbt bitcoin» instead of bitcoin. Because they are trading worthless paper and not real thing.

>> No.16513302

These neckbeards think they can capture value from the derivatives market evem though it's controlled by Jews who buy policians like (((Sherman))) to prevent us from ever making it

>> No.16513329

Thanks anon this is really helpful
You don't think everyone and their mom is going to jump ship to the next hot money making opportunity like every other technology revolution in human history? I'm sure plenty of people fudded the internet while secretly trying to find ways to make assloads of money off of it

>> No.16513351

>and why there's such a scramble to connect them to crypto
there isn't

>> No.16513366



>> No.16513398

Weak misinformation.

>> No.16513421

What makes you say that?

>> No.16513424


>> No.16513436
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Bitcoin futures on CME?

>> No.16513779

The post

>> No.16514267


They don't care about/trust crypto nor do they really understand it or need it