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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1647317 No.1647317 [Reply] [Original]

>what you wish you could be doing instead

>> No.1647326

>NEET with alot of money

>> No.1647334
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>I wish I could get a fucking job, in all seriousness. TFW I fell for the college meme. But ideally, I'd like to be a fiction writer.

>> No.1647404

>pm/lead developer
>own a business

>> No.1647411


>network engineer
>own business doing the same thing or something tech related. maybe develop some apps. something that gives me more free time.

>> No.1647422

> I make more than I can spend but honestly the lifestyle is brutal, so tired, all the time.

>> No.1647429


>> No.1647430

>I'm good

>> No.1647449

How to get into welding?

>> No.1647451

>corporate strategy
>honestly just the hours. Time to get an MBA and level up

>> No.1647457
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>proprietor of 2 companies
>tired of working 7 days a week, want to retire within 4 years, marry, pop out 10 kids and spend my time raising them

>> No.1647466

>neet living off welfare

money is not what it's cracked up to be

>> No.1647471

>money is not what it's cracked up to be
How about dignity and self-respect?

>> No.1647475

>was general IT until thanksgiving, then laid off, now unemployed and depressed
>I wish my mom was dead so I could kill myself without regret

>> No.1647476

yeah because going to a job you hate every day and interacting with people who would slit your throat for an extra 5 bucks an hour sure is dignified

>> No.1647482

I'm on neetbux due to a lot of bad decisions and a bit of bad luck. Living off the work of others is shit.

>> No.1647491
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>NEET with even more of money

>> No.1647497
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mfw have to make up for my parents shitty job at raising me.

>> No.1647515

What major? Industrial engineering?

>> No.1647519

Literally the same just that my parents turned out to be overachievers and i think they secretly want me to be a failure 4ever

>> No.1647552
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>Student/Grocery store bagger
>Something that involves writing, maybe law or teaching

>> No.1647554

>sculptor, fiction writing, neet with money

>> No.1647581

>post office worker
>working to overthrow the Saud monarchy

>> No.1647720

>administrator at a public school
>get a job in the stem field that i got my degree in, or just be a neet with a massive pile of cash

>> No.1647763


How many hours you work? What makes it so brutal?

>> No.1647764

> 30
> self-employed, lay tile
> Not much else I'm happy. I wish I knew other stuff too like carpentry, drywall, and plumbing basics

>> No.1647774


>> No.1647803

steel construction industry
"retire" and live the NEET life

>> No.1647806

>typing numbers in a machine and ripping people off

>> No.1647956

>no job or experience, recently graduated. looking for jobs/internship.
>play video games, watch anime , create music, YouTube videos and digital art, lift weight, and fuck teens during spring and summer. then, travel around the world with a 5-10 million account during fall and winter. repeat every year.

>> No.1647976

>would love to be a porn star and philosophy professor at the same time.

>> No.1648028

>not dealing with actual retards every day

>> No.1648033

>lab tech

>> No.1648044

>auditor - big 4
>working 40 hours a week with people as intelligent at my firm

everyone seems like such an idiot in private, how do people handle working with such under performing ass clowns

>> No.1648130

>cyber forensics & security consultant
>wish I was owning my own business again

Every second I spend slaving for salary is doubled with striving to learn and apply skills for business

>> No.1648176
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Studying engineering
>what you wish you could be doing instead
Not studuying engineering... I might switch into economics

>> No.1648179

>I might switch into economics

It will change your perception of the world. But you will be unemployed upon graduation. It's worth it, desu.

>> No.1648189

>It will change your perception of the world.
How? And why?
>But you will be unemployed upon graduation
This seems to happen to a lot of engineers too so I don't mind. It would be great to secure a position at a bank or something but well.

>> No.1648222

>9.50$an hour at a seafood restarant
>weed helps, waste of money, but worth it.

>> No.1648283

You will most likely study for 3-6 years but work in your field for the rest of your active life unless you are unemployable. Don't choose a major, choose a career and get a major for it.

>> No.1648326

>Bankrupt entrepeneur

>> No.1648329

>v100 2nd year associate in litigation
>would rather be a small town judge or literally be doing anything else besides the 70+ hours of legal writing and case management that I do every week.
>tfw i have 100k in loans because I wanted to live like this.

>> No.1648339

forgot to put management in quotations, as it's mostly getting told how to manage a fairly large corporate account by some 9000 year old asshole who doesn't understand how retirement works, or considers being an asshole his personal daily vacation. Can't even complain because I know folks from my graduating class stuck at personal injury firms or managing a best buy living in their parents basement. I am legitimately lucky to have an asshole boss instead of none at all.

>> No.1648342

NEET with rich parents. Or run my own successful business, which is currently in the works

Anything you want to know about the trade, mate?

>> No.1648350

Buy side banker

Graduated from a top school and did 1 year in a bb bank then rq'd to buy side

>> No.1648407

i totally agree, everyone getting admitted into big four have a disgusying personality

>> No.1648451
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>>I wish I could get a fucking job, in all seriousness. TFW I fell for the college meme.
>26 same shitty situation

>> No.1648456

>equipment operator
>running my own biz/ while fucking off with my friends I pay to help run it.

Something chill after that pays well. Like custom large machine parts that take a few weeks to build. Bust ass for a week or 2 and get it done then take a day fucking off around the shop.

>> No.1648466

Says the cocksucker living on my dime.

Get a job faggot

>> No.1648469

You do any sculpting now? Looking for an ameture sculptor for mold making. Will pay. Probably not a lot but it beats NEET bux or will pad it. Got a dummy email?

>> No.1648472

Plumbing and drywall is easy shit. U got tile down u good bruh.

Consider doing wood floor and chat up the trim carpenter guys to suoliment your income. New plumbing is okay but that's to what the unlicensed mexicans are for. And hanging sheet rock sucks. Tile is hard on your back but 4 times the pay man.

>> No.1648473

Rich dad poor dad can do that for $7 m8.

Then u can work towards wealth instead of a job.

>> No.1648474

1 down 9 to go mate.

I got a failed biz.

I regret nothing.

What u into?

>> No.1648475

unemployed pipefitter
being an accountant so i can work indoors and just crunch numbers all day rather than working in the filth and the grime but that would take a 4 year degree, i aint giving up 4 years of salary even though im currently unemployed

>> No.1648625

I've done my homework on the trade itself and I'm registered for trade school next year. I could use some tips on actually getting my first job as an apprentice, I know that a licensed journeyman can pretty much write his own ticket but I see a lot of guys who have trouble getting to that point, especially guys like me who don't have any family connections in the trades. I'd like to start writing letters and applications to public utility companies to get a job for life as an industrial electrician, but I bet there's a lot of competition.

>> No.1648640



>what you wish you could be doing instead
Chilling on Mars, but I guess I'll have to wait a few more years longer

>> No.1648644

>I work in billing at an oncology office 17.80/hr
>real estate

>> No.1649005

> 27
> lawyer in big law specializing in technology M&A
> start a technology company and sell it

>> No.1649019

in between jobs
studying for EHS rep
would like to be a leader of a self sustainable religious cult.

>> No.1649059

>gym operator / fit girl butt inspector, $12 per hr
> this >>1647956 word for word.

>> No.1649071

>Studying engineering
>studying philosophy and classics without worrying about career options
god i wish i was born into money

>> No.1649075

learn to read, nigger. oh wait, you're a fucking fork lift driver, you don't know how. well, tell your mommy who reads and writes posts for you to learn the fucking order in which posts are made because I have a fucking job

>> No.1649090

>software engineer
>Independent FLGS and book store owner

>> No.1649125


So work while going to school part-time or move back in with your folks to save money and go to school full-time.

>> No.1649150
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> 21 next week
> University student
> Professional boxing

>> No.1649187

> Navy

>> No.1649263

>Telephone operator
>I wish I could work as a furniture designer, or as a wood carver, I do it as a hobby atm.

>> No.1649294

Same here, my man
I fucking hate my life

>> No.1649307

>Engineering manager
>Wish I was dead

>> No.1649313

talk to me senpai

>student at top school / NEET

>> No.1649316

Medical Laboratory Technologist
Farming + Current job + create small business

>tfw I need to save for another 5 years until I can buy a farm in cash

>> No.1649318

>intern in construction management group at a major utility
>wish I was a competent working musician
I hate the drudgery of work, and I don't think I will ever be satisfied in an office environment. Engineering was the biggest meme of my fucking life.

>> No.1649323

>>statistician in a marketing company
>>statistician in a financial company

>> No.1649327

>big 4

>> No.1649389

>bagging groceries at health food store
>intelligence analyst for CIA/Army, or translator at UN, or a teacher, or really anything that's halfway interesting

I'm trying to start my own company in my spare time, and apply to universities/colleges, but it feels pointless. Sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with me, my resume should be getting lots of replies, but no one ever even wants a fucking interview with me and I've applied to 20+ jobs this week alone, mostly minimum wage shit.

Even being a fucking secretary these days takes some bullshit "certification". I just want to make some money before I go off to uni, but god damn it sucks. I don't think I'd even mind my minimum wage job if I friends or something, but my life just involves reading, applying for jobs/universities, and going to work.

The worst part is that even when I go to uni, I'm going to be 21 years old surrounded by 17 year old mouthbreather's who do nothing but shout memes and think they're the shit. Then it will just be four more years of friendless drudgery, while I try to network my way out of a shitty mediocre life.

What I'd really like to do is pull together some counterfeit artwork and sell it to fund the life of a high flying scam artist, but I need to keep practicing my drawing skills to do that.

>> No.1649405


What's with these STEM babbies complaining about >NOT MUH dream artistic career

Shit i wish I could have chosen civil engineering instead of my meme degree

>> No.1649411

Worked 50 this week, generally 40+ It is brutal just because it is physically exhausting, filthy, loud and uncomfortable.

>> No.1649415

Dad had an old buzz box in the garage, had to fix a broken wagon at one point. Thought it was cool, went to community college after HS. Got an associates in welding technology. now I build trash cans for a living.

>> No.1649431

do nothing IT job
I wish I had become a skilled laborer instead. When I was in high school I never planned on going to college and wanted to become an airplane mechanic or something like that. Somehow instead I ended up in IT which I can't stand but the work is effortlessly easy and the money is good, plus I feel like it's too late to switch career tracks now so I'm sort of stuck. Every day I wish for the sweet embrace of death to liberate me from this self-created hell

>> No.1649601

>Accepted into college. Currently working on getting all the honors from my schools that I can
>Aerospace Engineering

>> No.1649606

>hired hitman
>paid assassin

>> No.1649622

Business Owner
Race car driver

>> No.1649629

>make passive income

>> No.1649637

>I'm content with my work, just would like to branch out more

>> No.1649650

>Howitzer crew member in the Army
>Teach college classes on 19th and 20th century history and /lit/

>> No.1649668



>> No.1649680

>network engineer
>musical artist

I'm resigned to being the only person who ever hears my music, but I'll never stop making it.

>> No.1649693

>Job searching.
>Become an artist of some sort.

>> No.1649763

get the dean's list every semester, graduate with honors, apply internship to everywhere, get a good story even if you have to make it up - it's honestly not as difficult as people make it out to be - provided you go to a top uni (like ivys or their equivalent)

>> No.1649965

>hired hitman
>paid assassin

whats even the difference?

>> No.1649966

>Pizza delivery
>Film producing

>> No.1649971
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Business Intelligence

I want to be a United States Representative. I want to be a politician and make laws. My wife is way way way not on board with this.

>> No.1649990

one is contract one is salaried, maybe?

>> No.1650005

theres no "part time" pipefitting plus id be 34 by the time id finish the degree.

wish i could but i cant, not at this moment anyway. If one of my stocks turns into a ten bagger maybe cause that would make it so that i have next tp 0 student debt and can pay for my shit going through school

but who wants a newbie fresh out of school 34 year old accountant?

>> No.1650015

Hired =/= paid.

Also hitment kill less important people than assassins. Hitmen kill mid-level gangsters, assassins kill heads of state.

>> No.1650031

>computer repair guy / student
>something that made money

>> No.1650075
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>front end web / data entry
>Doctor or lawyer

mfw I went to school for 16 years so I could sit at a desk and copy and paste all day.

>> No.1650146

how did you do this?
Got any tips for a student studying comp sci, on either passive income, side job etc

>> No.1650196

>truck driver
>being supreme leader in Best Korea

>> No.1650211

Making money is one thing, but there's no reason for no one to ever hear your music when you have the internet and many bars have open stage nights.

Horseshit. I don't believe that it's literally never too late to start a new career, but at 34 you're hardly an old man.

>> No.1650599

bump uglies, faggots

>> No.1650606

Nothing, I've always wanted to be a trader.

>> No.1650612


>> No.1650720

>NEET soon to be homeless
>NEET but with money

>> No.1650884

> 25
> Software Engineer
> Sommelier, but have bad liver

>> No.1650906

business owner
observing/learning about the universe

>> No.1650942

>chef at Wendy's
>$250k /year
>8" THICK cock
>multiple rental properties
>multiple 10/10 horny sluts on rotation
>loving family
>multiple extravagant trips abroad yearly
I guess you could say I'm doing well.

>> No.1650947

>Don't even want to waste time/money going back to college if Im not doing CS or Engineering. I stopped going last year. Didn't even enjoy CS....

>> No.1650948


What kind of business?

>> No.1650952


Damn dude. I've been trying to get an interview at Wendy's FOREVER!

You lucky dog. I bet your related to the fry cook or something.

>> No.1650954

>>1649966 #

22 here working in the food industry. Writing scripts when I have free time. My goal is to write great scripts and sell them so I can officially stop serving rude and annoying fucking fgts and sit down and write all day and express my creativity. That would be the life.

>> No.1650956


Where are you a waiter at?

>> No.1650990

>literally anything else kill me plz

>> No.1650993

For the love of kek do not go into teaching

>> No.1651000
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>actually responding to data mining threads

>> No.1651018

>Operations Administration
>Not work and travel the world

>> No.1651111

>Student / Software Developer
>Full-time Artist/Designer

>> No.1651179

>minimum wage factory hand
>something where I could use my six years of studies in STEM and finance

>> No.1651190

>Software Engineer
>Retired, full-time student or traveler

Might become a reality soon, /biz/raelites

>> No.1651192
