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16507663 No.16507663 [Reply] [Original]

When will outdated crypto like ethereum and btc be replaced with more efficient technology?

>> No.16507683

When Holochain goes live

>> No.16507711
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December 15

>> No.16507763

If they were to be replaced, then the things that replaced them will be replaced, and then the things that replaced the things will be replaced, and then the things that replaced the things that replaced the things will be replaced, destroying any future investor confidence. You've underestimated first mover advantage. The tech leap would have to be very substantial, like nothing currently out.

>> No.16507778

How can anything be outdated in opensource space lol only thing that matters is users and for now only eth and btc got one

Keep peddling shitcoins

>> No.16507781

so, never

>> No.16507794
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>mentions eth and btc in one sentence.

>> No.16507799


It is already replaced, but no one needs it.

https://iohk.io/ - world-class shit

>> No.16507875

even if better tech comes around, nobody prevents the dinosaur from adopting it

>> No.16507957

first mover advantage??? who has moved first and successfully captured the market already?? Amazon, Facebook and Google have, that's who.

>> No.16507999

2020 - pi network

>> No.16508407
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>When will outdated crypto like ethereum and btc be replaced with more efficient technology?
ETH 2.0 proof of stake should work

>> No.16508450

when eth2 is fully launched

>> No.16508463

>when will these coins that i missed on cause im a laggard retard get replaced by scam coins that im invested in?
never. go fuck yourself shitcoiner

>> No.16508475
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>> No.16508480

>December 15
what happens?

>> No.16508486

Bitcoin and Ethereum are basically the only coins that aren't vaporware

>> No.16508494
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eth bagholder desperation thread #90245166

>> No.16508513
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>eth bagholder desperation thread
I hold no ETH yet, the network may work without ETH going up either.
Staking solves the burning electricity issue in proof of work.

>> No.16508558

>>>16508407 (You)
Imagine not believing this

>> No.16508584
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You can't replace bet, at least not yet. But eth is easy to replace with fleta and matic.

>> No.16508593

The goal post gets moved yet again