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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16472664 No.16472664 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16472669
File: 54 KB, 256x194, dec1919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're planning something huge. Soon.

>> No.16472673

Chainlink pumped and plebbitors swarmed en masse

>> No.16472684

The ultimate redpill is that this place will only have a negative impact on your investments. The Hove mind will try to take as much money from you as possible. To go fully decentralized means disconnecting from the shitty opinions of others and going your own path.

>> No.16472689

what happened? crypto mooned hard, then the bubble burst. everyone who made it, made it and no longer needs the ponzi. everyone smart realized the bubble burst got out and went back to their lives. they no longer refresh biz all day. for the most part, the only biztards left are those that didn't make it and are too retarded/desperate to hang up the phone.

>> No.16472707

bubble burst, only link spam was left,the few moon shots like Matic are posted like once per two days.

>> No.16472718
File: 25 KB, 262x149, bsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your last chance to make it is to load up on BSV

>> No.16472719

any bigger market dump turns this board into a schizo battle zone

>> No.16472736


>> No.16472754

the only people here are losers who have bags to dump and chainlink spammers who flood these board ensuring its faster death.

back in 2017, this board was very useful and had tons of quality threads and traffic. after linkies invaded, it's turned to real shit. traffic from alexa shows it's at all time low. less than 5,000 unique visitors goto this board per month. Compare that to 2017 before even the pump, we had 350,000 unique visitors per month.

>> No.16472761

This. I honestly wish link never pumped....

>> No.16472762


>> No.16473036

reddit and twitter invaded

>> No.16473063
File: 45 KB, 720x900, 1575423792181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of demoralization is actually stunning to me. Am I just made of stronger stuff than most anons here, or is most of it fake FUDshit?

>> No.16473091

It's all real and you're just coping

>> No.16473094


>> No.16473108

They are ensuring only people who think for themselves will make it. They will cull the herd until the moon mission is a go. Everyone who sells right now is legitimately an npc. You will be tested.

>> No.16473117

fucking linkers

>> No.16473155

I know as a zoomer you want to fit in and seem like an oldfag but nah it's really not that different, board has always been filled with retards crying about how they missed out, in 2p17 this was crying about how they missed april and there'll never be another chance to make money

>> No.16473163
File: 9 KB, 1324x85, Screenshot from 2019-12-05 20-34-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you skim through the crypto there are some good stock picks coming through
I just closed a two month trade that got shilled here at 60% gains.

>> No.16473191

t. npc

>> No.16473204

Everything that /biz/ fudded since July has done nothing but pump. I hate this place now.

>> No.16473250
File: 17 KB, 253x304, 5EE86F93-8BE8-43ED-912E-355D06E96464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you faggots want. Oh I know. You want an easy way out of wage slaving. No. Not going to happen.

Misery for 50 years is what you got in store for you.

>> No.16473265

Crypto faggots need to be executed

>> No.16473638

/biz/ has been nothing but crypto spamming since at least 2016.

>> No.16473708
File: 515 KB, 1599x627, 1574831299622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo battle zone

>> No.16473758

I hate weak fud like crazy as the fudders sound retarded (such as btc fud), but I can somewhat respect making sure npc sheep dont make it because they dont deserve shit. Fuck normies.

>> No.16473855

I feel you senpaii