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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16497230 No.16497230 [Reply] [Original]

Dusk pumped 50% this week.
Thank you to everyone on here that shilled it to me, because the hype is clearly real.
Did anyone else get lucky enough to buy earlier this week?

>> No.16497279


Ariefounder AKA Jelle Pol founded CCG Syndicate dumping on its members, pocketing CM jobs on said projects without disclosing it's affiliations.

Previous scams are

Emanuele Francioni Dusk CTO
> Self proclaimed genius
> can't get mainnet out
> hyped announcements and pumped and dumped his own token

Stay away from this project.

>> No.16497287

Bought around ATL at 485 at the end of November, took only little profits as I'm sure it'll pump again for mainnet

>> No.16497312

Based Fudjeet trying to bring price back to ATL to maximize our future profits

>> No.16498518

It’s going to hit $5 next year

>> No.16498560

Unprofessional run project. Mainnet is not even out. Big gamble coz they always promise more than they can deliver, pumping and dumping their own shit. The devs are even contradicting each other on telegram

>> No.16498569

2/10 FUD try harder. You have no idea what’s coming.

>> No.16498725

Where's Facebook level partnership?

Team been hyping about announcement and failing to deliver anything

>> No.16498802

They mistakenly mentioned it once. Then the community got very excited.

Lesson learned.

I guarantee that partnership will be announced in the next 8 weeks and will even hit mainstream news.

>> No.16498804
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turns out that disclosing partnerships with real, actual, high-level companies isn't as simple as every room-temperature IQ bizlet thinks it is- there are a lot of boxes that have to be checked and conditions that have to be met before you can disclose the nature of these kinds of partnerships, especially given the scammy reputation that the majority of crypto projects now (rightfully) have.

After mainnet release is successful we can expect to start getting some of these partnerships that they've been sitting on for quite a while.

And lads I know I'm just another retarded anon on a mongolian spearfishing board but the latest pump is nothing in the greater scheme of things- this is one of the few projects that will see actual, useful real-world adoption starting with a focus on the financial sector, keep those hands strong, ignore the fudjeets, and you will be rewarded.

>> No.16498850

They used it to pnd the price.

>> No.16498858


>> No.16498874

Ah yes the classic “pump and dump before our tokens are vested” scheme.

>> No.16498996

Let's not forget Arie and his roles in multiple crypto scams. Dusk is his baby, his personal pnd scheme

>> No.16499297

Correct post. This anon is a saint.

>> No.16499331


>> No.16499364

ITT: bizlets who missed the comfy gains

virgin hodler vs chad trader

>> No.16499424

I bought this to make a quick 25% more to put into UPT under ICO. Got 50%. If you are not selling now you are very delusional.

AION style bleed to nothing in 2020.

>> No.16499552

Not gonna make it

>> No.16499576

Nice trade noob. Now sit back and watch the big boys make some money

>> No.16499883

>the virgin trader vs. the chad investor

Enjoy your gains, try not to feel too regretful when this project hits top 20 in 2020.

>> No.16500037

who gives a fuck if its a scam. Im and out of this by the end of the month. Thank you to whoever shilled this here in 4chan some weeks ago. I got in early.

>> No.16500083

I'll cream my spideyman undies if this happens

>> No.16500153

It’s a question of when not if. Mainnet + 1st round of partnerships will be more than enough for $1

>> No.16500215

I'll be sure to post a picture of my undies as proof when dusk does reach 5 dollars