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File: 136 KB, 1198x696, Constellation-Labs-Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16479868 No.16479868 [Reply] [Original]

This is the old team line up, how are they running this now with only 4 people?

shouldnt they have recieved lots of money from the US airforce?

>> No.16479951
File: 31 KB, 655x353, steal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out Brendan Playford's profile. The only real work experience he has is as a bartender. Other than that it's a bunch of scam startups on his resume.

>> No.16479974

DAG has a waaaayy to weak presence on biz. They can't even debunk the obvious retarded fud from this homosexual pakistani kiddy fiddler that lost all his money after he panic sold DAG during crypto winter. Unanswered fud is not a great sign for potential investors.

>> No.16479978

Tragic samefagging. Go nuts with your vpn, but leave those kids alone, ok?

>> No.16479991


>> No.16480018

I tried asking for a source on a single coder other than the founder/cto. Seriously, who is on the dev team?

>> No.16480050

They are rolling out an extremely technically advanced mainnet now, so good that they got instant partnership with both link and quant, plus USAF. How is your question relevant?

>> No.16480130

How is knowing anything at all about the people building and maintaining the platform relevant when every other legit project in crypto provides full transparency? If a working product isn't available how am I supposed to safely invest when I don't even know who's building the product? And they aren't partnered with usaf, it's a sbir stage 1 grant to "establish the technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential" of the product and it by definition couldn't have been more than 150k. Thousands of companies with an interesting pitch get awarded that grant, very few make it to stage 2. And I'm pretty sure anyone can run a link node, not sure about the quant stuff.

>> No.16480160

its worrying to me, where is all the team???

>> No.16480162

>when I don't even know who's building the product
Are you pretending to be a tech insider, fraud? So if they gave you the names, you will instantly know them and instead of looking at the tech behind the mainnet they are rolling out at the very moment, directly, you are such a tech insider that just the names would tell you what you need to know and base your investment decision. Are you crazy? USAF is a big thing for a very young tech company. They could potentially handle big tech for the whole US military. That would instantly put DAG ahead of IOTA and give it a billion dollar market cap. Their link partnership is link using DAG as validator for big data. You "link node" comment shows that you are a complete moron with zero knowledge of the tech industry. Back to plebbit imbecile.

>> No.16480172

>its worrying to me, where is all the team???
Tragic samefagging. So gay.

>> No.16480283

>Are you pretending to be a tech insider, fraud?
What the fuck are you saying? I am not a techie, I'm an investor. I invest in products and when there isn't a product yet I invest in the people behind the product.
>So if they gave you the names, you will instantly know them
Of course not you fucking idiot, I would then do some basic research. Good developers are established and have transparent linkedin profiles I can do some basic dd on, that's the industry standard and what everyone expects when doing their own dd.
>USAF is a big thing for a very young tech company. They could potentially handle big tech for the whole US military.
How many times do I have to spell it out for your dumb ass, it's a SBIR stage 1 grant that you can literally earn with an interesting pitch, no stress test results or any other proof of product necessary. Less than 150k is complete chump change and until they make it to stage 2 in which they have to present the working product, the grant means nothing to me and any investor with a brain.
You're telling me it's safe to invest in project with no product and no transparency on development yet because "ITS COMING OUT LIKE RIGHT NOW" maybe that's why it's down 10% in the last 24/h lmao
And I'm not invested in link. Their mainnet has been out for 6 months and no ones is using their oracle network other than some blockchain game

>> No.16480297


>> No.16480329

>Good developers are established and have transparent linkedin profiles
Yeah, you are completely insane. Very few crypto devs have a LinkedIn profile at all, and those that do are normally second tier. Vitalik had none until he was forced to put one up saying he was not there. Your stupidity and lack of knowledge is impressing
>Good developers are established and have transparent linkedin profiles
Yeah, you idiot would know, right? Why don't you amateur investor tell Forbes how stupid they are:
>no product and no transparency
What part of rolling out mainnet now do you not understand. Go to their telegram. They are among the very most transparent teams there is
>And I'm not invested in link
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.16480330

who are you?

this is a genuine question

>> No.16480334

You are still gay, vpn fag.

>> No.16480343


i am just asking if anyone knows where all the DAG team went, stop agressively spouting bullshit

>> No.16480368

Stay away from the kids, sexual predator. Sorry that you panic sold DAGs and now are living with your parents, broke. You have only yourself to blame. Karma is a bitch.

>> No.16480379

what are you talking about? this isnt constructive

>> No.16480406

>Vitalik had none until he was forced to put one up saying he was not there.
Your pointing to a niche case, the guy was 21 when eth was released. Is that the new industry standard now? 21 year old secret wonderchilds? I'm sure DAG is full of them. You're completely deluded lmao
>Why don't you amateur investor tell Forbes how stupid they are:
Once again, you or any journalist can spin a SBIR stage 1 grant into a "partnership". At the end of the day it's a measly grant for chump change given to thousands of other companies where usaf is basically saying "show us what you got".
>What part of rolling out mainnet now do you not understand. Go to their telegram. They are among the very most transparent teams there is
And again, what project dumps 10% going into a mainnet release and won't even disclose a single dev that aren't the 4 founders. Real transparent.
And I'm not invested in link
Why am I not surprised?
>Another project that has delivered nothing and has been dumping for 2 weeks straight on no users.
You have no legs to stand on. Time to start posting pictures of India and calling every new id in this thread a samefagging Raphael.
The schizo, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.16480441

>Your pointing to a niche case,
Right, then try Monero or any other successful crypto. You are so stupid that you don't understand that crypto space is a disruptive industry and most good devs stay the heel away from all kind of dinosaur industries that mine your data and support centralization. Back to plebbit, newfag. You are too stupid for biz.

>> No.16480472

Ok so we are getting somewhere

so the team is all gone from the website and DAG is making tech for the US airforce with secretive monero type devs


>> No.16480493

In the first search results I already found the ethereum and chainlink dev teams and everyone has a linkedin lmao
Even monero has a list of devs and contributors with only links to their githubs which I'm not surprised given it's a privacy coin
You're really bad at defending your zombie project. Maybe it's time you took your meds and got off biz for a change. What else are you going to pull out of your ass?

>> No.16480526

Sure, you checked all ETH devs and they were all on LinkedIn. Everybody knows you are lying, everybody knows you couldn't care less about the identity of the devs behind DAG, all you ever want is to smear and trash DAG in some kind of weird epic revenge after you idiot panic sold DAG and then went bankrupt, and are now living with your parents broke. That have a criminal record as a sexual predator against minors, did not help.

>> No.16480538

So instead of looking at the tech, and github, you idiot spend all day long at LinkedIn. Had any success with that strategy, pajeet? No? Bankrupt you say? Why should anyone listen to the rambling of a proven bad investor like you?

>> No.16480560

>Sure, you checked all ETH devs and they were all on LinkedIn
I checked the first 5 from a simple google search and they all had linkedins, that's called basic transparency
>Everybody knows you are lying, everybody knows you couldn't care less about the identity of the devs behind DAG, all you ever want is to smear and trash DAG in some kind of weird epic revenge after you idiot panic sold DAG and then went bankrupt, and are now living with your parents broke. That have a criminal record as a sexual predator against minors, did not help.
Do you even read your own schizophrenic rambling? It's embarassing and only FUDs dag even more lmao

>> No.16480583

>So instead of looking at the tech, and github, you idiot spend all day long at LinkedIn.
Yea I'm sure you're a genius code reviewer who gave it a nice audit
>Had any success with that strategy, pajeet? No? Bankrupt you say? Why should anyone listen to the rambling of a proven bad investor like you?
More baseless, schizophrenic rambling that only makes you look like a seething retard, cheers

>> No.16480615

i was asking where all the team went, simple question

i thought dag had a big community who could answer but i just get this spamming from a raving lunatic

>> No.16480641

Yeah, buddy, you are super interested in DAG and post your vpn spam threads constantly, not because you want to smear the investment opportunity that you completely lost and you don't direct your anger, financial ruin and sexual perversion against DAG and what could have been, you are just a very concerned potential investors that couldn't care less about product, partnerships, commercial contracts etc, you ONLY want to find out the ID behind those github commits, because that is so super important for you, right? And you never use vpn, you just always have a swarm of IDs supporting you, with exact same syntax, all the time, in every thread. Right? You are not insane, the world is insane, and especially DAG, right? Time for you to seek some professional help. buddy.

>> No.16480647

>12 posts by this ID

>> No.16480680

>13 posts by this vpn

>> No.16480687

You are literally a paranoid schizo, seek psychiatric help.
t. Raphael

>> No.16480700

>14 posts by this vpn

>> No.16480724

>The majority of people on this board don't think I'm a fucking nutcase, it's just one guy with a vpn

>> No.16480748

>15 posts by this vpn
Somehow this psychotic swarming where they ALL support a sociopathic nutcase spamming his old, debunked nonsense again and again, every day, being exposed multiple times using vpn when his vpn malfunctions, - strangely enough it ONLY happens in DAG threads. For the last 14 months. Such weird coincidence and no sign of pathological sociopathy, right?

DAG will moon to top twenty CMC within 6 months. Guess that would drive anybody mad, if they missed out due to their own stupidity and bad genes. Mental problems and sexual perversions did not help. Maybe you and your sociopathy are not so unique after all?

>> No.16480764

You're legitimately stupid if you believe anything you just said about DAG. Like, subhuman levels of intelligence only found in the less civilised parts of Africa. I hope you're just trying to scam this board and aren't earnest

>> No.16480789

Rage some more, monkey boy. DAG will moon and you know it.

>> No.16481012
File: 779 KB, 1416x763, 1123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget DAG and take a look at UOS, let me tell you 3 big reasons why Ultra IO will blow up

> The industry itself, gaming industry is a very very very huge goldmine, we are talking about billions and billions

> Gaming is became a big hit over the past few years and is still growing in popularity as ESports is also gaining some huge attention

> Cutting edge technology, hard working team with great experience

>> No.16481211

I appreciate your solid reasoning as to why this coin will moon. Brain-dead niggers like you should know by now that biz doesn't pump coins anymore.

>> No.16481251

DAG was a scam anon, if you are truly interested in the tech you would have bought FRM

>> No.16481252

seems biz is useless

still dont know where the team went