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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16484745 No.16484745 [Reply] [Original]

What's been released in her court documents have been known for months and now that biz gets wind of it they wanna fud the project. Obviously they wanna buy at a discount. Super bullish. They give into their narcissistic and autistic behavior. Holo will come out to announce they have squashed the case and we're on track to hitting 100 sats. All this fud is created by one faggot in his mom basement jacking off all day with nothing better to do but copy pasta.

The fud is baseless with no merit otherwise the team would not go out and say ports will ship THIS MONTH. You are honestly brain dead if you’re selling here to give into the fudders motives. All you have to wait is 10 days while you’ve waited nearly 2 years, what’s another 10 days?

>> No.16484758

That price is wrong retard. Its 0.00073 on binance. The dream is unironically dead.

The HOLO team have embarrassed themselves in various ways, including but not limited to not having a network, and selling people hardware and not delivering it.

Unfortunately this was probably their best move.

If they would have shipped the (now obsolete) warehouse PCs they sold people, it would be painfully obvious that they are just perpetuating a scam.

Now they have no choice. It has been too long. They have to make a move because people are running out of patience.

This shines a light on the most glaring issues: there is no working software, no Holofuel, and Holoports are about to be declared paperweights in videos and reviews on youtube and all over the internet.

So not delivering looks bad, but it gave them the opportunity to squeeze out this last big PnD before they are caught red handed selling useless legacy hardware with no real software platform to speak of.

At this point there is zero hope for this zombie project and the slow exit scam is underway.

I guess that's what happens when you steal your product strategy from a parody show about Silicon Valley.

To sum it up, if the ports ship it's going to zero. If the ports don't ship it's going to zero.

This latest effort is just a poorly paid shill group hired by the team and the few ramaining bagholders that know they are stuck with this garbage.

The team is exit scamming on you right now. There is no software and the hardware they sold and never delivered is outdated now. Pls dont buy holo thanks.

>> No.16484787

Bump for you being a retard virgin.

>> No.16484800
File: 573 KB, 1280x574, A5EA98EA-54AF-43FF-8406-0C7778C1EF12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex incel. This boomer scam is going DOWN! Buy ONE instead.

>> No.16484917

This. Holotards are cringe ass fuck even more than xrp but I'm sure they hold both

>> No.16484933

>Obviously they wanna buy at a discount
KEK... this shitcoin will be overpriced at 1 sat.

>> No.16484978

Easily the worst investment in crypto besides bitconnect.

>> No.16485016

This. Its an obvious boomer scam.

>> No.16485762

Best investment in crypto. Love the FUD. Y'all are pathetic

>> No.16485798

The dream is over pasta . com

>> No.16485849
File: 363 KB, 1752x1226, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker will make a lot of plebs rich