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16511835 No.16511835 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been working remote for 7 years. my clients asked me to move to the US and work fulltime inhouse. somehow for some reason I agreed (no idea why desu, it was a rough year and I was emotionally volatile). now the visa is almost through, my landlord wants me out of the house and I told everyone what a hot stud I am. but problem is Im terrified I havent worked a real job in seven years. I spend half of my day shitposting on 4chins and have no idea how to function in normal society anymore. also america is full with guns and black people which scares me too. I cant pull out or everybody would hate me and think Im a loser (which I am). what the fuck do I do now?

>> No.16512234


>> No.16512244

sorry anon, not a wagie so i cant help. just a crypto neet.

>> No.16512251

where are you moving to?

>> No.16512272

thanks anyway fren good for you
florida :(

>> No.16512279

You are an idiot. Enjoy slaving for less in exchange for the illusion of job security. Kys, this is an actual advise

>> No.16512281

Just do it faggot. It will force you to grow and you probably can still say fuck it and go back home at any point if it sucks too hard

>> No.16512288

I don't know what to say anon. I'm just a NEET and I plan on staying one. But what I can say is don't be afraid to say you changed your mind. So what they will think you're not cool and a loser? It's better than living with black people.

>> No.16512294


You fucked up. That place is a wild shitfest

>> No.16512307

Are you just worried about having to work with people?

>> No.16512322


Come up with a decent excuse and say sorry you can't go anymore but you will continue to work remotely

>> No.16512330

yeah that and getting stabbed by some crackhead america is a pretty fucked up place Im an innocent country boy from a small town. the most exciting thing that happened here was when a tree fell on the train tracks 10 years ago

>> No.16512358

>Come up with a decent excuse and say sorry you can't go anymore but you will continue to work remotely
I dont know how I can do that Ive been literally blabbing about it for months on end, theres a pregnant lady that is waiting to move into my apartment holy shit what have I done.

>> No.16512413

since you ran with the idea for a while you probably want it and are just freaking out since its close now

I say do it faggot

>> No.16512451

honestly, consider a prescription for ADHD ... changed the way I work for sure

>> No.16512559

How do I find remote jobs?

>> No.16512941

you rent a place very close to your job in florida and start applying everywhere asap

>> No.16512956

>4chan shizo faces reality
haha you get what you deserve aka karma 0 empathy

>> No.16512979

do jujitsu

>> No.16512995

Get a different apartment and find a good excuse.

Or actually try something new and go be a member of society for awhile.

>> No.16513268

Look at it as a fun adventure. Florida isn’t that bad, it just gets a lot of bad press.

Move there and stay at an extended stay hotel near your job for a month so you can figure out where best to live. Since it is just you, consider renting out a room in some boomers house, it will be a lot cheaper.

>> No.16513281

Just stay in a white neighborhood

>> No.16513293

Fucking lift weights you low t faggot. ngmi

>> No.16513323

i have a lot of questions that could prove that you are lying op

>> No.16513434
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At least u get to meet the famous Florida man