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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16500956 No.16500956 [Reply] [Original]

>guy gives you his resume for job application for data entry at your office
>look at his resume
>it says 5 years job expirience at McDonalds
>another applicant shows you their resume
>says bachelors in performing arts no previous job expirience
Who do you hire?

>> No.16500976

Bachelors arts for Data?

Are you on drugs?

>> No.16500987

the mcdonalds guy, the bachelor could be arrogant. Working for 5 years in mcd is going to kill anyone's self esteem, making him a perfect drone

>> No.16501007

5 years at mcD, probably a drug addict or has any other mental issues.

>> No.16501020


>> No.16501045
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The BA because he's a well adjusted person unlike the burgerdrone. Plus he will be shackled to his job thanks to probable 6 figure debt.

>> No.16501074

Bachelors if it's not from a community college, doing data entry is basically the same as doing homework and I assume he passed core classes

>> No.16501084

>making him a perfect drone
This guy hires

>> No.16501122

Both and then start my elaborate plan that will make them gay for each other in the end. And then one day they will marry each other and live a happy life, ravaging each other bumhole for hours whilst investing all their extra money into link

>> No.16501144

based and... gaypilled?

>> No.16501155
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>> No.16501189

>guy who managed to work 5 years in a soul crushing fast food job and not get fired or go postal
>entitled faggot with a meme degree who likely skipped classes and smoked pot for 4 years.
Tough choice.

>> No.16501208

The one with better type speed

>> No.16501315

Hire them both at 50% standard wage and have them compete to see who gets better work done, then fire the weaker one and give the better worker a 25% raise

>> No.16501323
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this is the correct answer, some employers would rather just load their own employees with extra hours then hire a deadbeat

>> No.16501327

Mcd without question. Other person will quit in 3 weeks when thy find a less shitty job

>> No.16501338

Gimme the mickey d's guy. Put up with that job for five years without getting fired? This guy is tough.

>> No.16501370

Working fast food is soul crushing, plus I'd feel bad for him. I'd give the McDonalds guy the job.

t. former wagie (probably gonna be a wagie again though after training)

>> No.16501398


>> No.16501431

mcdonalds guy with options for educational advancement.

Miserable people are the easiest to gain loyalty for life as an employer

>> No.16501459

this but without the 25% raise

>> No.16501560

McDonald's guy everytime. Data entry is a simple job and if he's worked McDonald's for 5 years he has no ambition and I can expect him to work for me for years

>> No.16502211

You all expect too much loyalty from someone, the BA is better because he needs you for years to come thanks to debt.

>> No.16502263

If he was working 5 yeras for McDonald means he has some patience.
Definitely MCDONALD person, easier to handle.

>> No.16502316
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Invite both of them for trainee 3 unpaid weeks and judge yourself.

>> No.16502456

This is so retarded and everyone in this thread is a retard. Mcdonalds fag's "patience" or "esteem" or whatever doesn't fucking matter. Neither does the BA fag's degree. What matters is work experience. You have one guy who has actually worked a job and one guy who hasn't, that's all that matters, you braindead idiots.

>> No.16502507

>Data Entry
Anon hes basically just typing shit an excel document, used to do that shit in highschool.

>> No.16502550

The one that's White

>> No.16502626
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Based sir

>> No.16503415

Yeah but they have to get the data right.
If they mistype something, it might screw everything up.