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File: 184 KB, 630x710, Screenshot_20191208-011153~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16497504 No.16497504 [Reply] [Original]

He's right, you know.

>> No.16497523

>has andrew jackson portrait in oval office

obviously we need bitcoin to be backed by the extortion of oil producing nations by the most powerful military force in human history

>> No.16497546

If he liked crypto he still would have posted that

>> No.16497562

Oil money is best money. Cry moar pussy.

>> No.16497567

Pay attention to where he posted & sentiment of the platform & why politicians need attention

>> No.16497569

We don't meed other nations' oil anyway. We keep them around for our allies in global trade. Wait until we back out of the global market.

>> No.16497574

Twitter probably has the largest group of cryptofags waiting for the golden bull meme.

>> No.16497632

opec is forced to only sell oil for usd which creates demand for the usd

>> No.16497646

he's wrong about the thin air part
bitcoin has a huge carbon footprint and once the Texas mining op starts it's going to grow even more

>> No.16497677

Carbon footprint is a meme. Steam is a bigger issue than carbon.

>> No.16497700
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>> No.16497707


>> No.16497722

What is the USD backed by? What is any fiat currency backed by? Air. I didn’t vote for him but this is some meta 4D chess shit.

>> No.16497746
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my favorite is pretending the fed doesn't want negative interest rates

>> No.16497770
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drumpf do fud

>> No.16497782
File: 9 KB, 267x195, E88EBC7F-B711-4C1A-8E4B-ECBA8B1297EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks arent money yet he loves that :)

Also, if usd is so great, why the FUCK does it depreciate if you leave it alone? Its shit, brainlet. Trumptards cant think.

>> No.16497853

When is the last time you bought a kilo of cocaine with your stocks?

>> No.16497871

Usd can do the same damn thing :)

>> No.16497878

Right, but USD can also buy groceries at the local grocery store.

>> No.16497886

You know Trump is a fucking retard but I read those posts and i can understand how you might be inspired by someone saying "Our money is the bestest". Maybe if i stayed permanently drunk i would be a republican.

>> No.16497908

crabon footprint is not a problem

>> No.16497911

you are late, you know, we had this 100 times already

>> No.16497916

last Tuesday

>> No.16497977

What a weak as fuck argument. Also, do you buy groceries with gold? What a dumbass. Btc is basically gold 2.0, brainlet.

>> No.16497992

Jared kushner bought over a half billion of btc in 2017 before the run. If you think trump hate posts about crypto because it’s what he believes and not what he wants you’re a fucking retard.

>> No.16498021

He's not saying ours is best. He's saying yours is the worst.

>> No.16498025

Leon Musk will solve this with AI and mind melds. Link singularity master race.

>> No.16498039

Citation needed

>> No.16498058
File: 103 KB, 1242x180, 027A79FC-E8E2-48C0-8C17-A218AB92ABDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illiterate dumbass.
>stronger than ever
>both dependable and reliable

god damn, this country is doomed

>> No.16498099

Right and the take away here is that Bitcoin sucks. You would fail of this were a reading comprehension exam. You're getting distracted by sub-topics and missing the main point.

>> No.16498109

Hahahahahahaha dumbass bitch. I was correcting your ass logic and say I am getting out of topic. Retarded mother fucker. Btc is gold 2.0, dipshit.

Saying "bitcoin sucks" is a fucking childish argument.

>> No.16498114

At least explain why "btc sucks". Just saying "btc sucks" without explaining shit makes you look like a retarded ignorant mother fucker. I can explain why its better than gold :)
Try me, bitch

>> No.16498118

*then say

>> No.16498142

"Volatile value based on thin air." See? No reading comp. Gold is a commodity.

>> No.16498156

>inb4 some trumptard says its le 4d chess

>> No.16498166

It's been a hell of a scam, but let's not kid ourselves. It's going to go to zero as more people start to realize they were bamboozled.

>> No.16498182
File: 1.09 MB, 1242x2208, 09EB58E4-6A9B-41C9-A7BB-5C59F4157B67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volatile value
Biz is filled with retards confirmed.
You do realize as the btc market matures, btc will become more stabilized, right? At this point, it's still has to grow more before stabilizing, idiot. Thats what makes it great right now. The fucking fact that its still growing.

>based on thin air.
Literally could be said about gold. Oh my fucking god. I am tired of dumbasses infesting this board. Fucking shit, we need IQ tests on biz already.

>> No.16498189

>I can explain why its better than gold
Something tells me anon won't actually explain this.

>> No.16498192

Literally cant go to 0 as someone will always hodl btc. Do you fucking not understand how price works?

>> No.16498197

it buys a whole lot less of those groceries every year.

>> No.16498200

>>based on thin air.
>Literally could be said about gold
Is that why you brought up gold to begin with? Nice strawman, smoothbrain. I can gauge you at about 60% of my IQ.

>> No.16498223
File: 637 KB, 1242x2208, BE99EAB1-0BFA-44C8-A303-99BB6C0585A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btc transaction = settlement done simultaneously. Fiat and gold dont have that :).

>> No.16498228

Not a fucking argument, shit for brains. Kek so let me get this straight. Not only do you hate btc, but you fucking hate gold too? Oh brother, just get the fuck out of biz already.

>> No.16498242

you're the fucking moron
bitcoin is not gold it's peer to peer electronic cash
gold doesn't require adoption to remain unchanged
golds supply increases when new supply is profitable to mine
btc is shit because it has a 1mb/10min adoption limit which means it will not remain profitable to secure it meaning it will die
hodl will not stop the price going to zero if there are no buyers
BitCoin transactions are instant and settlement is within 10min.

>> No.16498249

>Btc transaction = settlement done simultaneously. Fiat and gold dont have that
I can literally buy a big mac instantly with cash.
>gets told his argument is shit
>"no u"
Anon, have you heard of Stephen Molyneux? I've studied all of his videos and you don't have a chance here.

>> No.16498282
File: 38 KB, 333x499, 51adyyMS0HL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, kid. I like you. You've got potential. Start with pic related and then graduate yo Benjamin Franklin's autobiography.

>> No.16498305
File: 427 KB, 1242x832, 701A5267-3D13-49BF-BCE9-2F284DB08465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already addressed that above. Mother of god.. pic related. Btc is a store of value. Thats its main purpose.

> Anon, have you heard of Stephen Molyneux? I've studied all of his videos and you don't have a chance here.
oh my god.. so far, you havent actually said any content so I highly doubt it. Why do I get the feeling youre a newfag to crypto?

>> No.16498307

i notice its always kids themselves that use this insult. Projecting. Also, again, not an argument

btc is fucking gold. Even max k

>> No.16498321

no, you fucking imbecile

in actual reality bitcoin is just a mem-token for speculation with tether (another meme-token)

now fuck off

>> No.16498322

piece of shit auto submit button.

even max kaiser compares btc to gold. 8 yr wall street broker.
>gold doesn't require adoption to remain unchanged
Kek. Yes it did. It used to be worth shit and then it slowly started to increase in value because of adoption.
>hodl will not stop the price going to zero if there are no buyers
Look at its volume. Theres no fucking way this will just die.

>> No.16498345

I read the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2009. Don't get me wrong. It's been fun, but smart money knows where this is going.
>Theres no fucking way this will just die.
Anon you're using a few logical fallacies here and it's clear you are too emotionally invested in Bitcoin. Surely, if you step back for a moment, you can envision a few scenarios where Bitcoin fails.

>> No.16498360

>I read the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2009
reading and understanding are 2 very different things, brainlet.

> Anon you're using a few logical fallacies here and it's clear you are too emotionally invested in Bitcoin. Surely, if you step back for a moment, you can envision a few scenarios where Bitcoin fails.
not an argument

so far out of all the anons here, youre the biggest retard here that clearly doesnt understand shit about crypto. Stop acting like a pseudo intellect. Fucking cringe worthy.

>> No.16498372

Ah fuck it. Ive argued with so many retards as of late and dont even know why I bother. Ironically you are the dogmatic one that has an agenda against btc because your dumbass leader trump hates it. I wonder if you even hate btc itself or you just hate it because of the hivemind mentality. Well whatever. Doesnt matter.

Im going to sleep. Long story short, youre a normie and thats a good thing because normies dont deserve to make it. Stay poor, faggot. Im going to sleep.

>> No.16498375

Welcome to the world. I guess you'd rather it be the other way and that the US would be OPEC's bitch

>> No.16498444

USD is backed by the faith of the people even when they find out it's printed out of thin air. If people didn't believe in it, they wouldn't go to work. They also go to work because there is no other option. We can't just stop what we're doing or the whole thing collapses which would be both catastrophic and welcoming at the same time.

Bitcoin is not electronic cash. Bitcoin is electronic gold. It is programmable and you can create applications that accept it for a payment of sorts, but it's held onto instead of spent on daily goods or services. Why? Because you and everyone else is waiting for it to go up in price because it's a speculative asset now.

There's multiple reasons why Bitcoin went to $20,000 and that was because of Tether, big scale traders, and certain institutional investors that had a goal of making money off of shorting it.
You know the country is doomed, but nothing ever happens. They find a way to bail out the banks or kick the can again and again.
No it's p2p gold...now. In order to be a true digital p2p electronic cash and currency, it has to have a stabilized value everyday.

Bitcoin is purely an experiment that has successfully created a decentralized form of money that's generated by the use of electricity. If the miner's stop mining, the difficulty drops and it will readjust, but the network will more vulnerable to a double spending attack. The more miners, the more value Bitcoin has as it becomes more secure. It's a problem that the block size is so low now. The volume of transactions can only get so big before the 1 mb blocksize becomes inefficient. This happened in the winter of 2017. We all want to make money and to live happily ever after without the corruption of the central banks, but Bitcoin is still valued in USD. We need to value everything we value in USD, in Bitcoin for Bitcoin to be its own thing. Most of everyone is waiting for 100K or more so they can sell and buy a new house.