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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16462253 No.16462253 [Reply] [Original]

Have you made a mistake picking what to study or what career to pursue?

>> No.16462264

Everything is predetermined

>> No.16462310

Yes, my entire life was a mistake.

>> No.16462378

Yep. Studied journalism and doing that now. I get sideswiped by editors when I try to do my job factually and objectively, particularly when it comes to something the White House has released. Might get out of this and learn a trade or invest some of my savings.

>> No.16463289

this. choice is an illusion.

>> No.16463457

Not really. I picked computer science. My problem however is my inability to do anything productive.
Right now i'm hoping nofap can fix my brain and make me more productive, otherwise I really don't know what to do. Maybe drugs as a final solution when all else fails.

>> No.16463476
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>> No.16463493

yes, 4 times. Now I'm a 32 yo neet.
why yes, I do have adhd. How could you tell?

>> No.16463518

Yeah. First I studied travel industry for 1 year and now I am halfway through a bachelor in human resource management. I am so fucked

Im gonna start my own business or something because I dont want to work in human resources. FUCK

>> No.16463534

Based and simulationpilled

>> No.16463535

same but nofap did nothing for me, eating healthy did nothing for me, weightlifting/swimming did nothing for me, muh vitamins/supplements did nothing for me, cold showers and every other bullshit thing did nothing for me. slowly trying to study math but it's hard watching other people surpass me with ease. i'm bound to be a lazy brainlet the rest of my life. only thing i haven't tried is nootropics or psychadelics because i'm not a degenerate, but if things keep going this way it's inevitable

>> No.16463538

I thought I was looking at 4chan not a mirror.

>> No.16463550
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this IS my career

>> No.16463553

Microdose moda

>> No.16463554

Yeah its hard to get jobs in engineering without proven experience. I should have done something easy like nursing

>> No.16463576

Future comedian I see

>> No.16463578

Try the supplement SAMe. Have saved many people