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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16496921 No.16496921 [Reply] [Original]

>Market tanks
>Drags economy down with it
>Crypto tanks
>People flock to the dollar
>Dollar pumps, anon takes cash reserves and buys crypto
>Government runs GottaJewFast.jpeg/bailouts
>Creates dollar panic
>People flock to crypto, crypto pumps
Anon Made it.

>> No.16496952

I've got about $80k in cash and growing by $4k every month. I was too pussy to make a big move when btc dropped to $3.5k and eth was double digits. I won't make the same mistake again.

>> No.16497008

Literally making the same mistake as you type.

>> No.16497021

That's been my plan but trumps qe shit has me scared. So I'm DCAing 25% of my income now and will do another 25% when it tanks

>> No.16497055

Probably. I'm on vacation right now. Maybe I'll buy like $10k worth when I come back home. I can dca if the price tanks later.

>> No.16497063

When is crypto going to dump again tho? It looks like it's primed for a huge pump

>> No.16497064
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Yea but for stock and not faggot ass crypto bullshit.

>> No.16497082

Looking to scoop up about 50K LINK if it can stay around this level by February or March. Should have bought 100K last April but didn’t get the fiat in time. Close call because I thought we were gonna be totally left in the dust this year after all those announcements in succession. Weird feeling of being happy I was making money with my make-it stack but pissed I couldn’t accumulate more

>> No.16497135

sirs, this is a poorfag board

>> No.16497147

Enjoy sitting on cash for the rest of your life while the Fed wont allow more than 10% drop

>> No.16497168
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>QE = lifetime bullmarket

>> No.16497346
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Based anon setting it straight.

>> No.16498278

But if you shit on your cash, nobody would want it, OP.

>> No.16498524

wtf is that rofl

>> No.16498542
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, explosionhappypepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, based and truth-pilled, only the most intelligents will survive.
the approaching bull run will decide who gets to go on the moon and who necks itself.

>> No.16498548
File: 19 KB, 646x720, gogetterwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a one way ticket to the moon, anon.

>> No.16498574

>btc 15k
>ltc 125
>eth 350
>link 7.5 ath
>bat .70
>ada 0.001
>enj .80
>xrp .45
>xmr 100
>googlecoin 10+

>> No.16498614

this is one of the most atomised pepes

>> No.16498658
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this looks possible and I hate it