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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16494386 No.16494386 [Reply] [Original]

I'm Anders, the creator of Holochain. I'm suing based on the fact the other so called founders are ruining my dream. They are destroying holochain and turning it into another illuminati controlled army.

I created the website, coded most of the holoport and have admin access to everything. At any moment I can shut down this entire project, I won't, because I just want my dream back. My lawyer has assured me that this case will be open and shut. I have a substantial amount of proof and unless I get my far share or the project handed over to me I don't see Holochain having a future.


>> No.16494499

Did they hire Satsgang to PnD their coin? If so prove and Sue the fuck out of them. Satsgang definitely PnD the coin, but if they made arrangements with the team to do it they can be arrested for fraud

>> No.16494505

No they arent. Holos gonna be a $1. This is literally nothing.

>> No.16494540

The dream is unironically dead.

The HOLO team have embarrassed themselves in various ways, including but not limited to not having a network, and selling people hardware and not delivering it.

Unfortunately this was probably their best move.

If they would have shipped the (now obsolete) warehouse PCs they sold people, it would be painfully obvious that they are just perpetuating a scam.

Now they have no choice. It has been too long. They have to make a move because people are running out of patience.

This shines a light on the most glaring issues: there is no working software, no Holofuel, and Holoports are about to be declared paperweights in videos and reviews on youtube and all over the internet.

So not delivering looks bad, but it gave them the opportunity to squeeze out this last big PnD before they are caught red handed selling useless legacy hardware with no real software platform to speak of.

At this point there is zero hope for this zombie project and the slow exit scam is underway.

I guess that's what happens when you steal your product strategy from a parody show about Silicon Valley.

To sum it up, if the ports ship it's going to zero. If the ports don't ship it's going to zero.

This latest effort is just a poorly paid shill group hired by the team and the few ramaining bagholders that know they are stuck with this garbage.

The team is exit scamming on you right now. There is no software and the hardware they sold and never delivered is outdated now. Pls dont buy holo thanks.

>> No.16494858

Okay, watch me delay the ports again.

>> No.16494875
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good luck with your case fren. i am not an investor, but would really like to know if you have nibbled on them? and how did they taste?

>> No.16495401

Dude never had a case. See you in the homeless shelter when holo is blowing up

>> No.16495523

It's public, go look for yourself. There most definitely is a case.

>> No.16496361

This definitely is terrifying. I just dumped 50mill HOT. I don't want to be involved in this mess.

>> No.16496381

Anyone can file a case. It doesn't mean that he actually had a case with any merit. His attempt to sue the project will go nowhere. He's spamming Biz trying to rally up troops because he knows his attempt is going nowhere. It's pretty funny actually. But I feel bad for the guy as he's wasting time and money.

>> No.16496414

And thanks for fullfilling my buy order at these prices. You just hold Ethereum under $1, right when it was going to start blowing up based on stupid FUD

>> No.16496427

I have delayed the port shipment now for almost a year. You really paint was the reason why the team couldn't ship them? The courts are not allowing shipment, even if they the software isn't ready. Watch, December 18th the courts will side with me.

>> No.16496431

Prices don't matter to me, the project does.

>> No.16496442

Based. Godspeed and I hope you level that shit coin into pixie dust

>> No.16496444
File: 67 KB, 500x555, F0A86E78-05A2-4DF9-A734-FDD59048A8BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a response to the morons who keep trying to FUD this project especially that fool who keeps copying and pasting the same shit for months.

I happen to be very close with some of the key developers of Holochain because I'm a product designer and entrepreneur having my product built on the Holochain framework. The Holochain community is very active and the Github repo is packed with commits proving that the network of people are committed to launching this tech very soon. WITHIN WEEKS. The Holochain framework doesn't need HoloFuel to run but HoloFuel needs to run on the Holochain framework. Holo is just a cloud hosting platform built on the Holochain framework.

It's a far superior infinitely scalable technology that allows limitless possibilities including creating your own public or private distributed peer to peer hosting network like Holo. Once Holochain itself is live (within weeks) it will be adopted when it's superior tech shits all over this unscalable/unusable blockchain garbage that has been dominating the DLT market for way too long. Once that happens organisations and people will realise that they can successfully build their own apps and run them on their own network or on the Holo cloud where most will default to using the Holo network to host their Holochain apps because it's already there allowing them to redirect their current domain names to the new network via the Holo cloud.

So in conclusion to this I suggest all you FUDWANKS should dump your bags now so somebody who actually knows what's going on can buy them up cheap moments before the inevitable launch.

>> No.16496473

Just did some research on Anders. Either he's schizophrenic, on drugs, or just a pseudo intellectual...
>Lists his Reddit posts as his "works"
>Lists a bunch of "projects" that he started and abandoned immediately
>No, he didn't write the whitepaper
>Didn't write the code either
>Was the project's community organizer
>A lot of shallow and fluffy postmodernist talk, trying to appear smart

>> No.16496478

>I have delayed the port shipment now for almost a year. You really paint was the reason why the team couldn't ship them?
How heavy are those bags lmao at your life

>> No.16496494

You will see come December 18th. Even by some miracle the ports do get shipped, you're receiving hardware that is many years old. You've all been duped, the software is not ready either. There's not even any proof of these ports working we just take their words for it. One of the biggest scams I've seen, I really hope I can save it before it's too late.

>> No.16496637

Bro, I traced your contributions to Ceptr and Metacurrency and they were pretty marginal. The old whitepapers (conceptual and finished) were authored by Brock and Harris-Brown. They also wrote most of the code. You created the old Holo repository (in Go), but that rep was abandoned 2 years ago when the project moved to Rust. Are you butthurt because of that change? Is that why you're fudding? You don't have access to anything. And you really don't have a case. Stop lying.

>> No.16496645

The courts will decide December 18th.

>> No.16497555

Another scam coin dead. GG

>> No.16497611

Just like link

>> No.16497666

Pathetic fud. By the slim chance this is real. I hope holos lawyers in colorado shit on you and you get wrecked by lawyer fees and flip belly up. Pce.

>> No.16497829

>Even by some miracle the ports do get shipped, you're receiving hardware that is many years old.
Nobody is buying Holoports for the newest tech or for an upgraded computer. They are buying a node to offer hosting. It will be plugged in 24.7 to collect hosting fees... most likely without a monitor and without any use, so why does the specs,if they are dated, rally matter? They don't, you won't be watching YouTube videos or playing COD on this machine.

The specs don't matter as long as the machine is tailored to run Holo effortlessly and efficiently

>> No.16497862

This is some delicious cope. This project is a fucking mess. It’s unironically over.

>> No.16498936
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Call him. It’s an Emergency

>> No.16499444
File: 295 KB, 1125x1011, B5677755-75E3-4FBD-9F79-348691ED16C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard court case

>> No.16499934
File: 117 KB, 645x729, holobrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your own fault for employing a bunch of left wing lunatics, and diversity hires. It was never going to work with this shower of shit at the helm.

>> No.16499951

100k holos.

i am going to make it. Selling as soon it reaches $10.

>> No.16500218

Good to see a reply on a Sunday, I've never been soo comfy with my stack

>> No.16500638

On December 18th the team will see the proof I have. They are calling this lawsuit baseless yet have no idea what's coming. I really hope after the 18th some people will come forward apologizing for all the negative things they said towards me, especially the holo team.

>> No.16500731

Why wouldn't they just buy a mini pc and host holo on it? Can't you see the scam?

>> No.16501014

We get it, they fired you because you're white and male

I'd want revenge too, but god damn, you're going about it in the most cringe way possible (move over CSW)

>> No.16501632

They stole my project also. I can't wait for the courts to delay the ports again.

>> No.16502663

R. I. P scamcoin

>> No.16502709

Based. Hope you burn them to the ground and get a huge settlement senpai

>> No.16502770


>> No.16502973

based and grosspilled

>> No.16503532
File: 42 KB, 200x200, Ashanti_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never work with women, animals, children or niggers. Simple.

>> No.16504229

these blockchain token holder are shitting there collective pants and we are still in alpha test mode, its going to be glorious when beta is working post blockchain

>> No.16504462


>> No.16504910

Read up and see the team is keeping everything from you. Why are they hiding this? Shady, right?

>> No.16504926

When is next court date

>> No.16504948

That speaks for itself, but one important comment is that at some point this project does need to demonstrate a public, working network. Your executive spokespeople have done a poor job at setting expectations for delivery, likely resulting from a poor job of anticipating time to complete.

Be realistic about what you can do, and by when, and stop telling people dates that are wildly off. It sounds like a great project but it remains vaporware until the day I can use it in the wild.

>> No.16504955


>> No.16505764


>> No.16506038
File: 392 KB, 854x846, Screen Shot 2019-12-08 at 9.44.13 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dude the fag who is the plaintiff in this lawsuit doesn't even write like you. you write like you're in 3rd grade, this faggot at least has some intelligence even if he seems like a psycho. Check his reddit comments to get an idea about what kind of loser this dude is and it's obviouls you ain't him.

Dudes not not even a fuckin developer he has a psychology degree. KEK, look at his 'about me' on his website

>In 2012, due to my studies and my occult experiments, I triggered an initiatic experience in myself which landed me in the psych ward. Diagnosed as bipolar disorder, I have instead approached my experiences with a shamanic model, focusing on deep self-understanding and self-care, spiritual insight, and the mastery of altered states of consciousness. This approach has allowed me to live a happy and inspired life without the use of medications. I am critical of many of the ontological claims made by modern psychiatry, such as the idea that "mental disoders" are classifiable as such and secondary to brain chemistry. I find most of modern psychiatry heavily corrupted and colonized by the pharmaceutical industry.

>> No.16506181
File: 217 KB, 1108x457, Screen Shot 2019-12-08 at 10.05.19 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the law firm defending Holo - they represent Ford, GM, Honda, Nissan and many other high profile clients, none of this fuckboy tranny internet magic bullshit. Get fucked fudders.

>> No.16506204
File: 176 KB, 1222x976, Screen Shot 2019-12-08 at 10.08.34 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's who they are going up against, the lawyer coming after Holo. Their law firm doesn't even have a wiki page kek.

>> No.16506237


>> No.16506311

Go to bed Storm you had long enough to accumulate cheap HOT

>> No.16506503

Easy to afford when you have 15 million from an ico. You can fund my lawyer team if you want.

>> No.16506506

>Holochain having a future
It want have a future anyway. Sorry to say, but bsv is where it's at. You should of course fight to get what's yours if we are talking money, but stop developing a dead end and start building something useful on bsv.

Are you related to Kjetil André Aamodt by any chance?

t. fellow viking

>> No.16506724

where did you find this this is who's representing HOLO?

>> No.16506741

the memes write themselves

>> No.16506782

GG nvm I found it.. wow this is a done and closed case. The other side going against HOLO has no chance.


Weak case at best and holo has a giant law firm behind them.

>> No.16507119

In the court document pds online you can find the names of both law firms that are representing each side. So not only did they help then with their trademark but they are also representing them in the court case


>> No.16507266

>im in it for the tech

>> No.16507269

Look dude he had one more repeating digit. You lost. Accept it.

>> No.16507271

Very happy I dumped this for UPT.

>> No.16507286

Lmao Anders and copy pasta anon. This is what is going after Holo?? Stop wasting everyonen's time.

>> No.16507359

hey at least it allowed for many to get in at these low prices. Im sure lots saw this as a huge buy opportunity. I sure did

Thanks anders.