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File: 288 KB, 1434x877, QNT-dev-portal2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16479888 No.16479888 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16479905

Get some new FUD and come back faggit

>> No.16480024

ok donnie thanks

>> No.16480026

no shit sherlock

>> No.16480769

Why did Donnie and Cobra get banned from telegram? What happened anons?

>> No.16480781

we are done fudding anon, didn't you get the memo? Quant is the most legit project in crypto, sad to see this useless fud, real sad

>> No.16480911

nice tripz,

That being said, can we have a serious discussion please? Quant is a project that if listed on serious exchanges and hooked up with mainstream crypto it should do well, however Gilbert seems to avoid it, why? Why doesn't he want to grow? I can only come up with a few answers, first he is ignorant and doesn't know not all of crypto is not a scam, in which case he should brighten up, second reason could be he does not want to grow too fast for whatever reason, third reason is actually pretty worrying, he can make money of Quant by selling tokens through some small scale exchanges but has no actual intention of implementing quant token usage, which at this point seems far-fetched because there are solid plans on the table for a quant node running system this spring. So which is guys? which of the three? please no nonsense comments.

>> No.16481117 [DELETED] 

Kys you shit shilling faggot

>> No.16481131

care to elaborate?

>> No.16481136

That guy looks like a right quant

>> No.16481227

what do u mean?

>> No.16481234

I have 1k qnt, honestly my only red flag is the fact that it STILL isnt on any good exchanges
Gil recently said that he doesn't trust the popular exchanges and doesnt want to risk reputation but I doubt the exchanges we're on now are cleaner than coinbase or binance

>> No.16481291
File: 253 KB, 717x678, SmartSelect_20191204-180246_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gil is no amateur. enterprises dont want any thing to do with shady cowboy exchanges.
the biggest is binance and we all know its chinky stuff.

>> No.16481314

I agree, Quant CEO is smart, remember that scamcoin failed project SAFEX, after got delisted from BITTREX they listed on cryptopia tradesatoshi coindeal livecoin instabitex. All shady exchanges, better to be wise and wait to be listed on reputable exchanges

>> No.16481322

It’s funny how when a shitcoin gets called out, several anons suddenly mention what went down on a Telegram. Same with that Anon that talks about Satsgang. Soon as he mentions it about 4 anons instantly come and say there isn’t 1 and start mentioning Telegram.

Pretty obvious shills do nothing but milk idiots here day in and day out. Another LINK partner a scam, what a surprise.

>> No.16481336

Gilbert listed on IDAX

called it top tier

he also got scammed trying to list on bitmax

bitmax has been outed as a scam



>> No.16481337

Gil I think doesn't understand much about the crypto scene. I mean Ethereum, Chainlink etc. all endorsed by the world, likely going to play a role in the next digital revolution, i.e. going mainstream, so why suddenly avoid all crypto exchanges? Like Bitstamp and Kraken are highly regulated and working closely with authorities. And it's already regulated on small exchanges, so I don't understand the argument really.

>> No.16481347


>> No.16481373

so care to explain this; Quant clients buy quant from Quant treasury correct? So all clients pay in fiat and have nothing to do with the exchanges, only Quant, so why does Quant avoid mainstream legit exchanges? It does not add up. Perhaps they want to set up their own exchange and use that instead? This way they have double profits, by buying and selling quant tokens for clients indirectly on their own exchange they can reap commissions?

>> No.16481388

Since they announced the treasury the team wallet has dumped loads too

Why didn't they sell them to clients?

>> No.16481404

I think a lot of big projects are doing that, I dont't consider that scamming, I mean the more money they bring in selling their tokens, the more money they can spend on growing.

>> No.16481448

yes fine, thats what the team tokens are for

but why not sell to clients?

>> No.16481483

well honestly I think it is not fully functional yet, they just have the right vision, the right mindset, the right connections and a nice model (a mainstream operating system gateway for blockchain technology) but I think they just started out, it's all very speculative at this phase. It needs to get real still, and from this pov I don't understand why Gil does not want to get listed on big exchanges, he could sell tokens at a higher price I think and use that to grow more, because the scale of his ambition and the tools he currently has, it's like going to war with a knife when you are supposed to bring in heavy artillery.

>> No.16481500

exchanges are for the community who manage their own wallets. treasury exists purely to save enterprises the hassle of fluctuating price and logging onto exchanges. now they simply pay a license fee and quant does the work for them.

>> No.16481505

>using "cowboy" unironically
Why the fuck does the quant community parrot Gils language? It's embarrassing
I agree, I think Gil knows a lot about business and finance but doesn't know shit about how the crypto community works. Honestly I think he doesn't want to meet the requirements some exchanges have(listing fee?) and is just hoping for a traditional exchange at this point.
Still, he promised a tier 1 this year and it doesn't look like he's going to deliver. I hope he drops something big soon, he's behind schedule with his promises to the community

>> No.16481527

Agree, also avoid scam exchanges that own their own coin like xcalibra, really shady scam exchange

>> No.16481596

Agree,hope there will be more love towards the crypto community side of the project and tier 1 exchange still coming up, maybe when there is some buzz around setting up the node system in a few months, but I hope sooner than that

>> No.16482280

>well honestly I think it is not fully functional yet, they just have the right vision, the right mindset, the right connections and a nice model (a mainstream operating system gateway for blockchain technology) but I think they just started out, it's all very speculative at this phase. It needs to get real still, and from this pov I don't understand why Gil does not want to get listed on big exchanges

You have the right attitude. As for exchanges, Gil is indeed wary of the "crypto" side - anyone remember when he refused to list on CMC because they were not a cryptocurrency, but a utility token? He was scared it would interference with their FINMA regs. Then someone else got it listed instead, lol.

When he said No CMC someone dumped tens of thousands down to like 0.0007 range. Couple of weeks later it was at 0.004, kek.

I believe that Gil knows what he's doing. He's been in crypto for years now and must understand the markets. He aims to be a top coin in the next bull run, and he's working towards that at the correct pace.

>> No.16482314

how about exchanges don’t want to list an unregistered security. if you’re in the know you’d know this is why quant can’t get a decent exchange listing.

>> No.16482393 [DELETED] 


Yes sir every coin binance very registered security sir very registered but quant scamcoin sir binance say no please

>> No.16482523


Yes sir every coin binance very registered security sir very registered but quant scamcoin sir binance say no please

>> No.16482542

that's a US thing no? Bitstamp is a EU exchange

>> No.16482569

me thinkz Gil should be a little more nuanced towards cryptocurrencies, I believe/hope in the not so distant future crypto currencies will be a part of everyday life

>> No.16483218

pure pajeet cope

>> No.16483230

if he was actually ‘wary’ of crypto he wouldn’t have done an ico. quant would work just as fine without a useless token strapped on, but hey, he got his project funded by retards all the same.

>> No.16483437

Quant is a Cobra scam

>> No.16483469

quant is the biggest scam in crypto right now.
sell everything. this shit's going to $1

>> No.16483544


Thank you for warning us, bless your heart. You are very kind.

>> No.16483776

this fud is very bullish, bought another 1k

>> No.16483886

i do what i can. just trying to save anons from losing money on this outright SCAM

>> No.16484194


Ok donnie, thanks

>> No.16484226

Tell me you faggots

>> No.16484244

Oh by the way, you guys should talk more in the main telegram channel. It’s kinda weird how quiet it is there compared To the other rooms. I get you autistics are more comfortable acting like faggots in the lounge but it’s weird that there’s no activity in main. Look at DagFags main room for example, they make us look bad

>> No.16484746

thanks for all your feedback, at the end of the day, I think the reason Gil is reluctant to get his token listed on more big exchanges is because his first encounter with listing turned out to be a scam, in addittion to that 4 channers were bothering Quant partners asking for info, so from his perspective, not knowing much about the crypto community, it makes sense he acts the way he does. Too bad he doesn't understand that not all of crypto is a scam, there are good solid legit exchanges, more liquidity means more token sale, more money to expand etc. etc. it's like now he is walking on one leg while he could walk on two but just doesn't know any better.

>> No.16484807

This just seems like a fantasy so you can all cope

He should just pay to list on some decent exchanges.

>> No.16484852

I agree he should, but I think it's mostly a psychological issue, he doesn't understand our world, plus bad experiences, makes it easy to generalize all of crypto, personally I think it's foolish to not use the moment and gather extra funding but instead hope for some big listing later on on some new exchange that probably doesn't exist yet, and maybe never will, he should pick a few legit exchanges now, some big ones, and get it listed, it would create buzz from the crypto community, spilling over into mainstream. I mean president of France and China celebrate Vechain tech in the media, but yeah I could go on and on...hope to hear more good news some related to this

>> No.16484885

Bagholders ignoring this post my fucking sides

>> No.16484905

>ignoring it
we all already know about it, it's old news and been talked about to death over the past 8 months

>> No.16485377


> Hur hur guys why won't your talk about topics from 6+ months ago.

Move on, mate.