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16470669 No.16470669 [Reply] [Original]

DigitalBits AMA in Telegram in few hours.

98,5% of tokens have been burned, price still pretty much the same. Only 2 million market cap at the moment.

Great team, superb advisors. Will be in Binance someday. Get in now.

>> No.16471108

My bags are packed. No need to fud anymore feels good.

>> No.16471138

Loaded a bag, this has a lot of potential ngl

>> No.16472049

Wow some bombs dropped in AMA

>> No.16472070

1. What is being done to increase the usage and spendability of $XDB similar to the pundix partnership? are more payment services being looked into such as @FlexaHQ?

RE Q1: On/off ramps for DigitalBits, like Visa, point-of-sale integrations, and third party exchange solutions have been actively pursued. These integrations will enhance the accessibility and utility of XDB. The integration with Pundi X’s global network is just one example of this. In addition to DigitalBits’ direct efforts, other partners within the DigitalBits ecosystem are also supporting these integration initiatives.

>> No.16472075

2. Regarding the publicly listed company partnerships that have been circulating, when can we expect to hear some kind of news about these or is there any info about these companies we can know?

RE:Q2. As a policy, we cannot violate the confidentially agreements that have been signed and are in place with certain companies. Applicable information will follow in due course.

However, we can state that some of the companies that have been engaged to date support members that are well in excess of 10million consumers for a single program.

>> No.16472086

4. What is the biggest challenge of Digitalbits? Has it been resolved yet?

RE: Q4. One of the largest challenges that many blockchain projects are obviously facing is likely adoption. From day1, this challenge was a key focus area for DigitalBits and I’m comfortable with now stating that amazing progress has since been made to align with key partners to put DigitalBits on the path to drive significant adoption.

>> No.16472100

9. Is the XDB team going to announce any partnerships or new exchanges?

RE: Q9. To date, the exchange listings that have occurred have first been announced by the exchanges themselves. For example, today we saw another exchange make an announcement of their listing of XDB that we had no prior notice of. I think a safe assumption is that I’m comfortable stating is that… as major partners emerge and as they announce their use of DigitalBits, that form of activity will stimulate major exchanges to announce their listings of XDB.

>> No.16472106

10. How are you leveraging the advisors connections that were involved with Walmart, Cisco and Hertz?

RE: Q10. Something’s coming... Stay Tuned!
I wish I could say more.

>> No.16472122
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Damn this will be big.. 2 million market cap bizzies, think about it.

>> No.16472135

My Bits stay stinky, 50x coomin.

>> No.16472510

All AMA questions in your favorite site, Reddit


>> No.16472579

how is this not another shill pajeet?
you are getting annoying

>> No.16472590

Fuck yes. This was honestly a mega AMA. I didn’t expect much but all said and done they’ve dropped a lot of hints at what they’re working on.

They’re not another hot air shitcoin, sounds like Al is all in on big partnerships.

What did he mean by Visa though? I didn’t quite get how that is supposed to work with XDB unless it was a general example?

>> No.16472597

DYOR then you won’t have to ask stupid questions you dumb faggot