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File: 458 KB, 998x565, the china situation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16454998 No.16454998 [Reply] [Original]

How does it all end? Is this slide legit?

>> No.16455010

China is going the way of North Korea right now. The level of ideological and thought control over there right now is off the fuckin charts.

>> No.16455014
File: 66 KB, 1440x1416, ImgBOBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was north Korea just a test bed for China?

>> No.16455079

You are retarded if you don’t think it’s the same here. If you deny the Holocaust you go to jail

>> No.16455142

>If you deny the Holocaust you go to jail
are you in germany?

>> No.16455182

Imagine denying something that literally everyone agreed about for the FIFTY years after it happened and the only people that questioned it were people who fucking hated Jews so had a massive vested interest in denying or downplaying it.
You might as well deny WWII happened you delusional cunt. You don't deserve to be jailed for it, sure, but you should at least have eggs thrown at you for being a complete fucking retard.

>> No.16455198

Why so upset faggy?

>> No.16455245

no one is upset you clowns just come here because nobody else will take you seriously, and some of us come here because its just a fun place to be
please fuck off to stormfront or some other site that's essentially a mental ward in all but name or at least make your holocaust memes entertaining

>> No.16455261
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, 15231234123987761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares about you and your cucked laws europoor.
Besides the apparatus that the CCP has at its disposal makes your government's once-a-year arrest of some holocaust denier with one foot in the grave look like nothing. They have imprisoned millions for thoughtcrime and are working toward a total panopticon police state.
And besides that, the Party has really ramped up its media narrative control and brainwashing. I've been watching this unfold for a long fucking time and what we are seeing right now is unprecedented and not going to end well.

>> No.16455286

The holocaust happened, but there is a lot of shit going on in the US thanks to primarily ashkenazi jews that is brave new world esque

>> No.16455296

It still is

>> No.16455302

its not the same at all. If you deny Xi's narrative they literally take you and your whole family away you schizo philistine.


>> No.16455364
File: 31 KB, 378x378, 1575416776201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine denying something that literally everyone agreed about for the FIFTY years after it happened and the only people that questioned it were people who fucking hated Jews so had a massive vested interest in denying or downplaying it.
>You might as well deny WWII happened you delusional cunt. You don't deserve to be jailed for it, sure, but you should at least have eggs thrown at you for being a complete fucking retard.

>> No.16455375

Source on slide?

>> No.16455381
File: 160 KB, 700x803, wall10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an awesome wall painting

>> No.16455402


Realvision's latest China video. Only on their site right now.

>> No.16455506

He's a dirty jew, that's why

>> No.16455519


>> No.16455566

All of these so called 'Death Camps' just happened to only be the ones liberated by the Soviets. all the other camps liberated by the US and UK just happened to be work camps only, the world believed a story that was originally supplied by the Soviets and no one else, the surviving jews just happily went along with the charade for muh gibs.

>> No.16455944

Its all fake, but not in the way you think. The wars were fake, fascism and communi were and are fake. You are literally a slave living in the matrix, except its real.

Did the holocaust happen? To some extent probably, but its irrelevant since it was jews culling other jews. Not quite irrelevant since actually euros payed a heavy price for the holocaust and ww2 aftermath, particularly the germanics, which are one of the greatest cash cows for jew.

>> No.16455964

I reported you to Interpol for thinking its retarded to go to jail for denying the holocaust.