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16475496 No.16475496 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you tithe 10% to church, or at least give to charity? It is said that when you give you receive. Thoughts?

>> No.16475511

Lol no. Giving to charity is incredibly cucked.

>> No.16475533

If the church were to give 0.00001% of the earnings they recieve to you, you would be more wealthy than the owners of BTC.

The church makes an insane amount of money - primarily from people dying and leaving everything to the church out of a desire to pretend to repent for sins commited in life.

Personally my experience of charities has taught me that they are all fraudulant - helping people who do not deserve to be helped. By attempting to help these people, they always pick the worst of those affected who are beyond salvation and pretend that helping them is anything other than stupid.

>> No.16475555

St. jude childrens hospital deserves the tithe E>

>> No.16475568

Sounds like a kike scam

>> No.16475569

>It is said that when you give you receive.
meme created by millionaires to lower competition

>> No.16475573

paying £10 to Cancer research and £10 to Blind Charity every month. I don't give money on the streets. I've seen people begging and then buying alko...

>> No.16475586

I lived in a drought affected part of Auscuckistan and I've been donating plenty to local farmers and bushfire affected people. The shows of generosity from my small town make me proud to be a cuntry boy.

>> No.16475618

>EZ clap

>> No.16476047

Every week, fren. Make sure you find a good church, one that doesn't support (((them)))

>> No.16476065
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Absolutely not, my family doesn't have everything we need, why the fuck would I ever give my money to a bunch of pedophiles?

>> No.16476075

you know it isn't christian for us to answer this, so it's a trick question. Jesus said not to shout when you give alms. so basically, don't worry about what i do with my money OP

>> No.16476079

(((jesus))) was a kike

>> No.16476081

Most Americans do their tithing at the grocery store. Keep buying my kosher products goim! One sheckle per pop tart!

>> No.16476087

These charity fuckers are always hippies who have no idea how to manage money productively. If you want to do things right and really help you have to do your own charity or at least go to the people in need yourself and buy stuff they need without paying hippie niggers salary to get weed.

>> No.16476091

No, that's you.

>> No.16476092

I'm always suspicious of those who advertise the fact that they contribute to charity. If you do good, keep it quiet.

>> No.16476098

kys kike worshiper

>> No.16476100

This is an anon forum. You shouldn't say you give in real life.

>> No.16476112
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Stay mad, kike! Hope you enjoy hell.

>> No.16476141
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you kike worshipers are literally the dumbest people on earth. christcucks should be shot

>> No.16476158

Well I do give to people in need. I have a rule to never forget the hardships I've been through, so when I have it, I make sure that people who don't get a little bit too.

I feel like life can make you take one of two paths, either the hardships you face can make you inflict that same pain on others as you move up in life (as a form of revenge) or you can use the hardships you faced as a lesson to have empathy for others who may be facing similar situations and try to improve their lives in whatever way you can.

There's been many times in life where I've wished there would be someone who'd come to help me, and so I try to be that person for others who might be going through something similar. I feel that all the hardship I've faced would be wasted if I go through life not learning from it and trying to ease the suffering of others.

>> No.16476178

Based. I used to be a homeless bum and a few people really helped me out so even though I'm still poor I always try to at least give a couple bucks when i see a bum that doesnt look totally lost.

>> No.16476194

Biiiiiiiig yikes.

>> No.16476219

No, but i will when i make it

>> No.16476235

You're a good dude. Giving when you don't have much yourself is more noble than giving out a couple bucks when you're a millionaire.

>> No.16476351

That's a very good mindset to have but be careful. I've been burned before giving money. My rule now is never give someone money unless they fully paid back what they owe you first.

>> No.16476488

Yeah man I know where you're coming from. I only tend to help out people who are strangers (where I don't worry about whether I'll get the money back, like homeless people) or if I give to people I know, I give amounts that I can be comfortable with not getting back.

I tend to not give to people I know for the most part though, except for immediate family.

>> No.16476520
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You kikes aren't happy with your 40+% you want another 10 off the net to "worship" an outcast from the tribe you backstabbed?

Do jews ever stop being fucking absolute niggers?

>> No.16476556

Yeah but so what if they do? It's no longer your money when you give it to someone, you dumb jew.

What's the difference between them doing that and being all in all retarded with money to begin with so much so that they ended up on the streets and are begging? It's not YOUR money when you give it someone, is it?

>> No.16476624

I have this same mindset too anon. Best of luck to you. Try to be wary of those that may take advantage

>> No.16476750

Thanks anon. I tend to cut off anyone I feel like is trying to take advantage as soon as I realize it, but I get where you're coming from. Best of luck to you too and God bless!

>> No.16476989

Tithing means returning vital oils back into the hypothalamus through sacred practice such as 4 fold breathing, meditation and self care.

Stop reading the bible literally and open your eyes.

>> No.16477026


Regarding Tithing watch from 29:35

>> No.16477033

>giving money to charity

>> No.16477056


NO. Hell no. Taxes are bad enough.

>> No.16477076

When I find a church or charity that isn't pozzed as balls I'll consider volunteering my time or money

>> No.16477279

I donate to hope for paws and takis shelter. Two strat dog foundations. H4P is out of LA takis is out of greece