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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16456684 No.16456684 [Reply] [Original]

Although this is essentially the crypto board. It's biz and finance so I thought i'd post this here.

I am thinking about living in my car during college to save massive amounts of money. It's a little sedan, no room, and after taking out the back seats (the only way to make a flat surface to sleep on) I can barely sit down in the back to do shit, let alone move around.

Everyone I know IRL has been telling me NOT to do this, just buy an apartment, or pay room & board, but an apartment is an extra $1,000 / month, and room & board is 12k, so the same price anyways.

I've gone and lived in my car for a week now to try it out, see how I like it, and It's fine for me. I just spend time at the library (24/7), gym, and other facilities, just use my car as a place to sleep and drive places, but my family is super pissed at me, and them, along with some friends, are all adamently saying I need to buy a place as soon as possible, and saying that I can sleep on the couch so I'm not homeless...

I'm stressed and worried now about whether or not I should really do this, what do you guys think?

>> No.16456697

Been there, done that. Living in a car takes a toll on your sanity. Whatever you do, try to at least put a roof over your head. You can skimp on groceries or luxuries like internet, as long as you have a safe place to come home to and relax in privacy. That kind of peace is worth anything.

>> No.16456847

Yeah you make a good point. Not really much privacy in the car, always surrounded by unknown noises and people. But I save a bit over a thousand a month... Not having long term experience, it makes it hard to judge that point, do you think it's a bad idea?