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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16476896 No.16476896 [Reply] [Original]

Are your prepared for the recession...

>> No.16476943
File: 111 KB, 894x693, Hash_collapse_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i'm still denying that hashrate is in a bubble. Get back to me when I can't sell all this expensive useless mining equipment. Then I might prepare by using the equipment to heat my house.

>> No.16476956
File: 416 KB, 1069x1280, Screenshot_20191205-210818_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16477008

That means no recession. Thanks, gonna go all in tqqq

>> No.16477070

What does this mean for my job prospects?

>> No.16477084

they will be gone.

>> No.16477098


>> No.16477192

Started working in 2016. Company is pretty recession-proof. I've been bummed that my 401k contributions are at the tail end of a bull run.

I'm pretty pumped to buy in low, I have about 50k sitting in high-interest savings that I'd love to throw in the market at discount prices.

>> No.16477213

>not having a job in healthcare or working for the government
Why do you want to get laid off?

>> No.16477233

Wat do for my 401k should I get into gfund or keep in corporations

>> No.16477249

Bonds. Or preferred stock if you still want moderate risk.

>> No.16477252

I have put options set to expire in june. Will I make it by then? I'm hoping lower than expected holiday sales get the house of cards tumbling.

>> No.16477274

and then you woke up

>> No.16477282

So jump in bonds then buy the dip?

>> No.16477314

If you think a recession is coming, then yes. Low-risk bonds can weather the storm or even make a profit. Or just pull out into high-interest savings (only like ~2%, but much better than losing 25% after a crash).

>> No.16477375

Thanks anon it’s for my 50+yr old parents I want to be sure before I give bad advice

>> No.16477678

>time the market anons, it’s fool proof


>> No.16477693

these retards are wrong about everything in every context bull market confirmed

>> No.16477701 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 640x853, Sarah (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.16478178

The US is already in a consumer recession I predicted all of this you guys called me schizo. Central banks are moving money into COMEX lots, COMEX has signed new deals with SGE. The Chinese CCP will collapse in 2 years. The bank of China will collapse before that and with it Deutsche bank will finally go down resulting in a systematic failure of global banks.

The fact is 3 dollars of Reserve currency equals 1 dollar of GDP growth and that marks the end of the Reserve system and the Brenton Woods world order.

>> No.16478251

What else do we do

>> No.16478267

Switch your 401k to like MMMFs and treasuries bro, that's what im gonna do

>> No.16478297


Don't buy treasuries man. Look what happened to the Swedes. They're all worthless now. Why not put your 401k into silver or gold?

>> No.16478332

>Brenton Woods

>> No.16478417

>blood on the streets

>> No.16478430

McDonalds will be unaffected

>> No.16478461
File: 57 KB, 479x458, 20191205_032405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many media avenues know anything?
How many tell the truth about anything?
That's thefuck right.

It's the most obvious kike FUD beartrap since forever.

Sell all you fools.

>> No.16478739

>having a job in healthcare
How does satan's cock taste?

>> No.16478744

If you're younger than 50 just leave it alone.