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16464270 No.16464270 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I don't want to be a NEET any longer, please, what should I do?

>college dropout
>no experience

Are there any jobs for me that are not supremely soul crushing that could get me started building up even just a little capital for myself...I don't want to be this person anymore but i have no fucking clue where to start.

>> No.16464508

working sucks, making money online or death

>> No.16464568

I've been working my ass off since I was 16 looking for one of these "not supremely soul crushing" jobs and haven't found one so all I can say is good luck. We shoulda went to the college Jew

>> No.16464601 [DELETED] 

Do all the quiz and sell them for $ or change to whatever crypto you want to hodl

free 50$ XLM


free 50$ EOS

XLM Answers

Q1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.

Q2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.

Q3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.

Q4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.

Q5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.


EOS Answers

Q1:A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications.

Q2: Delegated proof of stake.

Q3: Fast, free transfers.

Q4: Stake EOS tokens.

Q5: Upgradeable smart contracts.

>> No.16464653

>not supremely soul crushing
no, all wagecucking does this
>that could get me started building up
get a CDL. i'm a literal retard and i make 50k a year to drive around for 8 hours a day and home every night. DO NOT fall for the andrew yang automated robot truck meme. this will not happen within either of our lifetimes for reasons that i'm not gonna spoonfeed you. want money? go into the trades. it is that simple

and please hurry because the industry is being invaded by immigrants and its pissing me off

>> No.16464677

go to college

>> No.16464697

Pain tolerance is power.

>> No.16464711

yes goy, go to (((college.))) become part of the 1.5 trillion of US student loan debt to listen to liberal faggots talk about how great roasties and niggers are and end up leaving with a useless degree





>> No.16464716

Second cdl. It's boring as fuck for anyone that isn't a brainlet, but absolutely beats working in service cuckery or some warehouse with spics for minimum wage.

Backup plan being forklift/machine operator someplace above all the smelly beaner leeches.

>> No.16464725

or just go to college but for a non-meme degree (high in employment and good pay) in a good university.

>> No.16464733

Spend $500 to become an EMT. Fuck, in some states it is free. Earn garbage wages for a year. Take out $5k student loan, go to PARAMEDIC school. Enjoy $28 entry at a private gig in my area. Apply to local Fire/EMS agencies, enjoy your 65-150k salary.

>> No.16464755

I'm self-teaching programming, but I have no plans to get a job with my knowledge.

>> No.16464760

>It's boring as fuck for anyone that isn't a brainlet
all work is boring, but you're gonna spend a large portion of your life driving no matter what. why not get paid for it?
>non-meme degree
oh and what would that be? inb4 muh STEM. good luck competing with 50 billion pajeets and chinks

>> No.16464772

learn to code

>> No.16464781

>oh and what would that be? inb4 muh STEM. good luck competing with 50 billion pajeets and chinks
yes, stem maybe.
but, if you go to a top university, and then become good at what you do, you will have a job nonetheless. Are you really that bad that pajeets and chinks are better than you?

>> No.16464793

better to compete with pajeets and chinks in a real field than having nothing to compete for in a shit field

>> No.16464794

Dont fall for the EMT to firefighter paramedic meme unless you're actually passionate about it. I regret going to school for this the more and more I do this job
>t.paramedic fag in texas

>> No.16464799

OP, here is my last word on the subject. do you want to know what makes me murderously angry and full of rage? when i see a white guy begging for change outside the convenience store. then i go to work and half of my coworkers are immigrants from somalia or india or something who can barely speak english and they are earning the same wage as i am (a decent wage)

wanna know why this happened? because your shithead boomer parents look down on people who work for a living and tricked you into the college meme. nuff said. im out

>> No.16465349

well this has been a depressing thread. I'm not smart enough to do anything significant, but I'm not gunna be happy becoming a truck driver. Idk what Imma do, this world fucking sucks desu. Nothing that is realistic to do is fulfilling to do.

>inb4 yeah welcome to the real world now fall in line like the rest of us unhappy serfs

this shits fucked huh? Why doesn't everyone just suicide?

>> No.16465388

>I'm not gunna be happy becoming a truck driver
are you happy as a faggot NEET? i make money bro, and i'm investing it to escape the wage cage. but you're just gonna whine and not do anything if you can't have a perfect fantasy life, right? get to work, asshole

>> No.16465414


Joe Rogan says follow your dreams. Maybe I'll put it all on 32 and let it ride until I inevitably either make it or don't and kill myself

>> No.16465427


also I am happier as a faggy neet then I would be as a truck driver. The epitome of a wage cage, little 2x2 box for 10 hours at a time

>> No.16465459

joe rogan is a borderline retarded 420 blaze it faggot. you're not gonna become a celebrity anon. if you want to end up homeless and sucking dick, be my guest. i'm bringing home a paycheck

>> No.16465481

Go work on an oil rig or doing literally anything to do with oil drilling.
If you suck you can still make $50k working 3/4 weeks a year. Really hard work though.
If you're good within a year or two that will be up to $100k.

>> No.16465495


enjoy that paycheck, I'm sure doing something you dislike is worth the hours you'll never get back. it's worth it.

>i do coke
>so i can work longer
>so I can earn more money
>so i can do more coke

ad infinium

>> No.16465515
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Neet Life only sucks if you don't have a gaming PC (RTX 2060 MINIMUM) and a 400hz monitor of course.

>> No.16465520
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.16465547

What's a CDL anon

>> No.16465553
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just learn to weld bro and you're fine

>> No.16465581
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Truck is the literal epitome of wagecage

>> No.16465589

Every fucking job sucks, even the high paying ones. But the high paying ones let you retire earlier while the low paying shit job you're forced to work for the rest of your life until you die.

That's it. That's what life is. Working a shit job until you die. There's nothing else. Get used to it

>> No.16465605


already inb4'd (you)

>> No.16465643
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the fun's only just begun

>> No.16465971

>Guys I don't want to be a NEET any longer, please, what should I do?
Learn to code on line and do it very well.
Create a portfolio of projects.
Apply for an entry level job
Scale from that position all the way up

>> No.16466087

Oil field. No previous experience required. Nabors always needs new rig hands. Especially in winter where they all quit in 2 days out there.

>> No.16466422

>get a CDL
what is a CDL?

>> No.16466454

Don't listen to this jew
College is a scam. Learn a trade, or work a job and stay at it for awhile and get experience.

>> No.16466461

this is good advice for lower than avg IQ anons

>> No.16466510


I guess this is my issue. I'm not lower than average. I'm not a genius either. If I had to guess I probably sit at about 110, being carried by higher than average verbal IQ. idk what to do. I'm not special. I just don't care for wage caging, or working for others. The world isn't made for people. It's made for the masters.

>> No.16466533


and yes I know what i'm saying is not some crazy insight and thousands of people feel this way. I'm just a spoiled anon, right? I just need to suck it up and do something I hate so that I may continue living a quiet life of desperation. Right?

>> No.16466645

>be a truck cuck
>gets replaced by cyber truck fleet

>> No.16466647

Nah, man. I’m right there with you. I’m not a high IQ genius, but I’m not stupid either. It’s just soul sucking being 25 and knowing I’m going to be a fucking Accountant for the rest of my life. Life is a mindless hamster wheel. Eventually you’ll get beaten down enough you just accept it and become a sheep. Good bourbon and fucking around with crypto helps me delay killing myself.

>> No.16466723


realizing we're just sheep being manipulated to want certain things by big brother is just furthering it. KGB defectors have said as much, the masses are actively being manipulated by the ideals from not only the KGB, but Mossad, China, probably our own government to some degree, who know who else. And MOST PEOPLE are ignorant to this fact, they just live wondering why most everything is seemingly going to shit, and the majority of Americans and westerners are deeply unhappy.

>> No.16466739
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also wondering if I'm on some kinda glowy list at this point. probably am. Hello glow boys.

>> No.16466939

I do environmental science and its all white people, also geology is white and pays well.

>> No.16466961

Just join the army bro. It’s fun and you get buff

>> No.16467258


or get your oscp in less than 6 months and make 150k a year from anywhere

>> No.16467800

the oscp was a meme bruh

>> No.16467938

But OP is most likely a lazy faggot bitch and won't last a day.

>> No.16467959


too true id just be down on my knees sucking off those sailor boys like the cockslut i am. Actually wait, now that I think about I've heard people like me do pretty well in the army

>> No.16468010

Just accept that things are shit and that's the way life is. The alternative is hunting for your food and no society to protect you from niggers.

>> No.16468023


I don't know much. I really don't. But I know enough to know that's bullshit, and your mentality is worse than mine and it's keeping you fucked.

>> No.16468028

Let's say your expenses are $35,000 if you're not spending like a retard and you get a decent degree that pays $50,000 a year after taxes. You can pay your student loans off in like 3-4 years if you don't go to one in a different state like a retard.

>> No.16468056

NEET life is great when you get $3k/monthly coming in.

Its not 6 figures but you can keep all that. Not waking up in the morning for work is PRICELESS plus I still invest $2000 in BTC each month


>> No.16468061

Do you realize you're just making excuses for being a lazy fuck? In the 1500s they'd kick your ass. If you want money for food and housing you're gonna have to get a job or live in a poor neighborhood where the environment makes you want to kill yourself.
My mentality is not keeping me fucked. I felt the way you did but after some contemplation I figured fuck it nothing really matters so why bitch about working as long as it's something I am kinda good at and provides a little challenge.

>> No.16468067

How could I pull this off?

>> No.16468081

If you dont like NEET life you're just boring as fuck

Niggas rather work thats their whole personality is being a slave

>> No.16468093

Acquire "PTSD and other mental illnesses" from the Army

Full NEET after a year of service about to draw an extra 1200 on social security

>> No.16468098

I don't recommend a CDL, but logistics ops is fantastic. I'm a logistics ops supervisor for a massive company, college dropout, but 30 with 10 years of experience, and it's comfy as fuck.

>> No.16468104

The military is all about percentages...and VA claims is social security for veterans

Fuck a GI Bill go in and get your percentage

>> No.16468114


lmfao u better hope feds don't have this shit tapped and know who's posting lol. They probably do, we're not truly anonymous here. I guess you didn't admit anything tho, just implied it

>> No.16468128

Lol my medical record is SOOOOOO fat it truly doesnt matter

They wont take shit away from me for fear of lawsuit

>> No.16468167

>10 years of experience,
thank you for wasting your time typeing capctha for this shit advice

>> No.16468244

Security guard. Just dont do home depots. Dont check receipts. Its easy as shit. I was in a similar situation. Anyways, college is a scam, BUT it's a scam that provides a CHANCE for escape to a more chill job.

I regret not just majoring in some easy shit like english of communications. A SHIT 4 yr degree is better than none.

>> No.16468251

Kek. Ignore andrew yang and do the research yourself. AI is coming for a lot of jobs even if you dont want to accept that. Again, ignore andrew yang if you want and just look at what AI researchers are saying

>> No.16468272

I mean..I didn't start out in my current position, but I got into logistics ops at the bottom, basically dispatching and routing outbound freight. I was making 40Kish pretty early on, with no degree not terrible.

>> No.16468326
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I'm on the same boat anon, except that I'm a 26 year old neet who's being a huge liability to my parents
fuck working for money I want it to work for me, we live in a false reality in the rat race, I'm not going to be an employee anymore.

But I'm not going to make myself depressed I'm trying to give myself the mindset that I'm already a multi-billionaire

>> No.16468333

Grow up anon. You’re almost 30

>> No.16468350

this man im 32 and i wish i fixd my shit sooner. I cant even join to mill tary cause im to fucking old

>> No.16468388

Exactly anon. Just join the Chair Force or Army while you still have a chance. When you’re over 30 and still living with mommy you’re going to be alone with no bitches. Just be a Chad in the Army

>> No.16468396

Fuck joining the military I'm not fighting for the jew

>> No.16468404

Become a hole/fire watch . If your in California you can just walk into a union hall and they train you for about 500 bucks. You’ll make like 30 bucks and hour to sit on a bucket and watch people go into confined spaces or weld shit. Hardest part is not being able to check you phone for your shift. https://work.chron.com/fire-hole-watchers-do-23843.html

>> No.16468407

>Hardest part is not being able to check you phone for your shift.

How the fuck do you kill time then?

>> No.16468422

Well if you have any ambition you’ll talk to the different crafts that enter confined spaces or do welding. Maybe you learn something. Either way your getting paid a lot to literally sit on your ass. Use your imagination bring a fidget spinner for all i care I’m usually the guy in the confined space.

>> No.16468462

Are you so soul crushingly ass blasted when a brown yellow rainbow dindu is outside the convenient store begging for change too?

Does it ever dawn upon you that these ‘immigrants’ will work for less than the average American? Because the cost of living in India and Somalia or whereverthefuck is a massive % lower than burgerville? You need to leave, faggot.

>> No.16469046

Cool, I have a master's degree in computer science. When I was 21 I couldn't even get a job at McDonald's. I didn't even want to leave my apartment. So I get what you are going through. I'm 30 btw.

>> No.16469237

I wouldn't mind working under the table while I collect my neetbux. All I want to do most days is sleep all day long.

>> No.16469567

look at this smooth brained trucker fag. tesla semi trucks are gonna put him out of a job! this faggot is gonna be flipping burgers in ten years lmao

>> No.16469752
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Become a security guard. It's easy to get into and easy to do, pays good for a easy job, and people will always have a need for security everywhere.

>> No.16469861

you don't need that high of a IQ to go to college.
Most college students are retards, it would surprise you how many idiotic doctors and lawyers I've found.

>> No.16469887

get a job or an education.
do it now or you'll regret it later.
hear me now, you are living in a fantasy because you're still young (yes, 26 is young).
you WILL regret it if you don't do what I'm telling you. At some point you will grow up of this depressed-fantasy-multibillionaire mindset, and it will hit you like a ton of bricks, it will destroy you. DO SOMETHING NOW, I REPEAT, DO SOMETHING NOW, STOP WASTING TIME, OR THINGS WILL GET WORSE.

>> No.16470991

but if you have a creative/artistic mind you cant focus on some old fuck on a blackboard explaining boring shit

so being a drone is a positive to get good grades. if you question how fucked you are you cant get good grades.

as someone that is making 5k a month from jewtube and is about to get hit by this COPPA bullshit i feel like killking myself

im not even in the US so im not sure if the FTC can fuck me up for some videos or not but im already not enjoying doing what i do anymore

i cant believe YT sold us as human meat shield to protect against liability of the data THEY can only collect

>> No.16471056

fucking zoomers have no idea how bad it really is.

>> No.16471111

get into real-estate photography. if you can survive the first couple years, you're looking at ~$80k a year. it's pretty comfy besides dealing with realtors who think they're rockstars

>> No.16471112

Get a CDL but don't wagecuck. Buy your own trucks and meticulously track your expenses while talking to freight brokers while driving to maximize your revenue.

You can get to 150K+ net income within 2 years, if you are willing to haul anything.