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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16488442 No.16488442 [Reply] [Original]

should he really be locked up for life?

>> No.16489076

Nope 10-15 years maximum.

>> No.16489079

No time at all. Free him and end the war on drugs.

>> No.16489100 [DELETED] 

Yes, fuck druggies.

>> No.16489103

you can see from his so.y face he has 0% mediterranean blood so he deserves to be gun down but he also enabled many druggies to have their doses and it's not acceptable.

>> No.16489104

If only we had Kleros at that time...

>> No.16489638

You are actual cancer to this board. Nothing of value ever added, and look like an arab caveman

>> No.16489643 [DELETED] 

your head + one ammo = a smile on my face

>> No.16489657

Well of course it would thats all you refugees think about and want to do is destroy my people, and our government supports that. Nothing of value.

>> No.16489661

t. 56%

>> No.16489668

Deutsche, mudslime.

>> No.16489681

your dna won't exist over the next century, hitler was a jewish puppet and helped to create israel

shoah never happened

thank you for sacrificing 40% of your men in 1944

>> No.16489717
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Ross is everything that you aren't: tall, clever, educated, and has loving parents. You know a girl would choose him over a degenerate manlet/brainlet like you any day and that makes you SEETHE.

>> No.16489740
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his ex-gf sucked more dicks than he had to suck in his jail cell

what a nordcvck loser he got what he deserved

>> No.16489747

>enabled many druggies to have their doses and it's not acceptable.
What about the doctor who gives you your HIV medicine?

>> No.16489758

seething nordcucks go back to your ropes
more suicides please fucking pussies

>> No.16489866

well it does keep his btc stash out of circulation

>> No.16489870

Kek Frenchbro isnt even a true Gaul.

>> No.16489873

No. The war on drugs is illegitimate, and the DEA officers essentially entrapped him and forced his hand with the assassination attempts.

>> No.16489897

>too retarded for any opsec
>uses his compromised laptop in public
>falls for porn level theatricals from the police
>doesn't have a dead man's switch + encrypted hard drive
deserves to suck cocks for 100 years desu senpai

>> No.16490064

real question is being locked up helps you make money or not? no? I don't care then

>> No.16490261

encryption is useless now. there's a black pedo cop they arrested in chicago being held indefinitely in jail for refusing to decrypt is macbook.

what you want is tails burnt to a DVD and for storage you use a ram disk/tmpfs. store the files in ram then getting rid of them is as simple as rebooting. or you could use an encrypted NAS or VPS or store the files literally anywhere not on your own laptop.

it's really all about distancing yourself from the files.

>> No.16490282
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SafeX is building silk road but on clearnet.
They cannot be more stupid.

>> No.16490301

now that webtorrent and ipfs is a thing it's possible to create an entirely decentralized serverless website. just no one has bothered to do it yet. bitchute is pretty close though.

>> No.16490372

Nah. 5-10 max.

>> No.16490635


>> No.16490665
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Cody Wilson said it best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnW4HP3yK5E

>> No.16490691
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Fuck no. Should've been given a pass in exchange for going to work for a major corporation.
And? The person antagonizing him was a fed and the hitman he hired was a cop. It was a completely invented crisis to pin him into a corner so he would do something that could be framed as irrational. There's nothing morally wrong about ordering someone to be killed.

>> No.16490713

>sociopathic scum that sold poison world wide and was willing to hire hits on anyone that damaged his business
he shouldnt be locked up for life. he should be executed by a firing squad just like all the cartel scum around thw world

>> No.16490723
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>> No.16490742
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are you 15?

>> No.16490748

Darknet marketplaces take the piss out of organized crime, fucking idiot. There's no turf warfare online. If you fuck up your life on chemicals you shouldn't be you be taking, that's on you.

>> No.16490769
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It's fucking hilarious, you actually couldn't be more wrong about anything than comparing e-commerce to gang operations. Blow your head off, it's useless anyways.

>> No.16490806

DPR wanted to legacy organized crime to sell via silk road you absolute retard. if that started to happen the competition would move to the internet. they would know who each seller is anyways and the turf war would still happen. weed lsd shrooms and shit like that im kinda ok with it, but if youre selling shit like heroin you need to get executed, simple as that. youre ruining lives for profit there is no defence for that.
yeah im guessing you really are 15. maybe one day you'll grow up and realize how wrong you are, or maybe youre just a mentally ill sociopath like DPR and you should also be cleansed off this world

>> No.16490818
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>autism walltext
>made up bullshit about shit he doesn't understand
Yeah, I'm thinking there's no point in reading this. Sit down, room temp IQ.

>> No.16490945

The fed that approached him said that he was a tier 1 dealer and DPR was so fucking happy he was even willing to remove the deposit fee for him to start selling. youre the only clueless retard but i guess youre paid to come here and defend thay degenerate sociopath

>> No.16491164

For running Silk Road? Nah, Should have gotten 15 years and served 7.

For the torture/murder-for-hire plot?
Yeah, life in a cage.

He paid to have people tortured and murdered. That's the line he crossed, and had he just evaporated when things started getting weird on Silk Road he'd still be free and probably one of the richest men in California with all those bitcoin holdings.

>> No.16491240

No, he should of been sentenced to death.

>> No.16491555

it's literally over for him