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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16469308 No.16469308 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16469313

What a boring thread

>> No.16469372

Such is life on biz m8

>> No.16469516

> 1 repo
> 28 commits


>> No.16469564

This is next eth you dumb fags stay poor

>> No.16469689

lol. What a moronic comment. So what does that tell you?

>> No.16469695

True, these guys are all about the tech with no hype. Sleeping giant.

>> No.16469700

Team burned tokens to support the community.

>> No.16469705

MTV, ETH 2.0 for a 2M MCAP. They are finishing the tech now and will then start to push marketing very soon. Top, top tier team. Sharding. No hype. Clean tech compared to ETH's difficult transition to ETH 2.0.

>> No.16469724

first you accuse them of burning tokens and then you say it's a top tier team? what is it now?

>> No.16469747

Burning tokens means taking them out of circulation permanently. They did that and gave tokens their own tokens to future node operators. There will be fair mining on computers and lap tops to avoid centralization and mining farms.

Team is top tier. I have never ever seen so many google devs in one crypto before. The 2mm market cap is a total joke. Fair market value is 50mm, long term next to or over ETH

>> No.16469820

i know what a token burn is. name a single coin with a token burn that isn't a scam.
>print 10 billion tokens out of thin air
>burn some of them
>"look goys! supply is going down that means price will go up! better buy now!"

>> No.16469822
File: 20 KB, 403x392, 123456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this crypto shit.
none of those bs capitals, partners, advisors, or milestones matters.
I've been in this market for more than 3 years, and it's always the same story.
give me a working product, a real use case and I will invest, I don't give a shit anymore about some random ass token created by meme engineers to profit from gullible retards.
The time for pajeet scams is over.

>> No.16469839

>"look goys! supply is going down that means price will go up! better buy now!"
Opposite, tokens to nodes in the future are regarded as part of circulating supply. Market cap on CMC went through the roof and price tanked for no reason.

>> No.16469848

>give me a working product, a real use case and I will invest,
Agreed. But at least 10% of portfolio should be in quality teams with very promising products with an ultra low market cap. At the very least a suicide stack.

>> No.16469919

>10% of portfolio
> ultra low market cap
only if you're poor and desperate

>> No.16469956 [DELETED] 

>only if you're poor and desperate
90% of portfolio in low risk and 10% in high risk/reward, is a sign of being poor and desperate? What clown world you live in?

>> No.16469966 [DELETED] 

>only if you're poor and desperate
90% of portfolio in low risk and 10% in high risk/reward, is a sign of being poor and desperate? What clown world you live in?

>> No.16469973

>only if you're poor and desperate
90% of portfolio in low risk and 10% in high risk/reward, is a sign of being poor and desperate? What clown world do you live in?

>> No.16469986

Kind Sir.


All have working products and commercials agreements. DYOR kind Sir.

>> No.16470058

bitcoin is high risk. mtv is a vapor ware scam. if you got a 400k portfolio you definitely don't waste 40k on an erc-20 shittoken

>> No.16470096

>bitcoin is high risk.
Did I say invest everything in Bitcoin? You are so stupid and retarded that you have to inject fabrications and straw man fallacies in order to defend your low IQ nonsense. Today EVERY asset class is nominally high risk and in a bubble, stocks, real estate, bonds, you name it. Relatively safe is a mix, including precious metal and BTC/ETH. High risk/reward would be MTV
>mtv is a vapor ware scam
Show us how you reached that conclusion, lying moron. Documented facts and logic only.

>> No.16470158


>russian eth
>japanese eth
>chinese eth
>eth 2.0
>eth 3.0
I've heard the same story a thousand times.

>> No.16470179

Ok mr. Pajeet, if this shitcoin is so awesome and you are so happy with it, why you spend so much time here shilling and defending it? Don't tell me you want others to be rich too..

>> No.16470206

High rateings. Yes sirs do the needful

>> No.16470218

I want to end the hybrid soft dictatorship we have now with central bankers (i.e. small hat tribe) and corrupt politicians. To do that we need clean crypto projects, not Bitconnect scandals that will scare normies, and good enough tech to take over the corrupt, rigged and dysfunctional financial sector.

>> No.16470235

>I've heard the same story a thousand times.
That does not logically indicate it will never happen. Most likely it will happen, no matter how often you have heard it before.

>> No.16470289

that's a very honorable cause you're after, i'm sure you're taking big steps towards that by shilling on /biz/

>> No.16470298

You reek of desperation sanjiv. Please stop. Your "muh new eth" shitcoin line has been used by pretty much every alt coin that has passed through this garbage dump. You can fuck right off, along with the OP.

>> No.16470299
File: 45 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal stock 'blockchainnetwork.jpg' images, why the fuck do people have no ingenuity here? pic related

>> No.16470305

you could have aswell said sirs i invested my whole village money into this very good project why it not go up i need back my money sirs lmfao

>> No.16470340

I have enough money to do whatever I want with my life. If you find a better project that will break the central bank/politician and big state corruption, then let me know and I will advocate that. If MTV manages to pull off sharding, something they are in the very best position to do based on team and progress, then this will break the corrupt iron grip on the West. I don't care about money, but I guess biz are for the most part against centralized globohomo, so I am happy to help biz get rich. Would never ever be on plebbit and promote anything there.

>> No.16470355

nigger. they're unironically burning tokens. is this babbies first shittoken scam?

>> No.16470356

Imagine lying about being wealthy on an anonymous kitesurfing message board

>> No.16470367

Your comment makes no sense. What are you trying to say?

>> No.16470376

>i own many goats in my village SIRS thank you very much
>we will be doing the revolution through their incredible project feature which you may be calling the sharting
>i do not care about the money sirs, just the tech sirs please
I've seen better shilling in RLC / BSV / LINK threads, and they're pretty fucking bad. Get some deodorant and work on your delivery, curry cockroach.

>> No.16470381

Being wealthy on this board means you were lucky, being at the right place, at the right time and managed to sell before the collapse. Nothing to be proud of. Like a trust fond kid.

>> No.16470416 [DELETED] 

If you want to get rich fast, then try gambling. Here:

On 1 November 2008, a techie by the name Satoshi Nakamoto wrote in an email to a cryptography mailing list: “I’ve been working on a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party. The paper is available at bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

>> No.16470425 [DELETED] 

Satoshi: “The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust

>> No.16470432

If you want to get rich fast, then try gambling. Here:

On 1 November 2008, a techie by the name Satoshi Nakamoto wrote in an email to a cryptography mailing list: “I’ve been working on a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party. The paper is available at bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

Satoshi: “The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust"

>> No.16470447

>Sartoshi says!
Alright, fuck it. I'll buy some of your shitcoin, do you do TRON to whatever your shitcoin is?

>> No.16470462

>do you do TRON to whatever your shitcoin is?
Not sure what you mean, but Tron is garbage.

>> No.16470468
File: 3.35 MB, 480x270, PajeetBeach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16470471

Hashed is a scam VC

>> No.16470477

>Nothing to be proud of
you're a fucking moron. i'm extremely proud tobe one of the very few people that sold when every normie was screaming "Btc to the moon"
you can't even imagine what it feels like to make hundreds of thousands by doing almost nothing if you think i was just "lucky" you dumb fuck. when did you buy, in late 2017?

>> No.16470513

I didn't say it was easy or that you could be a braindead zombie. But compared to other industries, being a crypto millionaire means more less being lucky. A guy in retail, inventor, even finance, have to work their ass off, being insanely talented, high IQ and severely self-discipline/stamina. Compared to that, being a crypto millionaire/billionaire is a walk in the park.

>> No.16470524

>you could have aswell said sirs i invested my whole village money into this very good project why it not go up i need back my money sirs lmfao
You sound like a fake crypto millionaire.

>> No.16470549

>mtv is a vapor ware scam
You seem to have "forgotten" to explain how you reached your conclusion that " mtv is a vapor ware scam" using facts and logic only, Mr. Crypto-millionaire.

>> No.16470597

-14% today

Oh yeah such a good project, totally didn't just finish dumping after it's first PND

>> No.16470637

It's a natural consolidation after +60% in a very short time.

>> No.16471218
File: 14 KB, 381x236, MTV reply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One anon pointed out a spelling error in their infographic, "rateings". Got an email reply 30 minutes later.

>> No.16471233
File: 1.94 MB, 1240x2098, MultiVAC (MTV).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Error now corrected. I like that, - fast, efficient and polite.

>> No.16471294

Why did they put this retarded amount of tokens into circulation? More than 2 billions. And a total supply of 8 billions

>> No.16471379

Here, anon

>> No.16471389

wow thanks anon bought 100k

>> No.16471427

Good luck with your investments, anon

>> No.16472067

Only took the chinks about 2 weeks lol

>> No.16472301

Just bought another mil

>> No.16472311

Five working days and could be less, as I didn't check until now.

>> No.16472396

shopvac coin is a scam you retards.


>> No.16472423

NKN. One of if not the only project in this space with legit massive future potential.

>> No.16472462

why do scammers always larp as being these super epic "cypherpunk" system-smashing faglords


>> No.16472485
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1563462620971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the needful sir

>> No.16472486


>> No.16472497

>At the very least a suicide stack

lol holy shit if this isn't pajeet scams in a nutshell. "Hey man I don't want all of your money, just give me like...$500. Trust me bro"

Someone should make a comment where it's a pepe surrounded by Indians, and they're all wearing a shirt with a different shitcoin logo. And they're all saying "Sir, at the very least a suicide stack" with their hand out towards the pepe

Yes, this would be epic, very epic.

>> No.16472509



>> No.16472699

Pathetic comments. Show us how you idiots reached the nutty "conclusion" that MTV is a scam project. Use documented facts and logic only. Good luck.

>> No.16472710

Pathetic 2 week shitcoin shilling campaign is more like it. fuck this garbage scam

>> No.16472745

Aaaand of course you idiot could not substantiate your crazy and fake "scam" accusation at all. You didn't even try.

>> No.16472869

It tells me that the team isn't doing shit and are sitting on their asses promoting this ICO scamcoin

>> No.16472879

>The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work
>infographic states in gigantic letters "Trusted Sharding"
lmao what a fucking retard

>> No.16473039

How can you reach that conclusion from your comment?

>> No.16473060

You have zero clue what you are talking about. Trustless means no third-party intermediaries. Trusted sharding means optimized tech. Two completely different things.

>> No.16473062


>> No.16473130

Absurd statements. Here, take a look: