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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16496539 No.16496539 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm new to /biz/, never had much of an interest in the economics sector. Do love humanities though.

So, an ever encompassing problem I've found in the search for a good job is """Ads""" which are either fraudulent, misleading, or are fruitless. I don't drive, I have to pay for any transportation costs out of what little I already have to work with, and it's not the right time to go to a secondary education.

What I have going for me is a strength in English composition, an intermediate understanding of Japanese, and a resume that at least says "Well, he's not retarded". What are some good resources that I could use to aid me in my quest for working from home?

>> No.16496559

Oh, and I went to a trade school for culinary arts, which turns out to next to fucking worthless.

Please, for those considering, don't go to school for cooking unless you're okay being a wageslave.

>> No.16496562

how do people even get the work from home gigs to begin with

>> No.16496565

Fuck off. You are a useless boring obnoxious poster. Reddit is more for your kind

>> No.16496587

From my research, most hold a degree of some sort. Which is a problem for me which I do not have one. Legal, web-design, etc.

Fuck off, m8. I hate even looking at reddit, it's an annoying site design.

>> No.16496634

Anything you create on the internet pays off 1-2 years later. Everyone thinks internet = instant money but search engines are designed to take 1-2 years to earn a content creators trust. Whatever you plan on doing know won’t pay off immediately, so make sure you choose something lucrative and pragmatic. Creating a blog that’s an authority/aggregator in a certain niche and then running relevant ads on it comes to mind.

>> No.16496688

There is no “must” anything with work except that you must be able to perform. Qualifications literally don’t matter at all unless you can perform, get the idea that you “need” XYX to get a job out of your mind.

>> No.16496691


>> No.16496970

All the work at home '''''''''''''''''''jobs'''''''''''''''''' I see online just seem like scams. I would totally be a transcriber if it paid more but it pays in shekkels. I would totally be a book reviewer if it paid more but, again, it pays in shekkels. Not even wagie shekkels, literal sweatshop shekkels. Sick of this bullshit.

>> No.16496979

Yes I know I spelled shekels wrong.

>> No.16497664

I just graduated with a bachelors in cybersecurity and recently obtained security+ cert. Thinking of getting a job from home but scared of losing all social contact. I've hated every job i've ever had because of social/general anxiety though so it seems like a solid option. What do?

>> No.16497685


just chill out nigga

>> No.16498057

>From my research, most hold a degree of some sort. Which is a problem for me which I do not have one. Legal, web-design, etc.
Legal of course yes, but web design not really. Look up Fox Web school. He has a channel in Youtube.

>> No.16498343

do you have an idea about what to do? The cybersec field is very competitive