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16456551 No.16456551 [Reply] [Original]

>invented by the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox and the creator of JavaScript,

Last chance to board before the moon mission that's over the next few days.

It really isn't going any lower than this. Good luck anons

>> No.16456563

It’s gonna hit 2400 sats then crab for another 6 months, dump isn’t over

>> No.16456568

I'm in it for the tech

>> No.16456574

its well past 2400 sats anon, we will have a decent pump soon, not THE pump, but one Im not missing out on

>> No.16456593

It’s going to go in the other direction brainlet

>> No.16456602

lol what makes you say that? TA fgtry?

>> No.16456604

Advertising is defined by female spending.
You're trying to break into it with a weird and creepy crypto-token.

This project was dead from the blueprint stages.

>> No.16456620

Maybe in the old days. We are in the era of muh gender equality. “Influencers” run the game now, and they will get in.

>> No.16456625

Not in the slightest, literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16456629

>muh gender equality

Brendan Eich donated to Prop 8. It's not gonna happen.

>> No.16456637

>Top 5 whale wallet recently rushed to dump ALL his bag
Who should I trust?

>> No.16456642

No one cares.

>> No.16456646

Anyway, OP here still, different phone, I am the anon that told biz about the ren pump a few weeks back. I don't have it on as good authority that this will be the same but I have been hearing things the last 2 days about BAT. Make of it what you will, I think about 5 anons took my advice for the ren pump on biz while everyone else fomod an hour later

>> No.16456650

You don't care. I don't care, really. The outside world, powered by virtue signalling, does.

>> No.16456671

And if you're not gonna listen to me on Bat then get your alt bags ready. This month and the next will be very different to the last few we've had.

>> No.16456673

No one cares about what some geek thinks. Money talks, bullshit walks.

>> No.16456681

>I think about 5 anons took my advice
You smell like curry and so do all your other accounts you use to comment "bullish" sentiment. Can you rationally answer my previous reply or keep making Jeet comments? Also how much do you own and how much more will you keep dumping?

>> No.16456686

We don’t have accounts on this website you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.16456695

>Top 5 whale wallet recently rushed to dump ALL his bag

>> No.16456698

Every website on the planet Earth was shitting on Firefox after the word on Eich got out. Fucking porn sites pitched in. He resigned in disgrace over it. You think they wouldn't be gearing up for round two?

Moreso than most crypto, the normie/woman dollar will never touch this.

>> No.16456699

I've been long enough on biz to smell jeets like you. Your comments have no substance VPN anon. You enjoying that 4chan pass faggot?

>> No.16456710


>> No.16456743

I only own about 12000 BAT, I'm not rich and it's people I know who are my contacts, not me.

If a whale dumped his bag that means the price will stop being surprised you do realise. If everyone thought Bat was a scam I'd say PnD that's in its end life now the whales gone - actually technology from 2 of the most successful tech people in the world?

Does that answer your comment anon?
>all your other accounts
You say Im using them to comment bullish sentiment, yet from the moment I swapped IP's I outed myself as original OP?
If I was doing a one man shill it definitely wouldn't be done as transparent as this brainlet. Actually look at how Im trying, its pretty fuckin obvious Im from a western country.
Learn to spot shills better

>> No.16456750

price will stop being suppressed*

>> No.16456801

You really have no idea how many shakes there still are do you lol, the ico sold out in 30s to a handful of people. The dump is far from over.

>> No.16456843

>If a whale dumped his bag that means the price will stop being surprised you do realise.
Yes I do realize that, but whales are smart and they don't dump for no reason, let alone their whole bag. This guy is a top5 whale. The rich get richer do you understand that? Can you tell me why he dumped everything so fast? Didn't even spread his sells so it isn't obvious? You really think you are smarter than him? BAT is not a scam, but some shit news might come out like click through rate has drastically fallen or massive amount of bots in the ecosystem or lower payout or something else I can't predict

>> No.16456870

>BAT hasn't gotten Ninja or DrDisrespect to start shilling and accepting tips in BAT
what a clown project, this is literally all it would take to create a mission straight to Alpha Centauri

>> No.16456882

by this logic there are no other BAT whales then huh
or is it not a buy signal when most of the whales continue to hold?
literally one of the dumbest posts made all day, stop worshiping people you imagine are better than you

>> No.16456889

This is early days

>> No.16456901

I literally use basic Chromium with ublock.

>> No.16456910

Rumor is he was close to the team and left for another project. If you watched the wallets, a few other whales scooped up a decent chunk of his bags as he dumped. It was 100% coordinated.

>> No.16456911

Literally no one cares, autist

>> No.16456912

We can only speculate, but certainly liquidity at 15m BAT is an issue regardless of a whale's ultimate goal with their bag. And if, as I imagine, they acquire so much through some super cheap .001 ICO offering then I can imagine several scenarios in which they may want to hastily dump.

>> No.16456932

I never said I really gave a fuck about BAT, or if it would dump again in it's lifetime. Just that it was going to pump a bit soon. If you don't want your feelings hurt anon then don't check the BAT chart for the next few hours at least. It's beginning. Thanks for making this all the more satisfying anons who didn't believe me for the second time giving you guys some serious obvious breacrumbs. You make it all worth it.

This is actually a great idea for any crypto we want shilled. Why doesn't some rich bullfag pay them $50-$100 to shill it during a few of their vids for the greater good?

>> No.16456940
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Ok coomer

>> No.16457004

Those guys are sponsored by third parties. They won't start accepting BAT donations unless all of them jump ship for some reason. We need to dig for the ones that don't have a G-Fuel or Raid: SL cutting them checks each month and encourage those lads to get verified.

>> No.16457329

An astrologist I like on jewtube called rasa Lila healing verified after I left him a comment telling him to do so. He’s based and this is just the beginning. He said many of the “healing/new age” channels have been getting cracked down on by google so maybe we can shill to them.

>> No.16457988

Im sure they will come. Tfue has been seen using brave on stream. At some point when the system is more polished brave will start to hit major media harder. They still have kinks to work out with the system and build up the ad catalogue before people get here too early and leave to never come back. Everyone using brave is an early adopter.

>> No.16458026

Major wallet holder exited just this week. Check the subr*ddit.

That being said, as a bag holder, this crypto is total shit. Biggest mistake.