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File: 45 KB, 1200x487, 1200px-Zcash_logo_2019.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16455051 No.16455051 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16455057

It will pump hard when BTC finally gets out of bear mode.

>> No.16455102

Is 100 ZEC enough for a Suicide Stack?

>> No.16455268

The real question, who buys this shit? Seriously
>“Muh better than Bitcoin”
Imagine trying to copy an old ass technology, by the time MW takes over this shitcone will be completely dead

>> No.16455744

I don't like the "next eth/Bitcoin" marketing for any coin. Plenty of space for many currencies

>> No.16455815

the thing about ZEC that's interesting is its the only privacy coin on legit exchanges. Gemini and Coinbase both listing ZEC make it a major coin that's going stay. Of all the majors, ZEC has had the bloodiest fall. it's pretty much meme status now. I honestly don't know how to play this one. I want to like it, and I want to believe its going to make millionaires, but god damn.

>> No.16455896

only JPMorgan insiders before they moon this shit
will be the next global currency standard merged with federal reserve gold and silver

>> No.16455910

I've heard this meme, but I would like to know more.

>> No.16455915
File: 94 KB, 1961x801, 1_LFWM2dVJv1Z-6TBLcHRUXw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite Inflation bug active fir over a year

>Supply is not auditable

Top kek if you're buying a privacy coin, even DASH is better than this piece of shit

>> No.16455918

this is also why I like ZEC. it has the best meme story. I heard it's going to be the only currency the machines will accept after the great world war 3 ends.

>> No.16455927
File: 1.45 MB, 1757x2048, gettyimages-1191657114-2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://zero.directory/

You have no clue

>> No.16455935

how much time do you have? its a long story that ends up connecting everything in the known universe.

>> No.16456095

N I g g er you better hope they pump it, this shit been sliding down forever, I almost feel bad for the hodlers

>> No.16456132

Please tell sir. I am all in zec and link. My family is going to disown me and my wife will take the kids and divorce me if I lose all their money. I'm literally all in plus adding Evey paycheck. My wife keeps asking why we are broke and I tell her she needs to trust me but the truth is I have no idea what I'm doing. Zec came to me in a dream, like a call from God and I convinced my parents to dump their stocks and put it into zec and they said they didn't understand it but they believed in me. Honestly if I can't pull a profit here o don't see any other option but seppuku. There's no way I can watch my son grow up as destitute trailer trash because his dad lost everyone's money buying in magic internet beans